Yeah, we are supposed to be impressed that Naruto did this and think he might have a chance. Kimimaro is just going to own them all with either a high level ninjutsu or taijutsu.
Yeah, we are supposed to be impressed that Naruto did this and think he might have a chance. Kimimaro is just going to own them all with either a high level ninjutsu or taijutsu.
he will have lots to ''cook''![]()
1000+ kage bunshin is out now, Kimimaro should be able to handle this no problem. What I'm really interested in is that what would Sasuke do if he's in Kimimaro's shoes? I remember some earlier comment about how Sasuke would somehow beat the crap out of 1000+ kage bunshin ...
it's definitely not in modern korean and i highly doubt that it's written in the older language since almost all of the newer generations totally have forgotten about it.
damnit where is the translated.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Destroyor @ Jan 30 2004, 08:06 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> 1000+ kage bunshin is out now, Kimimaro should be able to handle this no problem. What I'm really interested in is that what would Sasuke do if he's in Kimimaro's shoes? I remember some earlier comment about how Sasuke would somehow beat the crap out of 1000+ kage bunshin ... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Yeah but the strength of each Bunshin is only 1/1000th of how strong Naruto is.
One hit and they are done.
Kishimoto most likely set this up, so we can see just how bad ass Kimimaro is.
That chapter was awsome. Instead of slow 1 on 1 fights we now get a three in one. Made it a bit short but it's really starting to shape up. I'm looking forward to Kyubi Naruto getting owned. If Kimimaro can beat Kyubi Naruto without the seal then he'll definately live up to his rep.
there is a summary post of 202 over at; so Ill post the link if yall wanna spoil, and are inpatient. I do warn though this is just somebodies post and while it seems legit and they tend to be on the Jump board over there, i cant guarantee its accuracy, and also once again this is just a summary from some guy in japan or something. summary
good initiative ! less spam![]()
i want to use all my will power to resist reading this chapter and read 202 and 203 in one shot but i'm too weak![]()
i gotta have my naruto fix !
Is Kimimaro overrated? I think he is...cuz Kabuto said to Kimimaro "I don't know who's stronger between you and Sasuke." So that means Sasuke is apparently on the same level or stronger than Kimimaro, meaning that Naruto indeed has a chance against Kimimaro or stronger than him (cuz I believe Naruto is stronger than Sasuke at the moment). Im hoping to see some strategies by Naruto, he's rasengan failed multiple times already, I'm really anxious to see what method he'll perform to use it. I don't think I even need to see Kimimaro fight and simply judge who'll win, if Naruto summons GamaBunta...then its OVER.
Kabuto was saying i wonder whos stronger between you two because now Sasuke has a level 2 cursed seal.
we have no idea how strong Sasuke is at level 2
i think kabuto was talking about sasuke's potential, not his current skill.
got my hopes up
but usually the raw topic is for people who want to try to understand whats going on or have someone translate it - the translated topic is where most people post as they've just read it
we wont be able to discuss the RAW like this because it'll give spoilers away to the people who wait for inane or OT
did Kabuto right out say "level 2 Sasuke" ?he was kinda vague when he stated that
For the people who are discussing the RAW Mark your posts as
RAW Discussion SPOILERS Below
<span style='color:#D6DBE0'>Then put a Spoiler Tag Like this so no one gets mad</span>
I have a feeling that until the scanslation comes out, this topic won't get hot anyway. Most people might not even come in until its out.
Didn't even come out yet, now you'll have post on next friday for chapter 203 from 8 people trying to be first.
Lets just keep out of this topic until the scanlation is realesed, we dont want to spam do we?
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hatake Kakashi @ Jan 30 2004, 09:44 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Yeah but the strength of each Bunshin is only 1/1000th of how strong Naruto is.
One hit and they are done.
Kishimoto most likely set this up, so we can see just how bad ass Kimimaro is. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
You are thinking of water clone. Shadow clone have the exact same strength (fighting power) as its creator only that it can only take 1 clean hit(health).
Destoyor, the Chakra for Kage Bunshins is divided up equally. They don't have the same strength. Go read the manga, you obviously haven't done so already.
Enough of this, who is stronger stuff already..
Besides Inane's Version is out on an XDCC bot in #mangareaders
you got a site you can download it from?
You are going to have to go on mIRC like everyone else until someone uploads it to a site.
I am going to read the chapter now...