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Thread: Eps 66-67

  1. #61
    Missing Nin
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Uchiha-Itachi @ Jan 18 2004, 10:32 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Nah that&#39;s not true at all rofl... it doesn&#39;t look like Oro&#39;s eye&#39;s... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

  2. #62
    Well if it is Orochimaru or not we will see .. But maby Kazekage has blackbair?.. tho in Gaara&#39;s flashback noone seems to have black hair except for Kankuro I think, but I dont know

    I actually dont care alot about if it is kazekage or Orochimaru or anyone else that is probably going to fight Hokage.. It wont be ayone at chuunin or jounin level thats for sure. So the fight will probably be extreeme.

  3. #63
    haha its sad that some of you manga readers ( im one too ) try too ruin it for the anime guys who CAN wait patiently for the anime ... trying to act all like i dont know but isnt that.. looks like.. HEY I DONT READ THE MANGA just guessing just guessing . Makes me sick

    ok all overreacted but dont do it it isnt any fun they have to wait too every week just as we do but the problem is they cant spoil it 4 us manga readers

  4. #64
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    Dec 2003
    Two of the jounins that they didn&#39;t show reacting to Kabuto&#39;s genjitsu were Asuma and Kurenai. It seems that they&#39;d only show so many (a certain number of people) dispelling the genjitsu so it&#39;s not repetitive. I think we can assume that they dispelled it for themselves too, but does this mean that they&#39;re not going to be shown much in the following episodes? Everyone here is talking about Gai and the others mentioned in the earlier posts, but nobody really goes beyond that. Someone mentioned Neji, and a few thought of Iruka, but all of this (other stuff) makes me wonder if it&#39;s actually manga people &quot;molding&quot; anime watchers to theorize in the eventual &quot;correct&quot; direction.

    This is not to discount people who are good at picking up the foreshadowing hints, of course.

    Anyway, about the episode... I was disappointed about halfway through when i realized that Sasuke&#39;s chidori wasn&#39;t going to seriously damage (or kill&#33 Gaara. It seems like every time they super-hype up something, they want to you expect it to be completely effective but then it ends up not working. But besides that, the episode was nearly throughly enjoyable Gai&#39;s old humor is still funny... The great anticipation of what he&#39;s going to do just cracks me up ^^

  5. #65
    for everyone who is putting Sasuke down for learning Lee&#39;s taijutsu in a month, you&#39;re all forgetting one very important fact. Sasuke was nearly out of breath after his first couple assaults on Gaara, whereas Lee was perfectly fine up until he used Lotus. So, Sasuke hasn&#39;t MASTERED Lee&#39;s taijutsu. Lee trained for Mastery, where Sasuke copied for strategy.

  6. #66
    I belive that part when Kiba and Akamaru got fainted dosen&#39;t exist in the manga...
    Correct me if i&#39;m wrong or whatever..

  7. #67
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (ssjtrunks585 @ Jan 18 2004, 06:52 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> for everyone who is putting Sasuke down for learning Lee&#39;s taijutsu in a month, you&#39;re all forgetting one very important fact. Sasuke was nearly out of breath after his first couple assaults on Gaara, whereas Lee was perfectly fine up until he used Lotus. So, Sasuke hasn&#39;t MASTERED Lee&#39;s taijutsu. Lee trained for Mastery, where Sasuke copied for strategy. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I completely a matter of fact, didnt Gai say something along those his head? No, already forgetting..gotta watch again....

  8. #68
    IIRC in manga Kabuto made Kiba and akamaru faint when he was healing hinata, butf unny thing is that I don&#39;t remember if Akamaru &quot;smelled&quot; Kabuto or not, so i don&#39;t really know why he did that

  9. #69
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Guizmo0 @ Jan 18 2004, 06:30 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> haha its sad that some of you manga readers ( im one too ) try too ruin it for the anime guys who CAN wait patiently for the anime ... trying to act all like i dont know but isnt that.. looks like.. HEY I DONT READ THE MANGA just guessing just guessing . Makes me sick

    ok all overreacted but dont do it it isnt any fun they have to wait too every week just as we do but the problem is they cant spoil it 4 us manga readers </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    dude i totally agree.....i dont even read the manga, but for fucks sake, were not all idiots. its only takes that slight &quot;hint&quot; to make the connection, and then its ruined. speculation is one thing, but dont make it obvious by saying, &quot;im a manga reader, but i *think* this is whats gonna happen&quot;......if u read the manga, either dont tell us about it, or dont speculate. u can&#39;t do both, cuz when something that seems pretty obvious is then also &quot;speculated&quot; by a manga reader, it usually ends up as a spoiler.

    also itahci_ dont post spoiler unless someone *asks*....and even then, pm them. random spoilers are just stupid, even if they&#39;re in spoiler color.

