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Thread: Naruto Chapter 202 Topic

  1. #121
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Jan 31 2004, 08:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I just looked at that last page again and thought how much of a pain in the ass it must have been for Kishimoto to draw all of those Naruto&#39;s. On top of that he had to draw the rest of the pages.

    I suppose he could have had assistants do some of the Naruto&#39;s, but still.. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Yeah I noticed that too.... and to top it all off the page presents the illusion that they&#39;re all doing something different as well&#33; I&#39;m sure there would be repeats, but still, it&#39;s insane.

    I&#39;m sure he&#39;d have some assistants but it would get so repetitive. Poor guy..... I hope he doesn&#39;t get discouraged... sif.
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  2. #122
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Jan 31 2004, 01:46 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sasuke ain&#39;t coming back with naruto. that&#39;s for sure. DON&#39;T ARGUE THIS </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    just in case people didn&#39;t realize it...

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  3. #123
    Well your sig says that you are never wrong so I guess i&#39;ve got to believe you.

    I still think tsunade&#39;s helper person (can&#39;t remember her name) and her team are gonna come to save the day.

  4. #124

    my bad, sorry, its been a while since i read that chapter.

  5. #125
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    ok, i&#39;ll be more serious. this is why i think sasuke won&#39;t be coming back, at least not on this rescue mission.

    there has been way too much story development and build-up for sasuke to leave leaf and go with to the sound. as soon as orochimaru was introduced, i believe that it was the first step in the process of sasuke leaving the leaf. as orochimaru said, &quot;he will seek me&quot; blah blah and if sasuke doesn&#39;t seek him for more power to get stronger in order to kill his brother, then orochimaru will look like an idiot. also, if sasuke does go back with the leaf on this particular rescue mission, then all of the development and build-up will just go to waste. it is as if all of that might as well not have happened at all. sauske has to go with the sound and perhaps, return later back to the lead once he has accomplished his goal.

    THE END.

    EDIT #1: also, i don&#39;t think anyone else will come and &quot;save the day.&quot; and even if they do, i think kimimaro will wipe the floor with everyone. so outside help for shika&#39;s team is pointless.

    EDIT #2: btw, can i get a cool title? &quot;genin&quot; is too weak for me. i&#39;d appreciate it if it is changed to &quot;SHINOBI&quot; (all in caps). THANKS IN ADVANCE.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  6. #126
    Nah i was just joking i personally think he wont come back either. Oh and about the Shizune thing I don&#39;t think she&#39;ll save Naruto from Kimimaro but I think she will come after and heal everyone so no one dies. I didn&#39;t mean she was gonna bring back sasuke. Sry if i didn&#39;t make that clear.

    Edit: dazz at 500 post you get the title chunnin and at 1000 jounin etc.

  7. #127
    If Sasuke goes back it won&#39;t be pointless. He may realize that he is becoming his brother in order to beat him.

    This is the obvious thing to do. Hell all of you guys have been asking if he is going to get trained by Orochimaru ever since that damn Triad Team 7 Picture came out. Sure Naruto was on a frog and now he can summon frogs and get trained by Jiraiya. That doesn&#39;t mean Sasuke is going to do the same thing.

    Look at it this way, if Naruto and the group fail, everything has been in vain for the past 20 chapters. Screw the stupid predictable plot of Sasuke going with Orochimaru. Sasuke is better off studying under Kakashi...speaking of Kakashi, I wouldn&#39;t be surprised if he showed up with backup.

  8. #128
    it would be funny if Sasuke used the four nins all along to get stronger by upgrading to lvl 2 and stiffing them in the end. but i doubt that will happen.

    my predictions.

    Kimimaro smacks all the naruto clones, and right when its goin to be Kimimaro and Naruto one on one. Sasuke is gonna wake up. as to what will happen after i have no idea.

    maybe a triple threat? (i wish) but either way i know (and hope) the out come will be naruto loosing the battle.

    in my opinion he must loose the battle.

  9. #129
    I want Sasuke to die. It&#39;d be interesting.
    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

  10. #130
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi &#064; Jan 31 2004, 11:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> If Sasuke goes back it won&#39;t be pointless. He may realize that he is becoming his brother in order to beat him.

    This is the obvious thing to do. Hell all of you guys have been asking if he is going to get trained by Orochimaru ever since that damn Triad Team 7 Picture came out. Sure Naruto was on a frog and now he can summon frogs and get trained by Jiraiya. That doesn&#39;t mean Sasuke is going to do the same thing.

    Look at it this way, if Naruto and the group fail, everything has been in vain for the past 20 chapters. Screw the stupid predictable plot of Sasuke going with Orochimaru. Sasuke is better off studying under Kakashi...speaking of Kakashi, I wouldn&#39;t be surprised if he showed up with backup. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    of course it would be waste. if itachi isn&#39;t killed by none other than sasuke, then the whole significance of the 2nd main character is totally destroyed. sasuke is in the story to be part of group 7, be naruto&#39;s friend and his rival, but most importantly, he is in the story so he can kill itachi. and the best way to do that is leave the leaf and go to sound to seek orochimaru for more power.

    and it&#39;s uber predictable cuz... it&#39;s GOING TO HAPPEN.

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  11. #131
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    Did not shikamaru learn a new skill?? If i remember right Shikas father teached a new skill to Shika am i wrong?? And Kiba also did say that he would beat the sound with his new move before the left.. And Naruto also said that. Naruto obvius meant Rasengan but that should mean that Kiba and Shikamaru has a &quot;ace up there sleev&quot; (is that how it is spelled?)

