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Thread: Naruto Chapter 202 Topic

  1. #181
    Are you sure Kabuto was Orochimaru's teammate? I think he was in Konoha undercover for his whole life.

    I think that Orochimaru had another team mate instead of Kabuto.

    Their are 9 of them, so that would mean one of them didn't have a partner. I always assumed the head of the organization wouldn't have one. I don't know how the organization is now since he left and they are back to 8, unless they got another person to join.

  2. #182
    I don't see Sasuke killing Itachi, I really dont.

    The Sasuke that we are seeing right now, is not the Sasuke that we would have seen if his clan wasn't wiped out.

    Remember in the flashbacks what Sasuke was like? Sure he was cocky, but he at least talked and smiled a few times. He looked up to his older brother and wanted to be just like him.

    Ever since that day, he has vowed to murder him, but I don't think he can do it. Itachi is too good. I am thinking Itachi will meet his demise in another fashion, Sasuke won't be able to kill him.

    Itachi is up here

    Sasuke is down here, always and forever

  3. #183
    It seems to me, with the way they're making Sasuke look so inferior to everyone, that they plan to give him a "power boost" to be really good again. But if he's ever going to get strong enough to kill Itachi, or even maintain his own mental stability to even accomplish that is anyone's guess.
    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

  4. #184
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>and infinate potential as he can keep swapping bodies</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Orochimaru&#39;s body swapping technique is a Kinjutsu for a reason -- he can&#39;t do it consecutively for quite some time (re: Chapter 199), and he has to cope with the limitations of whatever body he uses. There is likely another weakness that will be the end of him.

    Itachi... Itachi&#39;s a unique beast. An interesting sort of insane, and working under powers that have not yet been revealed (I have my own pet theory, but it&#39;s not worth expounding upon yet). If he got it in his head to kill Orochimaru, I&#39;m not certain Oro would be able to stop him.

  5. #185
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Arctyc @ Feb 1 2004, 01:12 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>and infinate potential as he can keep swapping bodies</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Orochimaru&#39;s body swapping technique is a Kinjutsu for a reason -- he can&#39;t do it consecutively for quite some time (re: Chapter 199), and he has to cope with the limitations of whatever body he uses. There is likely another weakness that will be the end of him.

    Itachi... Itachi&#39;s a unique beast. An interesting sort of insane, and working under powers that have not yet been revealed (I have my own pet theory, but it&#39;s not worth expounding upon yet). If he got it in his head to kill Orochimaru, I&#39;m not certain Oro would be able to stop him. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I like ur style, i belive its also already been said that oro is scared of itachi it may be for the sharingan...but still everything orochimaru does can be copied prolli even the kinjutsu lol ( although i cant see why itachi will ever need to right now, unless in the future he has kids and jus changes to there body like the sick twisted freak he is. jk itachi rox )

  6. #186
    About Konoha backup, at most it will be one small team, that&#39;s it. Didn&#39;t any of you remember what Tsunade said when she order Shikamaru to retrieve Sasuke? There are no ninja to spare and Konoha is severly short-handed. What&#39;s this foolishness about invasion on the Sound Country? Konoha doesn&#39;t even have enough men to provide a secure small village, let alone another extra country. Tsunade did not even realize how tough it&#39;s going to be for Shikamaru and his genin team just going after Sasuke, so logically it is unlikely for her to &quot;waste&quot; valuable men-power to back Shikamaru up.

  7. #187
    I think those pages were badly translated, because all of it is just jibberish.

    That man that they are talking about at the beggining is Orochimaru.

    When they are talking about the Kyubi, they are saying how Akatsuki wants to get it. It is one of the things that they are after. Hence why Jiraiya is going to keep an eye on Naruto.

    What manga group did that? I have that scan too and I guess there were a lot of LQ Naruto scans during this time, before Inane came out.

  8. #188
    its N-G. I know its really bad translations but for some reason I can&#39;t stop thinking that they are saying something important. ahh its fucking with my head Probably nothing though.

