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Thread: Does anyone knows what happened to keenspace?

  1. #1
    Damn!! No Tang's Adult Vision this week!!!!

  2. #2

  3. #3
    I suppose some of you know about keenspace, a webcomic hosting site which have many nice comics on it. Lately I haven't been able to access any of the comics or the website. Does anyone know what happened? Are they down or is it just my retarded computer?


  4. #4
    man, that looks bad. Tang's Adult Vision is the best!!!

  5. #5
    Dunno...but i go to if you don't know those you'll miss something(too bad we can't access them all everytime now...only 2 or 3 / week )

  6. #6
    Keenspace works fine for me.. and I've got a comic hosted on there (in BAD need of updating)

  7. #7
    yeah, now it's back. Good they fixed it quickly.

    btw JessiA what's ur comic's name?

  8. #8
    Geekette of the 'Net

    It's nothing funny.. or even good, just a cute comic I did using Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro (since I don't have access to a scanner very often)...

    a couple things are out of order too.. ugh -.-

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