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Thread: The Daily Journal

  1. #1
    I just thought of this topic not too long ago, most people will probably think it is stupid......... but all ya do is say like what happened today at school and/or home, kinda like a journal...... but more like a public journal.....

    Thursday, January 22, 2004

    cat fight in the cafiteria, one of them was relly fat and her fat was hanging out and it was just like on jerry springer.

  2. #2
    thursday january 22, 2004

    some stupid fight over a dam raiders hat, anyways 2 black dudes jumped a white guy bc he was wearing a raiders hat isnt that just fuking stupid

  3. #3
    thursday january 22, 2004

    Went shopping with 2 girls, in order to buy a gift for a girl.. ended up at a panty store.. first time ever i think.. i'm not really i regular customer there... so i was like .. then i went to my pub to drink 2 cups of tea

    (ps. this is a good topic Musclebobbuffpants)

  4. #4
    thursday, 22nd of january

    today, at school, i forgot the cd that i bought yesterday. that and 50 other bad things happened. i feel the need to start being a goth. oh, the pain.

    you think you know.. but you have no idea. this is the diary of shadowmantis.

  5. #5
    YAY!!!! I thought that I was gonna get like 7 posts in a row full of flames,but I think this is a good topic too, we get to know what is going on in our daily lives and stuff....... and I think that it is wrong that 2 black dudes jumped a white kid because he was wearing a raiders hat

    And I think we should keep a list of the people who are gonna use this topic as a journal....

    Uzumaki Naruto

    if you wanna start too, just make an entry

    and if u wanna add another article for the same day you can put

    Article #2 Thursday, January 22, 2004
    <type text here>

  6. #6
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Article #2 Thursday, January 22, 2004</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    today is not a very good day for me, i went to sleep to dam late and woke up to dam early. now i have to walk my ass to skewl and get ready for finals. the thing that i hate most is that i have my 2 per class first thing in the morning and this class happens to be the class with the teacher that i hate most. anyways my dayw as going so good until i went into class, i took the finals and past it with flying colors and then my teacher says that we can have free time bc i have about atleast 1 and half hours to go in class so me and my feind sat down and played some killer. then as i was about to wup his ass my spanish teacher rolls by and say that we were gambling just bc we were playing cards. then she calls a site supervisor on me and m,y freind o man i was so dam pissed that i threw a chair at her well good thing it missed her but i was hoping that it hit her but then again i didnt. anyways the site supervisor knows us and he knew that we werent playing for money bc he is always watching us play cards when were at luch or something
    so he lets us go but my spanish teacher woudlnt stop naggin me and shit so i told her to STFU and go die u stupid bitch and so she did she STFu and left me alone for the rst of the day. BTW that whole thrwong the chairthing i made up

  7. #7
    Friday, January 23, 2004

    okeej were was I.. owh yeah.. the rest of the day no more icky moisty stuff.. some guy came to restore our bathroom, so i was unable to take a shower.. thereby causing me to arrive 10 min. to late at work.. nobody got pissed what so ever (I work part-time at the supermarket).. there they had fried chicken for customers, very rare.. so I had fried chicken for lunch.. When I had a break I wen&#39;t to buy some orange jus, so I go to the cashregistry where i encountered an old collegue who buys the drink.. On the house he said.. so i was like.. okeej, kewl.. Then when I came home I had to cook.. my little brother said: go make some pancakes.. And i&#39;m horrid with cooking.. but they turned out fine 2night i got a party from a friend.. and that means BEER&#33;&#33;&#33;


  8. #8
    friday january 23rd, 2004

    god why does this dam teacher hate me so much wut the hell did i do to her dammit i hate this teacher so much but i dont feel like changing my schedule bc i hate adjusting to new things. same thing happend to me again the dam teacher wont get off my nuts she wont leave me alone even when im doing my work. dam i really hope that some one pushes her ass down the stairs or something bc im begining to get really fed up with her

  9. #9
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>friday january 23rd, 2004</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    made plans to kill Uzumaki Naruto cause he types like ARGH&#33; &gt;___&lt;
    still searching for people who wanna play diablo 2, baldurs gate 2, battle realms or ghost recon with me. my friends are too cool to play games with me. i need better friends.
    haxxxxxorrrrrzzzed cnn and made a custom poll:

  10. #10
    Friday 23rd January - 2004
    Entry #1

    Went in to college today for only one class which i have in the morning. It was Networking, unit 23. I was meant to complete my Subnet Mask work, but i was at the point of zero for motivation and i felt like crap. Stomach ache, headache, and a slight weak dizzy feeling. So i just chilled with a group of mates and talked and surfed, and we discussed PC components, wheather the AMD 64 processors were worth considering a buy or if it was a huge mistake with the possible change of chip type in about 5 years time.

    One of my mates majors in other OS&#39;s and programming. He runs Linux as his natural OS, and hosts a server. He&#39;s even been hired by a high class company to help out with the game servers and be a technical troubleshooting guy for people to call. He dosn&#39;t get paid though, due to the fact he isn&#39;t ready to commit full time to it.

    Also surfed, and we did all this throughout the 4hr lesson. (yeah, 4 hrs straight damnit.)

