the container was the only thing keeping Sasuke alive, it dulled the effect of the death to a mild coma
the container was the only thing keeping Sasuke alive, it dulled the effect of the death to a mild coma
Destroying the barrel would be foolhardy, it's just like pulling a knife out of a deep wound. They don't know anything about the barrel, so it's more wise to take the barrel and examine it at a later, safer time. As to why Shikmaru didn't pick chuunin and Jounin, the reality is that there aren't any to spare. Setting up trap ahead of the sound 4 when they can't even catch up? ..... I refuse to further comment on that.
Yeah if they destroy the barrel, they might as well stick a kunai in Sasuke's heart and save the lumber.
I just think that if they were a little bit quicker, they might have came around the time when the Genma and Raidou were fighting them and they could provide support/steal the barrel then.
2 Jounin +1 Chuunin + 4 Gennin and a dog = Sound 4's ass being owned.
Genma and Raidou held there own against them pretty well it seemed like, even though they got beat after the guys activated their cursed seals.
Though that would make for one boring storyline.
Neji is also a commander, you just don't get it that's all. He's as smart as Shikamaru in tactics, not IQ, but tactics and an expert to counter an attack and come up with new strategys, different from naruto who is always using Kage-bushin no-jutsu. He could easily been a chuunin. You have to see behind your way of thinking!
i never said neji couldn't be a chuunin but he's to reckless and goes with that predetermined shit he doesn't have an open mind, when he thought the battle was over he let his gaurd down i dont think shikamaru would do that
the way i looked at it is destroyers right
but when genma said that about sasuke, what i interpreted was hey your as strong as most chuunin go make yourself useful
shikamaru is a thinker so that makes him a chunnin cause he's a good leader
sasuke is irratic and unpredictable he may do something that could hurt a mission more than help it, he just isn't cool headed or mature enough to be a team leader or chuunin just be cause he has the streangth
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Destroyor @ Feb 2 2004, 10:35 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Destroying the barrel would be foolhardy, it's just like pulling a knife out of a deep wound. They don't know anything about the barrel, so it's more wise to take the barrel and examine it at a later, safer time. As to why Shikmaru didn't pick chuunin and Jounin, the reality is that there aren't any to spare. Setting up trap ahead of the sound 4 when they can't even catch up? ..... I refuse to further comment on that. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
See this is exactly my point, you know what happened to Sasuke, so you can say not to destroy the container (subjective). You are talking as if they knew that there was something suspicious with the barrel. You know this because you read it, the other characters don't know because they weren't there. To them it's just a box.
From an "objective" view:
1. Last you heard (from Sakura) Sasuke had walked off (willingly).
2. Now you see Sasuke in a box. Is it because he changed his mind and ran away. Is the container used to transport him without much fuss. etc.
3. All Neji said was that Sasuke was inside the container. (asleep, I believe)
4. It's easier to carry a body then an awkward box/barrel.
5. If you wake him up it's another ally, if he indeed tried to run away from the sounds.
That's what I'm trying to point out. It's as if the team knew from the start what the barrel was for etc, etc. And if this is the case what's the point of asking Kimmimaro what Oro wants Sasuke for. That's the flaw I'm trying to point out. I know that they couldn't destroy the container because Sasuke would die, but the team doesn't.
About setting traps, they had already caught up. The sounds were just finished fighting the two Konoha Jounins. They could have circled ahead and picked them off.
You are ignore several obvious.
1) There are strange seal and marking all over the barrel, wouldn't that alone make a ninja stop and ponder what they meant?
2) Yes it's easy to carry a body then a barrel, but wouldn't it be easier for that person to walk? It's pretty suspicious, what if Sasuke is drug and hold stable in that barrel, thousands of possiblities comes to mind. Why risk breaking it open now instead of a later safer time? What if the barrel was a decoy carrying poison gas? What then?
The barrel is so suspicious it's just common senses not to open it until at a safer location, say, within konoha border. With help and without enemy around. Even if someone is stupid enough to break it open, is it truly wise? Is it safe for both the opener and Sasuke? Do they even have time? I don't even think they have the chance to break it open since the sound 4 been on their tail the instant they touch the barrel. Please ... enlighten me to all these staggering questions.
edit: They barely caught up, can they truly risk losing them by circling around and try to set trap with no guarantee they would work? Not one of the genin is a trap master.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Destroyor @ Feb 3 2004, 01:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> You are ignore several obvious.
1) There are strange seal and marking all over the barrel, wouldn't that alone make a ninja stop and ponder what they meant?
2) Yes it's easy to carry a body then a barrel, but wouldn't it be easier for that person to walk? It's pretty suspicious, what if Sasuke is drug and hold stable in that barrel, thousands of possiblities comes to mind. Why risk breaking it open now instead of a later safer time? What if the barrel was a decoy carrying poison gas? What then?
