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Thread: Seems like a lot of people have had crummy

  1. #1
    Sasuke, Haku, Gaara, Neji. They all seem to have had pretty crummy child-hoods that involve the death or lack of family members and it's interesting to see how they all handled it.

    Sasuke -> Hunting for the man who killed his family, all we know is that this man has Sharingan and that I THINK he is Sasuke's brother or something...

    Haku -> Orphaned and he dealt with it by meeting Zabuza and becoming his "tool".

    Gaara -> His family, specificlly his mother was killed and he saw it(this is speculation *shrug*). Like Naruto, a demon was sealed in his body. Unlike Naruto, he believes his purpose to kill everyone except himself.

    Neji -> His father died to protect the main family and Byugoken(How do you spell that? :/) power. In his anger, Neji dealt with this by hating Hinata and her side of the Huuyga family and pushed a false belief in Pre-destination. Naruto set him straight though.

    In any case, it seems like they all of had crummy childhoods, what I like is the fact that the anime shows the characters dealing with it in different ways, which is very realisitc.

    What do you think?

  2. #2
    You make a interesting point... Come to think about it, just about every character in Naruto seems to have had a less then perfect childhood. But something like that is to be expected when you live in a world full of ruthless shinobi's. Gaara is something else... The more I learn about that guy, the more interesting he becomes. Something gives me the impression that much later in the series, Gaara might actually become a simi good guy. This is a little far fetched, but it's just a feeling I have...

  3. #3
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Crimson_Behelit @ Jan 17 2004, 06:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> You make a interesting point... Come to think about it, just about every character in Naruto seems to have had a less then perfect childhood. But something like that is to be expected when you live in a world full of ruthless shinobi&#39;s. Gaara is something else... The more I learn about that guy, the more interesting he becomes. Something gives me the impression that much later in the series, Gaara might actually become a simi good guy. This is a little far fetched, but it&#39;s just a feeling I have... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Heh I&#39;ve been thinking the same thing about Gaara... that would be cool, if he became a sort of &quot;Choatic Good&quot; character rather than a &quot;Chaotic Evil&quot;.... or is he a &quot;Neutral Evil&quot; character?

  4. #4
    Yeah, alot of them had shitty childhoods. I guess it’s a case of that which does not kill us makes us stronger. They had to struggle to overcome obstacles that they were inherently born into, and thus it made them more determined, and more able to cope with future problems. Or in Naruto/ Gaaras case their problems literately made them stronger

  5. #5
    Hmm, using the AD&amp;D alighnment system, I would say that he is a Chaotic Evil. Chances are he will never be any type of good, but most likely a Chaotic Neutral type if he ever has a change of heart. It&#39;s hard to be any sort of good when you are someone like Gaara...

  6. #6
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Aegis Runestone &#064; Jan 17 2004, 06:03 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Sasuke, Haku, Gaara, Neji. They all seem to have had pretty crummy child-hoods that involve the death or lack of family members and it&#39;s interesting to see how they all handled it.

    Sasuke -&gt; Hunting for the man who killed his family, all we know is that this man has Sharingan and that I THINK he is Sasuke&#39;s brother or something...

    Haku -&gt; Orphaned and he dealt with it by meeting Zabuza and becoming his &quot;tool&quot;.

    Gaara -&gt; His family, specificlly his mother was killed and he saw it(this is speculation *shrug*). Like Naruto, a demon was sealed in his body. Unlike Naruto, he believes his purpose to kill everyone except himself.

    Neji -&gt; His father died to protect the main family and Byugoken(How do you spell that? :/) power. In his anger, Neji dealt with this by hating Hinata and her side of the Huuyga family and pushed a false belief in Pre-destination. Naruto set him straight though.

    In any case, it seems like they all of had crummy childhoods, what I like is the fact that the anime shows the characters dealing with it in different ways, which is very realisitc.

    What do you think? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    hmm yeah.. true.

    Sasuke is hunting his <u>brother</u> it has been mentioned from time to time.

    I think gaara has killed his own mother. Someway Somehow something happend. Maybe she was ordered to kill gaara..or something.

