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Thread: OMG itachi news i think!

  1. #1
    check this link out and tell me wut u think . . . is it new manga and about itachi

    go check it out

  2. #2
    That's not even Itachi, it's the 4th.

  3. #3
    i concur with koRnTaco. this will be an awesome manga.

  4. #4
    Heres what it translated into when I used Babel Fish:


    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>The continuation of the chronological table consideration which is written with under. Please do not read this in マジ. When Honde it does, the process which in the various heads is rearranged we would like to see with feeling.

    &quot;Weasel 13 year old dark space amount captain&quot; conclusion have not been attached in not yet even by your, butit cannot digesting more &quot;as for the patience boundary great war the history, nine tail seal ago&quot;.After 4th generation dies, nothing happened? ? ? &#33; &#33; In the time when the head of the leaf of the tree falls? The other village saying nothing, it has made gentle? ... You cannot think&#33; Being treaty, or being alliance or, intellectual viewing, the leaf of the tree being mightiest and therefore affluent what, per 3 uniting with number 2, the flow っ て of society it is there are no times when number one is dropped? For patience of the foreign country to aim for the leaf of the tree, the っ て which does not have at all in the opportunity which is not above this? ? ? Fighting it is, in the world such a ant? &#33;

    う う う - - - dyspepsia - - -&#33; &#33; &#33; Or the second next patience boundary great war was the oak and others (blast) something the feed Kishimoto センセイ.... Or or the incident is with the っ lever which is possible to advance scene selfishly with the member? ? That taking the オイシイ place? &#33; - Selfishly incident causing ちゃ concave kana - - (sweat)

    Well, 4th generation and it is conversation of the dark space weasel, but it makes sinking, (ナミダ) it is heritage of the 「 fourth generation light with the original, because name of the 」 and 4th generation was put out,we wanted the memory of 4th generation being even in the weasel, it is.We wanted respecting 4th generation, it is, the ぉ. When we would like to draw with that, it is, butgoing back time to after all nine tail seal, weasel 5 year old it is too harsh... (the sweat)you abandon. The time angle being to draw, raising the ボツ manuscript where 4th generation stays. ↓ トホホ.

    Don&#39;t you think? as for staying on the right カカシ (laughing) the う う う... with カカシ and official setting 14 year old of 12 years ago -. Weasel 5 year old this figure it can be, passes.... (And with mark setting the weasel of 12 year ago 11 year old being to be, it was the ant, well it is), how doing, or it buries this hole... for a while it is fight with reconsidering the chronological table... (before the weasel appearing the weasel book how to put out, the ちゃ っ it is high and others アンタ...)

    While so Inaba&#39;s &quot;will hermitage&quot; hearing, when is, it progresses, -&#33; The extent which is surprised&#33; &#33; &#33; Touch is painful truly suspension song&#33; &#33; And it is the weasel itself which the mark represents&#33; &#33; By all means the album buying, ッス which we want trying hearing&#33; In order for mind of the weasel to arose from that poem and melody, it is visible, (the air does)

    You call at one time and would like to try changing what

    2002 October 14th - contradiction of chronological table.
    As for the latest talk truly murmur of self-complacency. Please do not read in bean jam ball マジ. ↓

    Painfully drawing the manuscript of suspension combined magazine &quot;camellia&quot;, point. After all,it does not fall by any means to the 腑,the official setting, &quot;dark space amount captainwithweasel 13 year old &quot;. Being good? That. The weasel way as for being strong already you understood. So,at the timeof weasel 13 year old, perhaps similarly you probably have belonged to the dark spaceカカシ 22 years old.There is no standpoint shortage passing palm? ? ? &#33; &#33;カカシ... to being the elite.... At least nominating 7 groups to medium patience test taking an examination, when the dolphin becoming quarrel, as for by his becoming medium patience when at the time of 6 years old is. Exhibiting the elite っ ぷ り, passing, to サ.... Recently upper patience stopped understanding it is what, and it is the mark, (the sweat) as for カカシ captain っ て type or... from in the first place some forcing the っ て, the captain is unreasonable in 13 years old&#33; &#33;The leader and the ace are different&#33;Whether the current weasel is strange even with the captain serving, the weasel of 13 year old that time the vessel of the leader, when you say, a lot of weasel way the neck it tilts the worship person and even with the mark. As for weasel ace. At least with the captain, the mosquito we wanted カカシ being the ace of the シ squad. How it is not necessary for the captain to be strongest it is not? ? ?
    ... How, while writing, can form, incenter weasel way genius ップリ the oak and others which is the industry which... * and so on with delightful. (&lt;- After all the blind person)
    But with weasel 13 year old dark space amount captain, again dissatisfaction... (the patience test っ て of in the first place inside how became in the suspension being patience of the not yet even bottom, it is even,&#33 In order to exceed the older brother, if now at least it is not dark space class... the suspensionthere is no either standpoint with イカン meaning,when (the sweat) the う - it is, the story it advances, well enough painfully it is accustomed to the スーパーサ 0 ヤ person to still being young and the ちゃ っ it is the り, must set suddenly the combining ぇ which is アレ... excessively the weasel way, it is not real....

