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Thread: Naruto and Dragonball Z

  1. #21
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kn1ves @ Jan 25 2004, 08:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Only if we can collect the 7 Star Dragon Balls to ressurect Dosu
    then all will be fair and well </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    lol...that was jokish

    besides I dont get what such a bad thing even if it was as much like dbz as you ar e saying

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  2. #22
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (joker-kun @ Jan 25 2004, 09:40 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kn1ves &#064; Jan 25 2004, 08:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Only if we can collect the 7 Star Dragon Balls to ressurect Dosu
    then all will be fair and well </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    lol...that was jokish

    besides I dont get what such a bad thing even if it was as much like dbz as you ar e saying </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    who cares about dosu

  3. #23
    I&#39;ve seen many people commenting on the fact that Naruto is becoming like Dragonball Z....

    Well... That is kind of justified being that Kishimoto&#39;s biggest inspiration IS Toriyama, as he said himself in his &quot;interview with the artists&quot; in the manga. Dragonball on its own was bad because it was alot of the same stuff over and over again, &quot;Ohh look at me I have to train in the other world... Oh damn another uber godlike dude is coming to blow up the earth, save me&#33; wish me back witht he dragonballs&#33;&quot; that routine kinda got old after awhile.. But at face value (God help me for saying this), it wasn&#39;t that bad..

    Naruto runs into the fact that it takes on several traits from Dragonball... Kyuubi mode Naruto = Super Saiyan Naruto... same thing effectively, only Kishimoto justifies the jump in power a whole lot more than Toriyama did with the Saiyans just kind of having the power.

    All in all, we&#39;re going to see alot of similar traits from Dragonball in Naruto, but as long as the storyline continues to develop like it is, I dont&#39; see a problem with Naruto going in that direction.

    Go for it, have fun&#33;

  4. #24

  5. #25
    You&#39;re wrong when you said Dragon Ball on its on is jsut the same thing over and over again. One thing Goku never died in Dragon Ball so how could he go to the otehr world. Nobody in DragonBall tried to blow up the earth, there wasn&#39;t any villian that was strong enough to do so, and Picollo Daimou was the only one that had anything to do wtih controlling the Earth or anything of that magnitude and had the power to do so. IN Naruto, Naruto wins every major fight, and in Dragon Ball Goku spends times training for a quite bit of episodes and he still doesn&#39;t win in the martial arts tournament until the very end. Where Naruto just goes Kyubi and wins all the time if it&#39;s a major fight. You know Naruto is just going to go Kyubi and win, it&#39;s the same thing over and over again. And if you meant DragonBallZ which you only mentioned once and said Dragon Ball later then the only villian trying to blow up the earth was Cell and Buu. And if you actually watched some episodes you would know that you can only be wished back with a certain set of Dragon Balls once. Naruto gets his Kyubi power by just getting angry, where to turn into a Super Saiyan you have to go through intense training and extreme emotions, the first time and it isn&#39;t easy the rest of the time unless you train with it. Naruto is also a lot more predictible than Dragon Ball, as predictible as DBZ.

    If the manga caught up to the anime like it did with DBZ early on then it would be just like DBZ with the prolonged fights, repetitive animation. Otherwise Naruto is still similar to DBZ in lots of other ways.

  6. #26
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    why does nobody understand kinives jokish ways, except I, same as wasnt he the one who pulled the car insurance, i thought that was quite humorous.

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  7. #27
    Man i&#39;ve made this exact post a while ago, reguardless i dismiss the tards that say Naruto is like DBZ, their logic consists of over generalization. Its like saying that Lady Blue is like Naruto because they both have female charcters in them. Thats just crap logic. I&#39;d ignore them. By the way EVERYONE who does Shounen is influenced by toriyama hes the godfather of all anime of its genre.

  8. #28
    ja ne

    well this topic is sure going to bring out all the fanboys/fangirls

    Personally i find that naruto is only similar in the way things can be really drawn out. Not always a bad thing (i relish seeing more of certain characters). But the primary difference is that whereas dragonball (or DRAGONBALL Z, just to please unidentified) the fights where pretty much one on one. With their being one major bad guy. In Naruto (especially now at this point in the manga) there are mutiple enemies at the same time. Also naruto is more character driven (and has much more character development) and theme driven (acknowledgement, self love vs love for others, etc)

  9. #29
    ANBU hiddenpookie's Avatar
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    &quot;By the way EVERYONE who does Shounen is influenced by toriyama hes the godfather of all anime of its genre&quot; yes rock lee that is o very very true he is the godfather but no naruto is not like dbz naruto iz ninja dbz is supermonkeys that are i used to like dbz..but no no way&#33;

  10. #30
    Missing Nin
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (StaticX27 @ Jan 25 2004, 04:12 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I&#39;ve seen many people commenting on the fact that Naruto is becoming like Dragonball Z....