  10. #70
    hmmm probably everyone&#39;s excited about the upcoming war, but when it actually comes, the episode won&#39;t live up to our expectations....seems to be a pattern.

  11. #71
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itsgalf &#064; Jan 18 2004, 08:49 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> hmmm probably everyone&#39;s excited about the upcoming war, but when it actually comes, the episode won&#39;t live up to our expectations....seems to be a pattern. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    of course.. next EP is surely going to be

    &quot;Ohh.. thats why that happend&#33; *flashback* .. and thats why this happend&#33; *flashback* And thats why Hayate died&#33; *flashback*&quot;

    But maybe not... in the preview it looks full-action

  12. #72
    Well in the upcoming war I forgot about the other sub-character Jounins, namely Kurenai and Asuma... wonder what they are gonna do... probably the main fighting with the Sand and Sound nins. And Ebisu has been mentioned in the other thread... if he comes in I don&#39;t know why but becuase he has been such a moron up till know I got a feeling he&#39;s gonna absolutly own anyone he fights from the attacking sound or sand nins...

    And as for the people saying that Naruto is going to summon Gamabunta to fight the snake summons, what about Gaara&#39;s demon? He doesn&#39;t seem to be so small himself after all, his arm was pretty big. Also, it may be that Naruto summons a huge frog but not GamaBunta... and GB is left for some uber battle at the end.

  13. #73
    200 guys in a forest AND THE ANBU MISS THAT?????? come on WAY

  14. #74
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Aug 2003

    really great episode.

    But now I´m really hating Sasuke&#33;
    &quot;Copying Lee´s Tai-Jutsu&quot;........... wtf???
    How can you copy jutsus which depend on enormous body training????
    That was so terrible.
    They showd us, how hard Lee had to train, and then Sasuke is fast the same only wihin a month.......... only thing i can say now....die, Sasuke&#33;



    "She's the only non-loli girl in the show, your honor!" will be my defense in court

  15. #75
    GO SASUKE&#33;&#33;

    Anywho i liked this episode, it was totally cool. to some people he might look and run gay but his skills and training isnt&#33; haha&#33; id say he is the strongest genin in konoha now. there some funny ass parts to as stated. when the hokage turns his head slowly, i coulda died laffing. and when gaara was screaming his ass off, i was hella laffing to. hahahahha&#33;&#33;&#33; HE SOUNDED LIKE HE STEPPED ON A NAIL&#33;&#33;&#33;
    anyways loved this episode, sasuke isnt gay, he runs kinda funny but yea.

  16. #76
    It&#39;s the mask, no doubt.. they&#39;re sight is limited

    Good eps. it was indeed.. I&#39;m glad it didn&#39;t look crappy.. god.. i&#39;m still having nightmares of 65.. Gaara sure creeped me out in 66-67.. Can&#39;t wait for 68, this stuff is getting better &#39;n better.. I hope Sasuke changes outfit, cuz it looks gay.. Don&#39;t u guys ever wonder how strong the hokage must be.. cuz all the other jounins have powerfull moves, consider what hokage can do...

  17. #77
    Man i really wish the quality of the animation would get better. I mean he didn&#39;t really bend his knees when he was running. I think a really good example of good animation in the series is the episode where sasuke fights orochimaru. If the gaara fight was animated like that then the episode would be twice as good.

  18. #78
    o yea, the sasuke copy lee gig, he cant copy it because he was in the hospital and didnt even see lee fight, and he was out with kakashi while lee was in the hospital. so whatchu guys talking about?

  19. #79
    I dont want to spoil anything but if you look at the pixs from the &quot;The Next Episode&quot;, you can clearly see that Kazakage reminds me of someone.

  20. #80
    Well with people saying it so much it&#39;s probably more of a spoiler than coincedence now isn&#39;t it?

    Yea I think it was pretty crap the way Sasuke is almost as fast as Lee now in just one month... because Lee&#39;s Taijitsu depends on loads of training... it doesn&#39;t matter if you are an elite with a Sharingan or whatnot it&#39;s just not realistic even for anime standards to be that strong...

    This is the first time I&#39;m saying it but it&#39;s reminding me of DBZ (I loved that show btw) when they made it look stupid byt having Goten and Trunks go Super Saiyan and have uber powers as kids and then fuse and become Gotenks and take on the one of the most powerful fighters in the universe... that was stupid.

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