The barrel is so suspicious it's just common senses not to open it until at a safer location, say, within konoha border. With help and without enemy around. Even if someone is stupid enough to break it open, is it truly wise? Is it safe for both the opener and Sasuke? Do they even have time? I don't even think they have the chance to break it open since the sound 4 been on their tail the instant they touch the barrel. Please ... enlighten me to all these staggering questions.
edit: They barely caught up, can they truly risk losing them by circling around and try to set trap with no guarantee they would work? Not one of the genin is a trap master. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
1. First, the group we are talking about are genins (shikas first mission as a chunnin). They are not at the level where they know all types of seals. I'm sure that someone like Kakashi may have an Idea. They're greenhorns. For all they know the seal is meant to keep structural integrity or keep Sasuke asleep for easy transport (tranquilizer seal or what not). Secondly, Naruto is extremely careless. Now your telling me that the loudest, most surprising ninja is going to keep a box that can be smashed in tact. No one gives Naruto any credit, e.g. he's stupid, lalalala. Now all of a sudden he's going to be extremely carefull with the box. Very out of character.
2. Neji already stated that it was just Sasuke sleeping in the barrel. Once again your talking about being cautious, a characteristic that Naruto doesn't have.
I'm not trying to debate on what should have occured. I'm just trying to show you some of the realities of what should of happened, but didn't because the writers assumed that the characters automatically knew.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Feb 3 2004, 04:21 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 3 2004, 10:10 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> if he wasnt arrogant then yes he would </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
it was just his bad luck to get matched against Hinata and Naruto, they both bring out the bad parts of him.
If he was up against someone like Sasuke, Temari, Dosu or anyone else then he would have become a chunin in no time.
just like with Shikamaru, if he was up against someone with superkill jutsus, like Lee\Kiba\Gaara then his shadow bind jutsu would make him seem like a lousy one-trick-pony.
it's depedns alot about what matchup they get, the're many ninjas who could get to be a chunin if they hadn't met someone in forest or if they wouldn't have quitted in the first exam, that's why there are two exams each year, so possible chunins won't have to wait an entire year to get promoted if they just messed up at one thing. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
the fact remains that neji was extremly arrogant. at that point even more than sasuke but after naruto kicked his ass he changed alot too. he now believe in that you can change your fate and arent born into specific roles. beleiving that made him arrogant. and he acted like an allknowing god...
i dont think anybod got ripped on a chuunin title and shikamaru deserves his title the only person that might be good enough brainwise to become chuunin would be temari she used her brains to fight but shikamaru won the battle or the brains and that put a shadow on temari..
Shino got ripped.
What's your point hiten mitsurugi? That Naruto should smash the barrel with unknown strange seal all over it? Or should Shikamaru just became stupid all of a sudden and act rashly then order the barrel open? What? What is your point? That it's out of character for the 5 genin not to open the barrel? ???????
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (hiten mitsurugi @ Feb 3 2004, 10:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Shino got ripped. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
okay for this time you win, the first and last time you wins HMR.
actuall, Tsunde didn't know that the sound has sent out such 'elite' forces to get Sasuke, she only knows what Sakura told her, and she guessed that Sasuke will get to a meeting point and then wait for the sound to pick him up, she doesn't know about the sound four or even about the Naruto\Sasuke hospitial fight.
Shikamaru was instrcuted to take as many genins as he tought that would be required and to get to sasuke before the sound gets to him.
edit: Sand > Sound, sorry.
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
Shikamaru did the best he could with what he was given, most chuunins get to work with other chuunins and jounins on tougher missions but there were none to spare.
If you dont believe that Shikamaru is a chuunin then why are you ignoring all the evidence?
they've explained why he became a chuunin and they even explained why he didnt abort the mission..
If Shikamaru had called an abort then the genins would have gone on without him, Shikamaru obviously made the choice to go with their wishes and help out as much as he could - if he had aborted the mission he would have returned alone, i dont know about you but isnt losing your team alot worse then fighting it out beside them?
Neji is just that <u>type</u> of character that fit to be a chuunin.. Just as as Shikamaru is
If you know what i mean, then you'll understand and you'll agreed.
if he wasnt arrogant then yes he would
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Feb 3 2004, 10:10 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> if he wasnt arrogant then yes he would </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
it was just his bad luck to get matched against Hinata and Naruto, they both bring out the bad parts of him.
If he was up against someone like Sasuke, Temari, Dosu or anyone else then he would have become a chunin in no time.
just like with Shikamaru, if he was up against someone with superkill jutsus, like Lee\Kiba\Gaara then his shadow bind jutsu would make him seem like a lousy one-trick-pony.
it's depedns alot about what matchup they get, the're many ninjas who could get to be a chunin if they hadn't met someone in forest or if they wouldn't have quitted in the first exam, that's why there are two exams each year, so possible chunins won't have to wait an entire year to get promoted if they just messed up at one thing.
sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.
You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (pandao @ Jan 29 2004, 10:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> some of the fights were bs,
i dont think neji should have won, i mean he's 13? and the spider-guy (forgot his name) is what? 18-20something. so he would have had many more years of training and experiance than neji AND he had the cursed seal.
neji is such an asshat for winning
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
Neji has been training since he was a tiny child... like 3 years old... so 10 years of hard ass training plus awsome bloodline limit... plus he's super intelegent plus he's cool... so 1+1+1=10![]()
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Destroyor @ Feb 3 2004, 05:00 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> What's your point hiten mitsurugi? That Naruto should smash the barrel with unknown strange seal all over it? Or should Shikamaru just became stupid all of a sudden and act rashly then order the barrel open? What? What is your point? That it's out of character for the 5 genin not to open the barrel? ???????
</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I can see Naruto busting it open... he can be pretty rash hehe