    Bayakugan i think

  7. #7
    I think Gaara will end up being good or giving his life in some odd noble act. I&#39;d say &quot;Gaara&quot; is chaotic neutral, however the demon inside him is Chaotic Evil, and it has a strong hold on him.

    I thought they said Gaaras mother died when Gaara was born? Like whatever evil demon lurks within him used her for food or something. I know he calls the bloodly sand that protects him mother.

  8. #8
    About the Gaara/Sand/Mom thing..

    If you needed clarification or anything

  9. #9
    yeap, gaara&#39;s mom was the food so that he can be born. The person that tries to assasinate him was his aunt.

  10. #10
    If Gaara becomes good, i&#39;ll be pissed. That will just seem to much like Vegeta from Dragon Ball Z.

  11. #11
    gotta be careful talking about garaa&#39;s past. not a lot has been revealed in the anime yet.

    back on topic...
    there&#39;s a lot of charas tho who haven&#39;t had bad childhoods. Ino/Sakura/Choji/Shika/Shino/Kiba etc. from the bit that we do know about them I wouldn&#39;t put anything that happened to them as tragic.

  12. #12
    You knotice that all the real badasses in Naruto are Orphans... Something about having parents that are still alive weakens your ninja abilities. Lee, Neji, Naruto, Sasuke all badasses all no parents. Chouji, Ino, Shikamaru, Shino, Hinata, Kiba all presumed to have parents, while powerful there no match for the unbridled strength of Orphonics&#33;

    Due to the content of this thread im moving it to Naruto open and warning everyone who has spoiled in the thread.

  13. #13
    Well I think Shino is pretty badass, at least comparable with Neji and Lee. Maybe cuz his dad worries more about bugs than him???

  14. #14
    the point of them all having weird childhoods and very different backgrounds is:

    to show how they have grown from it, and how they act now

    it basically makes EVERY one of them unique and changed, and how they act to each other is reflected from it.

    this actually seems to make the anime very much more than just an action-packed show.

  15. #15
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hakeem_21 @ Jan 18 2004, 05:36 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Aegis

    At least Sasuke,Neji,Gaara knew their parents unlike Naruto who never knew his parents </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Yup, interesting enough, Naruto is, in my opinion the most positive character of the group and the most inspirational.

  16. #16
    One could argue that at least Sasuke and Neji have a far greater understanding of what they lost than Naruto.

    I think Naruto&#39;s biggest hurdle was the fact that everyone hated or at least disliked him than the having no parents part.

  17. #17
    I agree that Sasuke, Neji, and Naruto had pretty fucked up childhoods but I don&#39;t think it compares to Gaara&#39;s. I mean everyone hated him, even his parents. And the fact that the only person that he really liked tried to kill him makes everything 10 times worse.

  18. #18
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    actually, now that i think about it, Haku was quite a basterd...

    he got all the heart to heart talks with Naruto, and then he goes and suddenly talks about how he (haku) and sasuke are special becuase of thier blood and how naruto wouldn&#39;t understand... he deserved that Chidori up his ass&#33;

    Gaara&#39;s probably the saddest guy around the Naruto manga, i find it harder and harder to hate him, or even say something bad about him...

    Sasuke&#39;s story is the simplest one, he has an &quot;X killed my family, i&#39;ll kill X&quot; fixtation... which isn&#39;t half as complicated as Neji&#39;s theories about destiney, or even Naruto&#39;s hokage dream.

    btw: here&#39;s something to counter all Sasgay&#39;s fans, when they start telling you how sad Sasuke is and how horrible his past was and that it justifies his gay behavior, just say &quot;Heck&#33; I&#39;m sad too&#33; but you don&#39;t see having 2 million fangirls or acting like a dick...&quot;

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #19

    At least Sasuke,Neji,Gaara knew their parents unlike Naruto who never knew his parents

  20. #20
    Gaara cannot become good, he cant control his sand when hes feeling anything emotional at all which means he&#39;ll constantly kill even if not trying to

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