  9. #189
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>moridin: it&#39;s all about techniques. you&#39;re trying to compare naruto&#39;s crap-tasitc kage bunshin against neji&#39;s moves. it&#39;s obvious that it doesn&#39;t match. naruto and all the rest of the genins lack many techniques and it&#39;s also obvious that someone like kidoumaru can&#39;t beat itachi (don&#39;t argue this cuz you know it&#39;s true). why do you think orochimaru wants sasuke? it&#39;s for the sharingan so he can learn all the jutsus and itachi obviously knows tons of jutsus since he&#39;s got all these accomplishments in his record to back it up. don&#39;t try to state retarded and obvious facts to prove your &#39;point&#39; cuz it&#39;s actually proving nothing.

    EDIT: moridin, your should know that your argument is invalid as soon as you compared naruto and neji. naruto cannot lose. he just can&#39;t. if somehow, naruto was matched up with kidoumaru (this is if neji vs kido never happened), then kishimoto would&#39;ve made it that naruto would somehow come out as the winner.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    First: Of course it&#39;s all about techniques. What do you think I was saying when I stated that in Naruto, just because A can beat B and B can beat C, A can beat C. I did not &quot;state retarded and obvious facts&quot; to prove my point. I was &quot;obviously&quot; providing a counterexample (big understand it?) for the argument you employed in the following post.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>do i really need to back up what i said?

    orochimaru: itachi is stronger than i am


    orochimaru is just as strong as the other sannins. neither one of them is stronger than the other cuz they&#39;re suppose to be like rock, paper, scissors.

    the end.
    </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Now let&#39;s disect your argument. &quot;why do you think orochimaru wants sasuke? it&#39;s for the sharingan so he can learn all the jutsus and itachi obviously knows tons of jutsus since he&#39;s got all these accomplishments in his record to back it up.&quot; Total red herring there. You go from my argument, we&#39;ll call it Janken analogy to simplify it, to why Orochimaru wants Sasuke to &quot;proving,&quot; as you seem to believe that Itachi knows &quot;tons of jutsus.&quot; Now it says Itachi is talented, agreed, and that he is a genius, agreed, but Orochimaru has been around for what...mmm 50 years? One thing you also seem to have forgotten is Orochimaru is also a &quot;genius.&quot; Now if we want to state assumptions as facts, I would say Orochimaru knows more jutsus than Itachi, but we&#39;re not doing that right? Good. Next point. &quot;You should know your argument is invalid once you compared Naruto and Neji. Naruto can&#39;t lose.&quot; Funny, it seems my argument was perfectly illustrated by the Naruto and Neji comparison. Of course Neji has better techniques than Naruto, and obviously, Neji is the &quot;genius&quot; in this case. Now according to your argument, again from the post above, Neji should have beaten Naruto. The fact that Naruto is the main character does not nullify this argument. If anything, it highlights how much Kishimoto enjoys the whole idea that stronger does not equal a win. Now you did not even address Shikamaru vs. Temari. Temari has the better techniques and she has multiple ones and yet she lost, in every sense except for the technical outcome of the match. Now the only proof you have so far introduced in support of your &quot;facts,&quot; is a statement by Orochimaru that Itachi is stronger than him. I&#39;m sorry if I don&#39;t accept that one thing as the be-all, end-all of evidence.

  10. #190
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    about tho jewish golem story, here&#39;s the version that i know

    it takes place somewhere in the 15-16th hundred, at some europian country...
    the story goes like this, there was a rabi and he was supposed to protecet all the jews from Anti-sementizem and pogroms, so he took a human shaped lump of stone and wrote god&#39;s true name on top of it and the word truth (&quot;AMET&quot; אמת) on it&#39;s chest, the golem was used to check whatever merchendize which was sent to the jewish &#39;getho&#39; and uncover what the chirstian tried to sneak in (mostly babies bodies, to incourge the belief the jews used babies blood to bake Matzot on passover). The Rabi earesed god&#39;s name from the gollem each weekend, so that the gollem won&#39;t work over Saturday, until one week he forgot to do it and the golem went on a rampage becuase he was a sin (doing work over Shabat), so the Rabi earesed the first letter of the &quot;AMET&quot; (Truth) and ledt him with &quot;Met&quot; (Dead) so the golem collapssed and died.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #191
    You are making Sharingan out to be some sort of God-like enhancement. It helps a lot but even if you copy a jutsu, it does not mean you can use it. Think about it. Also, Orochimaru realizes both the Sharingan&#39;s weaknesses and strengths, so what would happen if he did a jutsu similar to Zabuza&#39;s mist, except far stronger? Would Itachi still be able to copy everything?

