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Thread: Naruto Wallpaper Feedback plz

  1. #1
    Naruto Bg's:
    Naruto 1
    Naruto 2

    Kakashi Bg's:
    Kakashi 1

    Sasuke Bg's:
    Sasuke 1

    Edit: Pictures are runing on angelfire agian. Please be curtious with my transfer rate limit.

    No Direct Linking.
    -Save in your PC if you are going to use the bg on your desktop.
    -Do not modify the picture and call it your own.-
    -IF you are going to use these bg's for you personal use(Via websites ect.) feel free.

    All new bg's will be posted on this post. Please come back time after time to find new ones.

    As albino (uh forgot) i have to give out credit for some of the bg's. for they have been made by someone else. the First naruto one is of not my work. I do not have a 3d system or any sort.

  2. #2
    The Sasuke one kicks ass dude. Great choive of pictures, and good bgcolor/design.

  3. #3
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    both of the wallpapers are really neat. Nice background and a cool mix of the little screencaps at the top and bottom.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  4. #4
    both of them kik ass nice choice of colrs and the choice of pics u use were kewl to so ill give them both a 10/10 good job

  5. #5
    Those are both quite awesome. I'd like to use the Naruto one if that's okay...whats the URL for the full sized one?

  6. #6
    omfg the Narutowallie is soooo nice!!!!
    Couldnīt concentrate on the sasuke cuz i was too blown away by naruto =P

  7. #7
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    i prefer the naruto 1, but both are good.

    why does nobody make bg's in 1600x1200 or atleast larger than 1024x768? that way the 1024x768 people can downsize and the rest of us can jst leave it at that size, rather than having crappy quality. c this is why i made my own desktop background.

  8. #8
    Both are pretty good. Nice effects on the backdrops. Nice Style, Thumbs up.

  9. #9
    Thx. Im going to be making a New naruto one, and a kakashi one. But those bg's are just there, so if anyone wants em take em. But give me CREDIT!!!

  10. #10
    Please refer to my first post on page one.
    Thanks of the comemnts guys. By the way any suggestions to make it better??

  11. #11
    That new naruto one looks really good. One thing, just my opinion tho, the pictures on the left side of the image look kind of out place, I think what you have done with naruto, the seal and the background looks awesome, the images on the left arn't really needed. Overall, really nice job on all of them.

  12. #12
    only one suggestion... on the naruto wallpaper try to make the opacity-field-thingy a little uhmmm...just make it a little more transparent (yeah, great english i know)

  13. #13

  14. #14
    Refer to the first post on page one.

    Please if you are to link these do not direct link them!!!!!! These bg's are runing on a angelfire server so DONT MAX OUT MY BANDWIDTH!!!! Please do not edit these and call them your own. Give me credit if you are going to use them. If any of these are going on websites please give me credit agian. Thx. Also if you are going to use this in your desktop bg. Please right click and save it onto your pc then place it as a bg.


  15. #15
    I GIVE IT 2 THUMBS UP! d b

  16. #16
    "The page you are attempting to access has been removed because it violated Angelfire's Term of Service."


  17. #17

  18. #18
    The Bg's Are Up. Please refer to page one on the first post.

  19. #19
    Yes hooray i got the bgs to work agian, hopefully.

  20. #20
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    In front of a computer.
    Very nice!!

    Is it just me or does the Kakashi one say "Studends"

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