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Thread: 66 and 67 .. what you think

  1. #21
    It was a nice episode but I do think it was dragged out. Probably could've covered one more issue to the point where Oro reveals himself. That would've been a nicer cliff hanger ending.

    It was nice that they explained where the snakes came from but but the fact that sand nins did the summoning kinda spoils it a bit...coulda done w/out it.

    I really hope this doesn't become like DBZ in terms of dragging out. I could not stand the show for that very reason.

  2. #22
    Spoilers is aloud so, </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>CODE </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'>it ain&#39;t kazekage, it&#39;s orochimaru... Kazekage is dead</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

  3. #23
    this forum IS NOT for anime only watchers.

  4. #24
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Jan 16 2004, 04:12 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Just recently watched the ANBU&amp;AonE 66-67 , it was great quality. though a filler episode... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Filler? FILLER? Ok the Naruto getting to stadium was filler. This was completely 100% in the manga. Every little bit. It pretty good quality too (despite Sasuke&#39;s running animation)

  5. #25
    Ooh... Is this series gonna fall because of the bad artists? I thought that Naruto is popular so why are they using so f*cking bad artists? Yeah, this was a lot better than 65 but still far worse than the best. Did anyone else noticed Sasuke&#39;s weird running style, that was hilarious. In the anime theyr&#39;e making every action way longer than in the manga and that sucks. That part where Sasuke dodged Gaara&#39;s defence ball or whatever looked funny. Sasuke spinning in air like a frisbee.. Geez...
    Maybe it&#39;s because the series is so long already. 67 eps and that&#39;s pretty long. The artist&#39;s are becoming frustrated

  6. #26
    Haha... very true, it was hilarious.
    The best animator team is probably busy preparing the movie.
    I can&#39;t wait for the release&#33;&#33;

  7. #27
    Ahaha yeah when I saw Sasukes running I laughed.

    Good ep can&#39;t wait to see the next battle in the forest

  8. #28

    I just was very angry that they did the special Episode for next week and not for newyears... but the Epsiodes were fun so it&#39;s ok...

    Pyr0 has exactly written down what I wanted to say. it just sucks, when they make the series so long I nearly got bored all the time. They do good job but this is to change because I think a lot of people will change to the Manga. I mean 67 Episodes are a lot and it would be more fun if it were just like episode 40 -50 but in the same part as now.
    Well I&#39;m looking forward to the Episode in 2 weeks

  9. #29
    This was dragged out.The best part of it was when Sasuke used Chidori,then got trapped and we got to see Gaara&#39;s demon.Also,the sound and sand starting the invasion was also cool.But what pissed me off,no Orochimaru and Kabuto.That&#39;s b/s.And by Kabuto,I mean him revealing himself.I&#39;m getting hyped for the Orochimaru vs Hokage fight,Insomniac&#39;s hyping is just making me want to see it more.Calling Oro a peddie is always fun,but this battle is business.

  10. #30
    it was an ok episode the only thing special was how hot sasuke&#39;s chidori looks in comparison to wat we see kakashi do. anyway this whole waut two weeks for an episode is starting piss me offnow i have nothing to look forward to during midterm week.

  11. #31
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (DB_Hunter @ Jan 16 2004, 05:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> By the way could the manga reader&#39;s please if they want to quote things yet to come in spoiler font so to save it for anime watchers like me? This is a request since I know spoilers are allowed here. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    This forum was _NOT_ made so that anime only watchers come in and request the use of spoiler colors. If you don&#39;t want to hear spoilers or be in danger of hearing them, your just plain in the wrong forum. Sorry, but that&#39;s how it is. You have your anime forum for things that came up in the part of the storyline you know of, we have ours.
    It won&#39;t happen that this forum is steadily converted into s second anime only forum.

    @RaCo: why should they make another two-ep special? This one was already because the PoT special. 66 was the first ep after the xmas break and 67 next week&#39;s ep that can&#39;t air due to PoT.
    Be gratefull that they showed two chaps in advance and not after the PoT or just continued the normal way.

    66/67 was ok, but nothing spectacular. I don&#39;t like the way they did Sasuke&#39;s chidori charge. The manga art with this tail was much cooler. Also that sonic-boom when he leaves the wall in this very good piece of art viewed from down at the wall&#39;s corner was converted miserable.
    Just making it a big dust cloud because they aren&#39;t skilled anough to draw it was disappointing.

    For the upcoming I think they will change a lot in the manga&#39;s order of events.
    Switching all the time between cityfight -- kaze-fight -- shino-fight -- naruto-fight won&#39;t work to good i think. Also think of Gaara&#39;s childhood flashback with more volume than a complete anime episode. I think the anime watchers will go nuts if they leave it that way [Intro - Flashback - Outro].
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  12. #32
    That Kage in blue ain&#39;t Kazekage it&#39;s Orochimaru.

  13. #33
    Not to forget this one close up of his face (can&#39;t remember where exactly it was). He looked like his parents were siblings.

    Yes, Orochimaro revealing himself and Sasuke chasing Gara would have been a better end.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  14. #34
    Im looking forward a lot to the next fight,those who reads manga know what i mean.

  15. #35
    Actually, no.

    Naruto &lt;--&#62; Gaara will be totally exaggerated. Sakura standing her woman against Gaara could be made interesting, but I think the animators will leave her the pussycat she is atm.

    Things that could get intersting:

    - from what 66/67 already revealed they seem to &quot;stretch&quot; by showing more of the city invasion. Means maybe we will maybe see more of
    • Kakashi evening the odds
    • Ibiki commanding the city defense
    • Hyuuga-sama Jyuuken
    • All the parents fighting
    • Jiraiya-sama froggie style
    - Shino&#39;s fight. His style is just pure madness
    - Pakkun&#33;
    - The Hokage/Oro match should be something, though I am pretty sure it will be dragged like hell and awfully slow. Ruined to call it by its name.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  16. #36
    if the Hokage battle goes anywhere near as well in the manga it should be excellent to watch in the anime

    personally thats the only time i really liked the flashbacks, you know the ones that told you more about Orochimaru
    thats when i first started liking him as a character when i found out his motivations

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