Mon, 01-26-2004, 02:53 AM
ok i think this was about 2 days ago but while i was dling ragnarok batch files from downloadanime.org, my bittorrent dled speed just suddenly jumped from 5 kbs to about 2.5 megs per sec, and teh wierd thing is that u know how when u dled u know who much u need to dled, for example if ur dling something that is lets say about 500 megs, ok while i was dling at about 2.5 mgs it when past its amount of data that was to dled but teh wier thing was that ther % bar never went up at all and when i closed it to try and awtch some of the eps it said that data is coruupted or something. and when i went and treid to start it back up agian it did the same ting , but this time it went faster, it went to about 3.0 mgs and it had teh same results, so iw as wondering is this normal???
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