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Thread: Naruto Chapter 200

  1. #21
    The guy who won the prison fight is the new body for orochimaru.
    eh who knows what Kimimaro was hooked up to. My thought is that it is a life support system and that he can't be away from it for very long.

  2. #22
    i assumed it was just to keep his body in good condition and that he hadnt moved in a very long time

  3. #23
    i dont think that matters anymore cause both kimimaru and oro know that with sasuke who needs kimimaru so i think kimimaro expects this to be his last fight to make up for his lack of servitude to oro

    at least that was my take on things

  4. #24
    well the barrel wasn't broken so i am thinking it isn't susake

    and he is wearing diffrent cloths

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