    Well... That is kind of justified being that Kishimoto&#39;s biggest inspiration IS Toriyama, as he said himself in his &quot;interview with the artists&quot; in the manga. Dragonball on its own was bad because it was alot of the same stuff over and over again, &quot;Ohh look at me I have to train in the other world... Oh damn another uber godlike dude is coming to blow up the earth, save me&#33; wish me back witht he dragonballs&#33;&quot; that routine kinda got old after awhile.. But at face value (God help me for saying this), it wasn&#39;t that bad..

    Naruto runs into the fact that it takes on several traits from Dragonball... Kyuubi mode Naruto = Super Saiyan Naruto... same thing effectively, only Kishimoto justifies the jump in power a whole lot more than Toriyama did with the Saiyans just kind of having the power.

    All in all, we&#39;re going to see alot of similar traits from Dragonball in Naruto, but as long as the storyline continues to develop like it is, I dont&#39; see a problem with Naruto going in that direction.

    Go for it, have fun&#33; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    nvr watched DBZ ^^ used to have some DBZ models tho... dno why

  11. #31
    Hmmm Now whos the tard that started this rumor, i should hunt him down, and hang him, then gut him out, then run him over&#33;

    Naruto still isnt DBZ. Sure Naruto&#39;s Kyubi charka gives him that power up effect, but the action style, and battle style is tottaly different from dbz.

    DBZ 30 Minutes:
    Look at each other
    Power Up for 20 minutes
    Fight with repeated fight sceens. &lt;Rare that this happends for 1-5 episdoes straight but it goes on for the episode that they started fighting. Then the next if there is still fighting going on

    Naruto 30 Minutes:
    More mature story line
    Funny as hell.
    Ninja Style Battles
    No repeted fight sceens. Each one is authentic.

  12. #32
    people are only saying that because the 3rd chuunin exam is a tournament like DBZ often has... Just because an anime has a tournament doesn&#39;t mean it&#39;s a DBZ clone. YuYu Hakusho had the Dark Tournament, and I bet people said it was copying DBZ also. Naruto might have a few DBZ similarities because kishimoto did say he loved and was inspired by DBZ, but it&#39;s totally different

  13. #33
    Thats why you&#39;re officially an Assclown now rekka

  14. #34
    that pixelated avatr of yours contributes to that

    what are you trying to hide huh?

  15. #35
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Unidentified @ Jan 25 2004, 05:33 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> You&#39;re wrong when you said Dragon Ball on its on is jsut the same thing over and over again. One thing Goku never died in Dragon Ball so how could he go to the otehr world. Nobody in DragonBall tried to blow up the earth, there wasn&#39;t any villian that was strong enough to do so, and Picollo Daimou was the only one that had anything to do wtih controlling the Earth or anything of that magnitude and had the power to do so. IN Naruto, Naruto wins every major fight, and in Dragon Ball Goku spends times training for a quite bit of episodes and he still doesn&#39;t win in the martial arts tournament until the very end. Where Naruto just goes Kyubi and wins all the time if it&#39;s a major fight. You know Naruto is just going to go Kyubi and win, it&#39;s the same thing over and over again. And if you meant DragonBallZ which you only mentioned once and said Dragon Ball later then the only villian trying to blow up the earth was Cell and Buu. And if you actually watched some episodes you would know that you can only be wished back with a certain set of Dragon Balls once. Naruto gets his Kyubi power by just getting angry, where to turn into a Super Saiyan you have to go through intense training and extreme emotions, the first time and it isn&#39;t easy the rest of the time unless you train with it. Naruto is also a lot more predictible than Dragon Ball, as predictible as DBZ.

    If the manga caught up to the anime like it did with DBZ early on then it would be just like DBZ with the prolonged fights, repetitive animation. Otherwise Naruto is still similar to DBZ in lots of other ways. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    did you read the manga? did they cut out the part in the anime where freiza and king cold comes to earth to first kill goku then blow it up? yes dragonballz is the same thing over and over again. one major villian. goku has to become strong to beat him bla bla bla. the same over and over again. and yes goku dies. when fighting raditz he sacrifces his own life to kill him and comes back right to the fight with nappa and vegeta. and then he dies against cell and doesnt come back for 7 years..... he dies twice in dragonballz.

