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Thread: ok i have a qestion???

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  1. #1
    ok i think this was about 2 days ago but while i was dling ragnarok batch files from, my bittorrent dled speed just suddenly jumped from 5 kbs to about 2.5 megs per sec, and teh wierd thing is that u know how when u dled u know who much u need to dled, for example if ur dling something that is lets say about 500 megs, ok while i was dling at about 2.5 mgs it when past its amount of data that was to dled but teh wier thing was that ther % bar never went up at all and when i closed it to try and awtch some of the eps it said that data is coruupted or something. and when i went and treid to start it back up agian it did the same ting , but this time it went faster, it went to about 3.0 mgs and it had teh same results, so iw as wondering is this normal???

  2. #2
    Man that's really serious.
    It could be a result of a few things, such as:
    1) Unstable connection.
    2) Hacker attempting access.
    3) Fake Servers.

    But i reckon it's number 3 in this case. In which case, STOP RIGHT NOW. I want some info here. What client are you using, and what securities do you have in place to stop you from downloading off the governmental fake servers? Does your client block specific IP Ranges, or IP Addresses? Or do you use anything like PeerGuardian? Or do you use a Security file or what?

  3. #3
    i am currently using bittorrent 3.3 and i dont think that downloadanime has any fake servers but it was really wierd i mean it wasnt just for one bitorrent file buti had like 7 dling at the time and all of them, were going at the speed that i gave before and on all of them they all went past the given amount of data that was supposed to be dled but it just kept going and again the % bar never went up at all

  4. #4
    by concection, do u mean internet conection or something else??

  5. #5
    Yep i mean your internet connection =P
    Dial-up connections are more susceptable to unstable connections than most other types. This includes ADSL/DSL. Broadband/T-Type and other such connections are less susceptable due to the nature in which information is transferred.

    But even if it was, i wouldn't be able to answer your problem. I hope someone else has a solution. Sorry man =/

  6. #6
    yea no prob b ut thanks for trying to help it only happend once and i just wanted to know wut was up but thanks anwyays

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