    Everybody had something new exept Neji that already was so powerful.. I mean he almost beat Naruto in Kyubi mode and Naruto with his Rasengan was powerful enough.. The others was to weak so the have got new skills and tools.. So i wonder what Kiba &amp; Shikamaru will pull out.. Because i dont think there will be anything for later so this is there last fight in &quot;Get back Sasuke&quot; chapter.. So now is the time to show it all..

  12. #132
    Thx for the link Naruto-kun

  13. #133
    Shika probably knows his fathers Shadow Neck Bind technique know. Who knows what else Shikato could have taught him.

    As for Kiba, I think he might have a summonin scroll somewhere up his sleeve. Either that or a really good new claw or fang move.

    Oh and it is apparent that Sakon and Ukon (his conjoined twin) share the save vital organs (except for the brain). If Kiba takes out the heart it kills both of them.

  14. #134
    Kiba is in a mess,I wonder how he is going to beat Sakon.But I believe he has a few new moves that he still needs to incorporate into this fight.
    I like the kyuubi Naruto,its almost as stimulating as an Itachi fight.I hope he uses some good tactics,and if he does win,I hope kyuubi has enough control over Naruto to get him to rip Kimmi to shreds.

  15. #135
    Wow, the last page was just frickin sweet.
    Anyways Naruto is probaly gonna do the old &quot;distract the enemy while forming the rasengan&quot; trick.
    But I don&#39;t think Kimmario will be defeated that easily. I predict a long fight ahead...

  16. #136
    I think Kiba will lose, cuz I doubt Kishimoto is bias and will make all 4 konoha ninjas to win. Naruto will beat Kimimaro&#39;s ass, then hes gonna go level 2 and beat Naruto&#39;s ass, and then Naruto&#39;s gonna win. Shika&#39;s prolly gonna win...its funny how hes fighting another girl.

  17. #137
    I have a funnier tactic Naruto could use

    Distract Kimimaro long enough to get to the barrel, at that point turn half the clones in to barrels and then run....

    wtf would kimimaro do then?&#33;?

    But in all seriousness... Naruto is probably hella powered up... He hasnt gone &quot;berserk/rage/kyuubi&quot; in a long time... and hes also in control ... crazy stuff hes gonna do... maybe have each clone make a ransegan ball

  18. #138
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Destroyor @ Feb 1 2004, 12:40 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> About Konoha backup, at most it will be one small team, that&#39;s it. Didn&#39;t any of you remember what Tsunade said when she order Shikamaru to retrieve Sasuke? There are no ninja to spare and Konoha is severly short-handed. What&#39;s this foolishness about invasion on the Sound Country? Konoha doesn&#39;t even have enough men to provide a secure small village, let alone another extra country. Tsunade did not even realize how tough it&#39;s going to be for Shikamaru and his genin team just going after Sasuke, so logically it is unlikely for her to &quot;waste&quot; valuable men-power to back Shikamaru up. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Genma, Shizune, Raidou, &amp; Iwashi will be returning to report what has happened soon to Tsunade or whomever may be handling administrative matters (Jiraiya?) while she&#39;s busy with the surgery. Given the amount of time elapsed since the discovery of the defeated Chuunin/Juunin and the various Sound-nin battles, they may already be back.

    Discovering that there are four Ninja carrying a highly suspicious barrel all with Level 2 Curse Seals would likely trigger the initiation of an A-class or S-class mission, perhaps even warranting the recall of some of their troops. Especially if they put 2 and 2 together.

    It&#39;s all a race against time, really. What it will be a race against if/when Sasuke&#39;s acclimation completes, well, that&#39;s less clear. Kishimoto still has some aces up his sleeve, and I&#39;m happy for it. It&#39;s been awhile since I&#39;ve seen a series go this long while keeping up a great storyline like this.

  19. #139
    the summons are going to make a interesting fight to say the least

  20. #140
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Feb 1 2004, 04:42 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Itachi Uchiha is godlike, FACT, non can beat mange-sharingan, maybe if they find a hidden scroll from ancient times that describe how to counter it ^^. I see itachi most like a genjutsu user, it&#39;s impossible to beat him in genjutsu (illusionary) and his speed is like Hiko&#39;s speed in RK, (just to compare with other anime) </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    well, let me shatter some of your illusions...

    Gai found a way to counter the mange sharinga, it might not be perfect, but i doubt that Gai would engage a fight with such a disadvange willingly.

    Itachi doesn&#39;t neccisrly know Genjutsu well, his counter skills might come from the sharingan&#39;s ability to see through all illusions...

    and about the speed... let&#39;s not go overboard, Hiko and Itachi are on two diffrenet levels. Hiko was an ultra powerfull being that had no direct plot connection (he didn&#39;t do anyhthing serious- beating Fuji doesn&#39;t really count), while Itachi concernes about 30% of the plotline, kishimonto can&#39;t afford to make him godlike... beside, i belive that Gai is faster than Itachi, and since Itachi doesn&#39;t want to ruin his reputation, he retreated.

    Itachi&#39;s fanboys,,, they&#39;re even worse than Naruto&#39;s fanboys...

    about the summonings,,, i don&#39;t understand why tatuya had to pull out such an ace on a small fry like Shikamaru, she can easily beat him without even using half of her power, Shikamaru is in a serious bind right now and he knows it, unless his new move is a &#39;flame of recca&#39; sort of thing that can magically beat 3 giant monsters without making any sense.

    oh, and i feel that Kiba&#39;s end is coming near, i can&#39;t see him (being a totally avarge type of guy) beating the strongest of the sound four (and the second strongest of the sound five), besides, someone has to die in this mission, and kishimonto should really cut down the amount of charectres in the manga, it&#39;ll turn out like WOL, where we have a book that only 4 chapters are about the main characters, and the rest are about people we don&#39;t care for...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
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