    Then i went downtown on my own. Feeling slightly down i went to a cafe, and drunk a Chococcina at a table all by myself looking over the crowd of people as they entered and left the shopping centre known as the Grafton Centre. I also ate a Bacon and melted cheese croissant. Then i went to some place and bought a nice plate with a gold intricate design for my mum&#39;s Christmas present. I also withdrew £40 for my Sister&#39;s Christmas present &amp; Birthday present (£20 * 2).
    I then went to Forbidden Planet and looked at the only anime in all of Cambridge and all the areas between my town and Cambridge put together. God we lack so much anime &gt;_O;;

    Looked through the T-Shirts, but didn&#39;t find anything of Interest. Looked through the DVD&#39;s but couldn&#39;t afford anything anymore. Left after about 30mins of browsing, and headed off to Laser Quest. Didn&#39;t play the actual Laser game, but i instead played some random people at Tekken Tag. The controls were configued different to the college machine, so i didn&#39;t play as professionally or stylish as i normally do, and came close to losing. The stick was also incredibly loose and prevented me from pulling off certain moves and combos, but i never complained. Beat the first guy, lost to the second, then i had to go to catch my bus and they asked me if i could stay longer and play them more. They really enjoyed playing me because it&#39;s not often they find someone who competes at their level of play =P

    I said sorry and will come again to play them. They go there often apparently and one of them even works there. So i caught my bus and went home... Stared out the window daydreaming. Fell asleep, because for some reason i&#39;ve been abnormally tired in comparison to most days recently. Woke up in time to get off, and then i returned a rented DVD titled &quot;Cradle to the Grave 2&quot;, and then headed off home.

    Arrived home, fed the cats, went upstairs to the computer and phoned my mate and asked what he was doing next week. He said nothing and i arranged to go to his next week because it&#39;s review week next week and college won&#39;t be open for a week. Then i played him at some TFC (Team Fortress Classic- A HalfLife Mod), and thrashed as a Sniper for a while. Until we joined a busier server then we got blown up every few seconds lol. 38 people playing on that server O_O;

    Then he left to play FA, i played longer and got bored of the sniper map, and logged off. Started Shareaza again, got bored, came here. Now i&#39;m listening to &quot;Asian Kung-Fu Generation&quot;, and posting away here. Gonna go and watch a movie my brother rented soon probably, or not. =P

  11. #11
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>BTW that whole thrwong the chairthing i made up </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    While i was readin&#39; i thought u freaked out man.. not normal.. but then I read the &quot;btw&quot; n everything was cool..

    Friday, january 23

    My day just began so nothing much has happened except that i have a cold and 20 liters of icky moisty stuff came out of my nose Well let&#39;s see what the day brings us


  12. #12
    Friday, January 23, 2004 Article #2

    Today in gym my friend got into a fight with a 6th grader and he is in 8th and he is supposed to be in 9th grade. my friend just kept hitting him in the face and the other kid kept crying. when he got a few hits on him people were holding him back and he was relly relly pissed off. He might not be in my gym hour anymore. after school we played football (which was like 20 minutes ago).

  13. #13
    ok my start of the day....and that day is friday, jan 23

    Was planning to go to school... but since there is nothing to do at the moment besides eating cake (wich i don&#39;t like) i decided not to go. I&#39;m planning to see 66-67 of naruto this afternoon since now i have the time for it. At the moment i&#39;m reading GTO #8. Onizuka is sweet That&#39;s about it.....

  14. #14
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    Friday/01/04, 6:07 pm

    I just woke up, after getting home from school and writing my french exam...

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  15. #15
    Friday, January 23, 2004 Article #3
    This is the first article I made today at my house, the others were at school and my friends house. When I got home my sisters friend was here and it was a guy, and she is only 10 so it was pretty weired. I started making more pictures for naruto gallery, so when he gets them uploaded, there will be over 4000 pics.
    Today my brother is gonna go see a movie with my friend, his girlfriend and his cousin, and someone my brother likes........ I hope my brother gets her

    NEW RULE&#33; limit 5 articles a day, on your 5th article u edit

  16. #16
    Friday, January 23

    Soda machine took my dollar.
    Impressed a bunch of people by punching through a board.
    End of finals at my school so lots of partying.

  17. #17
    Friday, January 23, 2004
    The day has just started and I am at school right now, i am at my club called web surfers. Nothing much has happened today but I will make article 2 when i get back from school. and im about to go watch some music videos

  18. #18
    Friday, January 23, 2004 Article #4(the last one for today........ no,relly)

    Im gonna stay the night at my friends house and my friends brother is gonna stay the night at my house...... confused?

  19. #19
    errr.. musclebobbuffpants how about editting the new rule.. 2 posts a day par person... cuz u&#39;re spamming the topic... jk... didn&#39;t mean it that way.. like 2 posts or sumthing.. one when u get up in the morning and feeling bored and the other for what u did the rest of the day.. since this rule hasn&#39;t been applied I can still post.. sow I had beer for the rest of the eve and the party was real nice.. girls are nice to talk too.. sow to all the geeks out there: girls do NOT bite.. jk

  20. #20
    saturday jan 24,

    hihi had fun last night.... yes the same party Shikai is talking about. Had fun got drunk. We had a lot of fun.... and going out with only girls for a boy is fun and educational

    woke up this morning at 1 pm, wow lucky me no hangover again My parents got the dvdplayer back from the repaireshop so the stupid thing we got for loan is gone&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Just finishd breakfast.

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