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Thread: just wondering about the naruto movie...

  1. #21
    Actually i think the only reason for the slaughter was to test his strength...
    He's a psycho, even worse than gaara...

  2. #22
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    because that would just lose them money since less people would go to the theaters

  3. #23
    Yeah I hope they do include a little of the history of some of the characters, such as Kakashi and Gai, but they probably wont because they want to bring people into Naruto and trying to make a movie only for the hardcore fans isnt really good business.

  4. #24
    it has Sakura, Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke voice actors in it - which means it isnt a flashback or prequel.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Actually i think the only reason for the slaughter was to test his strength...
    He&#39;s a psycho, even worse than gaara...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    and Orochimarus even more of a psycho, he was tearing up peoples bodies to experiment on them - and they were people from the leaf, genins included.

  5. #25
    I can&#39;t believe you guys are still in here wishing for flashbacks and info. Anime movies don&#39;t work that way. They come up with a plot that will take like an hour and a half to solve and do it. Believe it or not, the directors and companies don&#39;t care about us, they just want to cash in on the money.

    That Ice Princess thing sounds right up the alley I thought they would go for. Kakashi falls in that battle, but Naruto goes Kyubi and beats the crap out of her.

    Stop wishing about Sannin, Yondaime, Kyubi, Lee, Gai, Kakashi, whatever.

    Thats not how it works.

    DBZ only did something similar to what you are wishing twice. They were both TV Specials. One was Bardock, Father of Goku and the other was the Trunks TV Special that showed him and Gohan in the future.

    NONE Of the DBZ MOVIES fit into the regular timeline. The regular timeline was messed up with filler as it is, so thats not saying much. They really milked that manga series into an anime for all it was worth.

  6. #26
    Well if the movies follow the DBZ model the first movie would be on how naruto had the demon sealed with in. And the first DBZ movie did fit into the time line. It was about gohon&#39;s hidden power. I can only hope it will be the same treament for Naruto.

  7. #27
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Iznogoud @ Jan 27 2004, 01:58 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Actually i think the only reason for the slaughter was to test his strength...
    He&#39;s a psycho, even worse than gaara... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    i dont think he is. i think he is much more clear on what his doin than even kakashi is.. we dont even know anything about it yet other than what sasuke saw. and you all know that small kids can confuse things very much...

    back to the movie... i wont watch that shit it sounds more gay than a german leather faggot( that doesnt sound to good in english does it? it works in swedish tho its said like this &quot;tysk läder bög&quot;

  8. #28
    Its gonna make no sense to the main story watchers for sure.
    I betcha Naruto is going to have rasengan(if not, then his ability to summon Kyuubi powers easily), Sasuke will have his chidori, and Sakura will have her hair cut.
    The reason why this makes no sense to us, of course because Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura haven&#39;t been fully together since...err..the chuunin exam before the prelims... and yet they have their newest abilities.

  9. #29
    you mean sasgay and naruto have their new abilities............ and sakuho is just ........sakuho

  10. #30
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (kaigan @ Feb 3 2004, 10:13 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> you mean sasgay and naruto have their new abilities............ and sakuho is just ........sakuho </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Hey, lets keep the stupid names to yourself, okay?

    And obviously, some people are correct that the movie wont be connected to the series so that there are no gaps in the anime. It&#39;ll probably be a separate plot that wont affect the story of Naruto anime series. Though we have yet to see it.

  11. #31
    with the ice queen makes me think of haku&#39;s bloodline. and if i am Wronge i have no idea what this movie is about

  12. #32
    VOILA&#33; Some Kyubi action will kick the movie up a knotch. Some Curesed Sasuke will definitely give it a good kick. But thats not likely to happen...

  13. #33
    i really hope it&#39;s not about naruto, sakura or komohamru
    they are such boring characters :&#092;

    &quot;ino and sakura&#39;s past friendship&quot; that was torture to watch

  14. #34
    It will star Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.


    A) They will be out on a mission and the Ice Queen will confront them.

    They will be sent on a mission to investigate some mysterious weather conditions, and they will find the Ice Queen.

    She will capture Sakura, Kakashi and Sasuke will try to beat her, but fail. Naruto will go all Kyubi on her and win.

    See, now you don&#39;t even have to watch the movie.

  15. #35
    Either that or the Ice Queen is a store filled with ice cream.


  16. #36
    No, no talking about the past or anything.
    The movie will probaly be like this.
    1) Starts out with Team 7 completing a misson. Naruto is bitchin about how boring the mission was, and of course itches for a much harder mission. Sasuke will quietly agree with him. Sakura will be like no Naruto, but deep down inside she agrees with him.
    2)There given a mission by the Third(hehe, he&#39;ll be dead to anime viewers for a few months by then) to travel to some country, blah blah.
    3) They traveled to that country, and then blah blah someone captured or attack, blaha blah blah, we must rescue or defeat blah blah blah)
    4) Then Ice Queen will be introduced(blah blah blah)
    5) There will be a final battle, Naruto will save the day blah blah blah
    6) And travel back to Konoha blah blah

    Hehe, I&#39;m probaly only correct about some parts.
    But I&#39;m 100 percent sure there will be no talking about the past, and if there is, it will be really vague.

  17. #37
    mm well you guys got a point on the fact that it&#39;ll satisfy only anime watchers, since they cant spoil...mmm, maybe they&#39;ll just elaborate more on the past...

  18. #38
    i think that it should be about Kakashi and how he got his Sharingan. They gotta show that. I would definetly see if it is about Kakashi, jus look at my avatar and sig

  19. #39
    I want too see the &quot;Ninja World Wars&quot; and see how hokage 1st and 2nd starting to build Konoha.

  20. #40
    that would be interesteing, thus far we&#39;ve only seen at the most less than 5 ninjas fighting at a time, it&#39;s hard to imagine a full out war

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