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Thread: Is naruto for kids?

  1. #21
    well manga and anime like berserk is definitely not for children, naruto is for kids, but that doesn't change the fact that it also has interesting plot.

    kids like it, they don't talk and don't think about it's deeper aspects, (maybe yes maybe not) so it's also enjoyable for adults who are pondering about what will happen next and where did kakashi get his sharingan

    I'm cool with that, but I must admit that all these flashbacks are sometimes preeetty annoying (every minut of ep counts and I have to see for the third time naruto punching neji ).

    naruto is for everyone!

  2. #22
    I don't know if you guys already know this... But what i know is that from what Kishimoto-san says himself, Naruto is an anime meant both for younger kids and older kids (like in my age and above 17)....

    This is all i know, if anyone thinks differently, they should take it up with Kshimoto-san.

  3. #23
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>god... anime is for kids.... what so fucking hard to accept?

    yeah, sure that not all anime is like that, but the majority is targeted at 4-16 year audince...

    now just think about it, of all your anime collection, how many of them would you show your parents and expect them to like?

    about one or two, right? and that&#39;s from a collection that has about 60 or something animes, ain&#39;t i right?

    everyone has some hobbies that are &#39;childish&#39; for his age, no one complains about it, but when someone tries to denay it, it becomes pathetic...

    tell your sister she&#39;s totally right, but you just don&#39;t give a shit about it, cuz you enjoy it...
    </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Yep I agree. And you don&#39;t know how many times I have had to fight over these stupid matters with some of my friends.
    But now, they just accept me, because I am a total woman when it comes to disagreements (totally unbeatable and unfair)

  4. #24
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Shinji Ikari @ Jan 16 2004, 04:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I don&#39;t know if you guys already know this... But what i know is that from what Kishimoto-san says himself, Naruto is an anime meant both for younger kids and older kids (like in my age and above 17).... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Woot, can&#39;t argue with the man Kishmoto.

    Naruto is just a cartoon made for kids. Just like the cartoons we grew up with.

    In a psychology class I took, the professor has us watch 10 min of the old X-Men cartoon (early 90s version - the best one), and then 10 min of the movie Terminator. We were supposed to count all the violent acts in each. The X-Men blew the Terminator away.

    Don&#39;t be ashamed - kids like cool stuff.

  5. #25
    Great shows are for all ages. I know a few older people(27-28) who watch Naruto. Just because its a cartoon doesn&#39;t mean its just for kids

  6. #26
    In reality, virtually all anime is aimed DIRECTLY at a children&#39;s audience. It&#39;s a fact. Ask anyone who has actually lived in Japan. When I was eating sushi with some friends at a Japanese restaurant located near a anime convention, we had a interesting discussion with the people that ran the restaurant. They were extremely surprised to find that so many adults watched anime. They said that all anime is strictly for children in Japan and that it is considered weird for adults to watch it. Out of the 10 adults running the Sushi bar, NONE of them watched anime. But that still doesn&#39;t change the fact that it fun and interesting to watch, especially for foreign fans like us. Just because it&#39;s for kids, doesn&#39;t mean it&#39;s not good.

  7. #27
    ナルト is for everyone except reak youg viewers.Basiclly teen plus.

  8. #28
    its only part true that anime is for kids only. there is anime out there that is best suited for adults. i cant think of any but heres some examples

    ex. Hentai is NOT for kids

    ex.2 an adult wouldnt know who Rock Lee is or where the hell that name came from

    ex 3. shows like &quot;Kite&quot;, &quot;Ninja Scroll&quot;, and &quot;ghost in the shell&quot; have partial nudity in it and probably wont be recommended for most viewers

    ex4. an adult viewer would very much like hentai over naruto

    ex5. a kid will get addicted to hentai and start doing dirty shit if they keep watching

    ex6. an adult will not know who the hell Uchiha Sasuke is

    theres ratings on anime series, take time to look at them before u assume something.

  9. #29
    Not to say that ALL anime is aimed at kids, only the vast majority. Basicly, Anime is just like our regular programming here in the USA. They have all different genres for all different age groups. Here in the USA, most cartoons are aimed at kids while a few are obviously not aimed at kids. But I can say for sure that Naruto is aimed at kids.

  10. #30
    Please stop arguing ,.. i thoguht you all would agree with me that its not for kids beacuse it hits back to your selfs ..if is for children we all would be childish ,.. and i dont see my self that way ..someone agree with me?

  11. #31

    A/S/L/last time you got laid.

    of course, the audience that actually watches, doesn&#39;t mean the target audience intended.

    1. Watching cartoons is generally accepted as a childish thing. I mean, adults deal with real life stuff that&#39;s really a downer, like work and paying the bills and mowing the lawn, have sex with your mom.

    Children can do whatever the f*ck they like. Play in the sand, pick their noses, and yes.. believe it or not, watch cartoons. So i would classify my watching of anime as a childish act.