  16. #36
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
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    *hopes Naruto never grows a tail out his ass

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  17. #37
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (joker-kun @ Jan 25 2004, 05:34 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I just wanted to point out to igma (not sure if this is what he meant) ummmm goku didnt win easily when he turned ss, nor did the others (ecept cell at first),now as I said I dunno if that what you meant, but it sounded as though you were implying that Naruto doesnt win easily with kyuubi and Goku did win easily with super saiyin. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    hm..well close.

    point is, at the moment Goku bacame ssj I -&gt; III , you knew he wouldt lose anymore(meaning that he would eventually be victor), this was especially the case in the first 4 saga.
    THAT&#39;s the clue . Naruto could still get his ass beat, because it has a far deeper story line.

  18. #38
    Well, since Dragonball Z was possibly one of the first 5 anime I ever watched, I can honestly say it&#39;s what made me the smelly otaku that I am today. I don&#39;t think it was because of the repetitive plot or kick-ass fighting (since most of every episode was standing or flying), but the character-loveability.

    I see alot of that in Naruto. Sure there&#39;s plenty of face-offs, but I don&#39;t think they last as long as the ones in DBZ. Naruto&#39;s inactivity generally centers around deeper-explanations of skills and histories only alluded to in prior episodes. Plus the plot is not repetitive in the least. There is plenty of fighting, but each little saga is an entirely different creature, ever evolving into some new goal, aim, or subplot. There is a lot of minor character personality development that leads for great future openings into the story.

    In closing, there are some similarities to DBZ. The face-offs and seemingly small amount of activity per episode. There are alot of differences. Evolving storyplot, minor character development, deeper explanations, humor, and a more down-to-earth conflict.

    I think the differences far outweigh the similarities.

  19. #39
    YOOOOO&#33; Its me again. OK. Hero-Sennin ere wasa massive fan of DBZ, and knew so much about it, it was actually quite sad. Some of the ppl in here talking about the similarities/differences just... Shhhh...... quiet. OK. Theres one guy who was saying something about how Naruto Nine tails isnt similar to SSJ because Naruto had a hard time against Neji still. Well...did you make that one up all by yourself? arent you clever? Shhh...... Goku vs Frieza is where we got SSJ for the first time (Unless you count the weird version of SSJ we see in Goku vs Slug) and lets face it, he won by the skin of his teeth really. He almost died once as a SSJ, but then sorta &#39;rose from the dead&#39; but BAH&#33; my point is, the Red Chakra and SSJ are actually quite similar concepts. And sorta echoing some guy who sounded like he wanted to be writing magazines (..been waiting for a series like this...and its finally here&#33;--- ) It sells, or rather it &#39;appeals&#39; to the same sorta people. If ur into fighting anime then, your likely to enjoy the idea of someone mortal being fuckin super hard, man. The way things are dragged out, fair enough. That is very similar, especially with this later saga (exam), at which point I want to agree with the dude/dudette who said the first series had practically no dragging out and was wicked (a bit like DB) and the later ones with the exams are getting a bit Z like in the way that they&#39;re being dragged out. Its true, its not opinion, those resemblences are there, but I dont think its like watching DBZ. (although RekkaShinobi man, ur character analogy is quite good. Sasuke Vegeta Naruto Kakkarott, and you had me fall of my chair laughing when u called Oorichimaru Michael Jackson so casually.*sigh* classic.) but yeah man, Its not the same. Someone else said the fights differ more emphasis on strategy, more explanation of character history and personal goals etc in naruto, more depth, and you&#39;re all probably right, but I aint havin no mo-fuckin-fos dissin my homie toryiama for his plotlines. HE HAD SO MANY RACES/SPECIES OF FIGHTERS. They all had meaning, there was the travelling in time, and dealing with fucking impossibly hard bad guys, and oh....THe RIVALRY&#33; man that was cool...which is a bit similar to Naruto/sasuke, but when u think about it, It was a major theme in DBZ but not in Naruto. So . But all you ppl going into details with techniques winning for Gokuand other senless stuff (including you fucking humourless unoriginal wank-stains who insist on saying DBZ guys make noises like being constipated (&lt;&lt;&lt;BY THE WAY HAVE ANY OF YOU BEEN TO SCHOOL EVER? your collective spelling and grammar is awful. Someone was saying on here about sloppy english, i think it might have been Black Knight? was it? Im not &quot;exactally&quot; sure if itachi read it but&gt;&gt;&gt, well, just Shhhhh....cos thats how ppl get piles.

    Um, ahhh. wollop. man. :|

    Right well. Im blabbering a bit now. Its weird how many different kinds of stoned you can get. PS. if you gotwoot ppl need anyone to work from home for like free and stuff, then gimme a shout, Im spending all my time on the site anyways nowadays.



  20. #40
    Sorry, I made a spelling mistake. Aruki, not Haruki and Nagara not Nagaara.


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