I think a couple other people opened the 8th gate. And probably all of them or most of them died. The only way to know that theres a 8 th gate is if someone actually did it and died lol. " imgine some guy called bill opens the 8th gate for the first time ever in history." Bill:aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh "boooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbbbbbbbbb b!"
People: Oh shit theres a 8th gate that u can open. I can't even see bill ....
Bill: WOw look how strong i only tap this guy and hes dead hahahaha im the strongest in the world
People: Sees Bill sudenly
Bill: My heart, My body. "DEAD"
People: LOL idot ..............

Sad Ending.

Gai would probably be the only guy to open the 8th gate. ANd most likely for someone precious to him.