Like what are their good traits.
Here is a list of traits that are considered virtues:
Fortitude - He sticks to his guns and sees his tasks through, not matter what.
Courage - Maybe not at first so much, but now he is very courageous. Takes on Gaara without thinking twice in a death match.
Valor - Supports Hinata and then fights Neji to get revenge for what he did to her.
Honor - Likes to do right by people. He has his personal nindo and sticks to it.
Honesty - He does tell the truth most of the time. Like telling Hinata that he thought she was creepy. He doesn't really hold back anything.
Generosity - Not really shown, but he does help others out a lot. He supports Inari and stands up for Hinata.
4th Hokage -
Sacrifice - Gave his life so the village could be protected.
He probably has all the other virtues as well.
Write down what you think your favorites have and why.