    2. THe Simpsons were written by people that graduated from Harvard, ever heard of Conan O&#39; Brien? The satirical work is obviously targeting adult individuals who can comprehend the politics behind their daily lives. Kids could care less who&#39;s president, except when they get a presidents quiz.

    Naruto does not do that. The anime, at most, is just a story about a bunch of fictionary kids living their dramatized soap opera&#39;d lives.

    3. Finally, read the manga, then watch the anime. Your opinions will change as to whether or not the cartoon has been dumbed down.

    20/M/california/my g/f keeps my penis in a jar

  12. #32
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (True_strengh @ Jan 16 2004, 05:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Please stop arguing ,.. i thoguht you all would agree with me that its not for kids beacuse it hits back to your selfs ..if is for children we all would be childish ,.. and i dont see my self that way ..someone agree with me? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I couldn&#39;t put it better myself, you said it yourself.

    some of us say it isn&#39;t for kids cuz they don&#39;t want to feel childish...

    but the truth is that anime and even most of the manga, have nothing to appeal to &#39;older&#39; audience, it&#39;s there for kids and people who like to feel like kids sometimes...

    for e.x, i gave my father to read the manga of &quot;death note&quot; once, i really liked it and found it mature and complicated, he just thought it was stupid.
    e.x 2, my father walked into my room while me and my brother were watching naruto, he asked me what&#39;s it&#39;s about, so i just said &quot;ninjas, ninjas, ninjas&#33;&quot; (think naruto style saying) and he asked if he could join us.

    which goes to say that even people at the 40&#39;s and 50&#39;s can enjoy anime the same way we do, but ignoring logic and age diffrences and just seeing how &#39;cool&#39; ninjas are.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  13. #33
    thanks for understanding

  14. #34
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Jan 16 2004, 06:04 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (True_strengh &#064; Jan 16 2004, 05:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Please stop arguing ,.. i thoguht you all would agree with me that its not for kids beacuse it hits back to your selfs ..if is for children we all would be childish ,.. and i dont see my self that way ..someone agree with me? </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I couldn&#39;t put it better myself, you said it yourself.

    some of us say it isn&#39;t for kids cuz they don&#39;t want to feel childish...

    but the truth is that anime and even most of the manga, have nothing to appeal to &#39;older&#39; audience, it&#39;s there for kids and people who like to feel like kids sometimes...

    for e.x, i gave my father to read the manga of &quot;death note&quot; once, i really liked it and found it mature and complicated, he just thought it was stupid.
    e.x 2, my father walked into my room while me and my brother were watching naruto, he asked me what&#39;s it&#39;s about, so i just said &quot;ninjas, ninjas, ninjas&#33;&quot; (think naruto style saying) and he asked if he could join us.

    which goes to say that even people at the 40&#39;s and 50&#39;s can enjoy anime the same way we do, but ignoring logic and age diffrences and just seeing how &#39;cool&#39; ninjas are. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    haha, your dad&#39;s cool&#33;

  15. #35
    it depends how old a kid is to u.
    for example, im 17 i dont think im a kid, cuz i can drive n do things.
    but then i also think naruto isnt for someone thats like 5 or 6. uno sexy no jutsu wil mess them over

  16. #36
    Under my age&#33;&#33;

  17. #37
    getting outta hand here...

    lookit the ratings for anime, itll answer the questions.

  18. #38
    Doesn&#39;t even matter what the rating is. If its for kids, thats nice, we all still watch it because it appeals to us...end of story

  19. #39
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itsgalf @ Jan 16 2004, 07:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Doesn&#39;t even matter what the rating is. If its for kids, thats nice, we all still watch it because it appeals to us...end of story </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    im just saying you know... whats for teens, kids, and adults

  20. #40
    god, i hate when ppl say cartoons are for kids......i dont understand how cartoons are differnt from &quot;real&quot; tv shows or movies.....its just another form of entertainment, a different medium if u will. just because theres this streotype of only kids watching cartoons, ppl tend to think all &quot;animated&quot; things are childish.

    look at the simpsons and southpark for gods sake.......they&#39;re both &quot;cartoons&quot; (and not even anime, which i consider a whole different category all together), yet they&#39;r not intended to kids.

    and if u wanna talk about the whole maturity thing, what about all those reality shows on fox? i mean, ppl humilitating thenselves on national tv, and other ppl sitting at home watching that and enjoying it......thats pretty f***ing degrading and immature. (the best example would b the new reality show &quot;my fat no good fiance&quot; or somethign like that).

    anime, is not the same as cartoons imo......there are animes intended for kids, and animes intended for adults.....look at some of the anime movies....perfect blue, armitage (sp), Kite. thats all &quot;anime&quot; yet its certainly not for kids.

    Naruto is one anime thats enjoyable by BOTH kids and adults alike......its has action and comedy for the kids, as well as excellent plots and hidden meanings for adults. so to say that all anime is for kids is stupid, and to say that naruto is JUST for kids is stupid

    if anything, the age group for an anime should b judged by its viewers, not by what some network execs think. if the majority of ppl watching naruto are teens and young adults (or atleast a good number, if not the majority) then *thats* the age group for it

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