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>the single most powerful jutsu we&#39;ve seen so far can only be countered by another sharingan user with the same bloodline. don&#39;t you know?</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Again, since you obviously missed what I meant by not stating assumptions as facts, we do not know for sure that the Mange Sharingan is the most powerful jutsu we have seen. Rasengan is pretty powerful. So is the sealing jutsu the 3rd and the 4th used. What about Orochimaru&#39;s summoning of the three Hokages? How about Tsunade&#39;s rejuvenation?

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>if it was just a regular fight against two people, then shikamaru would&#39;ve gotten smoked at the end. up until now, all the rest of the genin haven&#39;t been too important. but during the rescue mission, they&#39;ve become more part of the main story and that&#39;s why they&#39;ve won (or tied) the fights against the sound 4.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    If it was a regular fight between two people, Shikamaru would not have given up at the end so the outcome would have been up for grabs. Again, you make an assumption without proof. Good job. Now you are also putting the genins into the same &quot;unusable&quot; category as Naruto? So even though at least 3 out of the 5 have proven exactly what I have been saying, my argument is still invalid because you say that they are too important to lose. Strong argument there. Almost got me.

    This time, why don&#39;t you try replying with some proof and not your assumptions. Next time when you try copying my style of arguing, why don&#39;t you try inserting the thinly veiled sarcasm that it seems you missed.

  12. #192
    I just thought of something funny while re reading chap 202
    On the last page play &quot;Where&#39;s Naruto?&quot; can you find the real one?

  13. #193
    i hate how every topic we start ends up talking about fucking itachi or the sharingan, i wish itachi woulda killed sasuke too and then done himself, then annoying fucks who cant talk about anything but them would not exist.

  14. #194
    Can a mod please lock this topic? I&#39;m pretty sick of all this poor Itachi arguments and my head hurt.

  15. #195
    Man am I sick of these stupid debates carrying over into the weekly chapter threads. I have said it before and I will say it again... Unless the two people in question actually fight each other, we have no way of knowing who is going to win.

    In the word of Naruto there are too many factors that can change the course of the fight. The outcome of some matchups can be made pretty easily, but for the higher tiers of people it is pretty tough to say who would actually win.

    As for all of this foolishness saying that the Mange Sharingan is the most powerful technique in Naruto, that is just garbage. All you have to do is look away from it for hells sake. The Rasengan, so far is easily the most powerful technique we have seen in Naruto. Although the most impressive techniques have been The Forbidden Summoning of the 1st and 2nd Hokage, Tsunade&#39;s Rejuvination Abilities, and I have to admit, the Manga Sharingan was first.

  16. #196
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Man am I sick of these stupid debates carrying over into the weekly chapter threads. I have said it before and I will say it again... Unless the two people in question actually fight each other, we have no way of knowing who is going to win.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    This is exactly what I have been saying. No one knows if Itachi is stronger than the Sannins. We don&#39;t know if he is the strongest in the manga so far. It&#39;s all up for grabs. Itachi is just one of the strongest.

  17. #197
    i mean look where this fucking itachi obsession is leading, i mean eventually some noob will start a topic of &quot;OMG OMG who would win? Itachi with no legs or eyes vs Konohamaru&#33;&#33;&#33; OMGOMGOMG&#33;&quot; is this a road we wanna creat people? be fucking original, and as kakashi above said, we cant fucking know who is stronger unless they fight.

  18. #198
    What about one of Itachi&#39;s legs versus Konoha Village? I think his leg has a fighting chance if it is unrestrained. That should probably be a stipulation: a de-pantsed Itachi leg versus Konoha Village. Who will win? Leg? Or Konoha?


  19. #199
    Mange Sharingan is the most powerful Genjutsu, says on many websites.
    Rasengan maybe is one of the mightiest ninjutsu.

  20. #200
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 2 2004, 04:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Mange Sharingan is the most powerful Genjutsu, says on many websites.
    Rasengan maybe is one of the mightiest ninjutsu. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Can Itachi&#39;s leg do Mange Sharingan? Cuz jeez... it&#39;ll make the ItachiLeg/Konoha battle tough if he can&#39;t&#33;


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