    Contradiction you had supposed next with &quot;camellia&quot; one volume, don&#39;t you think? &quot;the patience boundary great war resigned the rear theory of nine tail seal&quot; by the book of the soldier and was denied unless (blast) it renews either &quot;the leaf history of this sight page of the wood&quot;, gradually ハヅカシイ... (the sweat)
    To tell the truth in &quot;the camellia&quot;, and cartoon of the mark side (the lane carnation) at the manuscript, 4th generation and fluorine - drawing the conversational scene of カカシ and the weasel, hurting, it does. The 4th generation っ て to do lovely, to fumble with the absolute tea eye, because you think, that it is the person who has worth also conversation expanding with that participation, being to be easy to draw, it does, but カカシ when of age of the weasel is thought anyhow,presently 17 years old with him, as for the highest age which it can meet to the 4th generation of lifetime5 years old&#33; &#33; &#33; (Blast) it is strange after all&#33; &#33; &#33; Weasel 17 year old is unreasonable&#33; &#33; &#33; &#33; (ナミダ) and as for mark setting the suspension it was released with WEB, but ifカカシ at that time 22 years old, the weasel 19years old was good.... If the suspension age opens also the difference of power, still the human it is ill-smelling, the air which is does, but it is ウン, the one is absolute real. And as for the mark the weasel way &quot;the person who cannot be grasped&quot; is with you think, but to real we want the substance existing there, is. Real if it is not, the younger brother does not yearn. Glance you do not put in place either カカシ. With you think.
    Being to be vexatious, whether it will not mention the age of the weasel, this way 4th generation and will converse the dark space weasel that eye theory it is, but that and the っ ちゃ an uninformed in the book more fearful contradiction outbreak.The suspension 8 years old (bombing death) being how with this volume of the せナルト not to come out to 4th generation having lived, whether it probably means that also disregard is the ant when... (the sweat) 4th generation appeared in camellia 2 volume temporarily,&quot;... it was defeated, it is the shelf.... Because (&lt;-)&quot;with please chuckling (the sweat) the member magazine っ lever it is it is not unable to do either the fact that is in the cuteness of 4th generation, コワイ. You think whether and honesty the chronological table is chased still, to the last, whether with delusion dream single you are pleased honestly by your, in. So the chronological table chasing, because the development where also the て sprouts you cannot draw, drama you do not break the self-complacency so...

    When by the way, and the mark for the first time draws the imaginative figure of the weasel, &quot;cannot be ハガ. Length of this hair... without fail it is not with such long hair one binding. &quot;With you thought, it seems. For her as for recent NARUTO &quot;it cannot be,&quot; continuation it seems, is.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

  5. #5
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (KoRnTaco &#064; Jan 13 2004, 05:19 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> That&#39;s not even Itachi, it&#39;s the 4th. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    wut are u stupid??? it appears that itachi is talking with the fourth look at him u dumbass he is in a freakin anbu uniform with those 2 distinct itachi lines from his eyes u are a fake naruto fans who obviously dont knoe anything .. can&#39;t believe people would say thats the 4th not itachi.. true morrons

  6. #6
    none of that is actually official though

  7. #7
    i was going to take the liberty of &quot;translating&quot; the hiragana and katakana but then i realized someone else more than happy to show off their japanese knowledge will probably come along and save me the trouble
    just to get the ball rolling (so they feel the pressure to show that they too know katakana) i&#39;ll translate the one which he used most:
    カカシ is kakashi

  8. #8
    Edited for content.

    Forum Administrator

  9. #9
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali
    interesting find, but it&#39;s trash.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  10. #10
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    LA, Cali
    korntaco, go kill yourself. racists like you make me sick. i hope you get banned.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  11. #11
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    man that racial slur isn&#39;t called for.
    Agrees that you should get banned.

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  12. #12
    What&#39;s was that all about? Didn&#39;t care to read because babelfish isn&#39;t that good at translating big texts. I something about space weasel and that was enough

  13. #13
    If it was something good,I would have translated what babelfish couldn&#39;t,but it wasn&#39;t.Let me guess,Korntaco is racist againist japanese...

  14. #14
    i always assumed everyone here was asian..... i thought i could never relate to another race.. but in here were all equal and i dont know wut korn taco said.. and if its against asian... go suicide biotch cuz... anime is japanese dont fuckin watch naruto no more u fag.

  15. #15
    Korntaco, I dont kno what you said, since its been edited. But anyone thats racist is just a pathetic loser.

  16. #16
    why they&#39;d do a manga on itachi is beyond me.
    he&#39;s just another in the series of superstrong villans that naruto is going to face and whup eventually:/

  17. #17
    Interesting that the concept of a manga based solely upon Itachi could b considered.. but i dont think that will happen

    Wow lots of hate towards taco.. musta been bad

    we&#39;ll have to wait and see what this &#39;manga&#39; is and pray for better babel fish

  18. #18
    you guys do know that Itachi was about 4 when the 4th died

    theres no way that conversation could happen

  19. #19
    whats racist about:
    Edited for content.

    Forum Administrator

    kidding, well im with korntaco about it being the 4th

  20. #20
    Damn,how do you people get your posts edited by the admins.That&#39;s some bad shit your blurting.

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