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Thread: Problem with BT for eps. 66-67

  1. #1
    I don't know what is going on but i started the download sometime sat and now it won't connect to any of the three torrents for eps. 66-67. I have also tried the other suggestion of going through and it isn't downloading either. can someone help me anymore? i really want to watch these eps.

  2. #2
    just try the torrent multiple times, it finally got to work for me, but the speeds aren;t all that dashing with 8kb/s downstream and 15 upstream

  3. #3
    Can someone help me I tried to dl eps. 66-67 and it told me there was a tracker problem and the connection was refused

  4. #4
    Well, i downloaded it from gotwoot, but that was on friday... now the torrents seem to be incorrect, try and use that torrent istead.

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