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Thread: 65 Discussion

  1. #1
    this episode was a definite filler episode. what made it unbearable to watch for me was the sub-par animation.

    personally, i was happy to see the entrance of susake and kakashi, there was a strong build to it and the renewal of the naruto/sasuke friendship/rivalry was intense. too bad the animation didn't do it any justice.

    the way i see it, filler episodes OR episodes with poor animation just make the characters carry more substance and give a better animators more recognition. with this episode falling in both categories, i can't wait for the next ep......and there are 2 to boot!!!

  2. #2
    Im starting to dislike Naruto...

    well hopefully the next 1 hour special episode will cheer me up

  3. #3
    Well appart from the animations most chars looked horrible in that ep.. to fuck up gaara that much damn.. appart from that the ep wasnt that bad now was it?.. pretty amusing and as someone else said they want the fighting to start in the next ep.. 1 hour that means it's probably gonna be a nice nice nice fight

    And finaly Gaara can whipe that pathetic look off Sasuke damn I didnt dislike him at the beginning and I didnt like him I was Neutral but damn he's so arogant to full of him self, he doesnt even have to open his mouth his apperance pisses me off . So Gaara better fuck him up real good so he shuts his damn hole..

  4. #4
    no one seems to have said anyhitng about sasuke's speed the preview we see him moving as a blur and dodging gaara's sand shield completely. could he possibly be as fast as lee now? he does have weights on his hands (well they look like weights atleast)

  5. #5
    this was 1 of the worst 1 i seen yet...the drawings....

  6. #6
    I think this EP is good
    i think almost all EP is good!

    Only 1 was really anoying.. the one when Ino VS sakura.. and MASS flashbacks.

  7. #7
    new ending is cool...

  8. #8
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Nine Tailed Demon @ Jan 11 2004, 02:47 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> new ending is cool... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    i ahte it.. false vocie.. bad ... its really messed up. The one before this was much better&#33;

  9. #9
    Yup, this episode was maybe a bit boring as it was all waiting for Sasuke and Kakashi to arrive. But on the other hand I&#39;m happy that now the animators don&#39;t have to spread the fight between Sasuke and Gaara into two or more episodes. If the fight started in this episode, it wouldn&#39;t have ended until the next episode. And in my opinion it&#39;s funnier to watch the whole fight at once.

  10. #10
    Well it&#39;s been more than 24 hours so might as well open the thread :P

    As been stated, the animation could have been a lot better in a lot of places. Aside from that, it just seemed like a pointless episode. The least they could have done was have a &quot;teaser&quot; ending, where they do a few moves to kind of get started, then wait til next episode to get to the real fighting. That atleast I could tolerate..


  11. #11
    ^^ agreed, we&#39;re all gonna be thankful for the &quot;filler&quot; as you half-fans call it, because when the fight breaks loose, we&#39;ll have a full hour of naruto goodness.

    I liked 65....shikamaru is SO cool....Lee and Gai&#39;s reaction to Neji&#39;s loss was sweet.

    that little discussion between naruto and sasuke before gaara came down was awesome, as well.....&quot;Hey&#33; Did you win the first match?&quot; and naruto&#39;s like &quot;of course&#33;&quot; and you could see in sasuke&#39;s eyes he was proud of naruto, and he wants to fight him....i like these episodes....

    everyone calls it &quot;filler&quot;....just because there isn&#39;t a battle doesn&#39;t make it filler, cmon. Story is just as important, and 65 was story.


  12. #12
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    65 was boring, 15 minutes for Sasuke to arive at the arena, I mean how many times do they have to say over and over and over, switching from head to head asking where is he, when is he going to get here. should we disqualify him no 10 more minutes no maybe 15 we get the fucking point Sasuke was late, then more of the boring ass Garaa shit, with him making his wierd sounds like he needs to take a shit real bad and then going off and killing more people. Lets get this fuckin show on the road, sheesh. I still love it though lol

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  13. #13
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Kagari @ Jan 11 2004, 08:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> ^^ agreed, we&#39;re all gonna be thankful for the &quot;filler&quot; as you half-fans call it, because when the fight breaks loose, we&#39;ll have a full hour of naruto goodness.

    I liked 65....shikamaru is SO cool....Lee and Gai&#39;s reaction to Neji&#39;s loss was sweet.

    that little discussion between naruto and sasuke before gaara came down was awesome, as well.....&quot;Hey&#33; Did you win the first match?&quot; and naruto&#39;s like &quot;of course&#33;&quot; and you could see in sasuke&#39;s eyes he was proud of naruto, and he wants to fight him....i like these episodes....

    everyone calls it &quot;filler&quot;....just because there isn&#39;t a battle doesn&#39;t make it filler, cmon. Story is just as important, and 65 was story. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    ok. There is one thing i have to say to this.

    Out of all the Naruto episodes, none of them can be classed as a simple filler due to the fact that they give you background info and storyline. Episode 65, is the first episode i can seriously call. A FILLER.

    I&#39;m not a half fan as you say, it&#39;s just.... Think about what happened in the episode. Was there any background information at all? No. Was there any talk amongst the characters of any plans or of anything regarding the future? No. Was there any talk regarding the situation and the characters thoughts on it at all? Yes, with Rock Lee for about 2 and a half minutes.

    This had no storyline in it at all. This had no background info at all. Even the animation was bad, like it was rushed. Seriously man, this is a true filler if ever there was one.

  14. #14
    Yah, it was kind of boring. Why did they let only that one guy draw it? I mean 2 weeks for that episode, Is that a joke?

  15. #15
    not true...this episode was more than a filler...

    well it served many purposes being:

    1. intro to sasuke in the arena
    2. rock lee and is emotions and thoughts
    3. gaara losing control of himself (killing the 2 grass ninjas)
    4. aftermath of shikamaru&#39;s loss more in depth cant say this episode was worthless when the moment in the storyline is a bit tedious...


    and hiroshi, there was technically a plan made between characters in order what to do...the sasuke/gaara match =D

    think of this episode as &quot;break time&quot; before the big 1 hour special

  16. #16
    I don&#39;t care for the new ending but I don&#39;t hate it.
    You think a new opening will be next week?

  17. #17
    Filler episode, the best part about the episode was the preview to the next episode

  18. #18
    the intro to the sasuke into the arena could of been done at the beginning of the episode and had the match then and there.

    I did mentioned that they stated about Rock Lee&#39;s feelings on the matter, but it lasted barely 3 minutes.

    They&#39;ve already demostrated how Gaara loses control sometimes before in earlier episodes. They could of done that in the same episode as the fight, it&#39;s just they made it soooo drawn out in order to fill more time. For instance, Shika states about Gaara killing without hesitation, yet Gaara took aaaaages to simply take the cork out of the gourd. It was obvious they were trying to fill as much time as possible with every scene so they could roll the fights into the 1hr special.

    As for the aftermath of Shikamaru&#39;s defeat, well i guess that&#39;s true. But they did extend even that scene a lot longer than i feel was needed.

    I&#39;m not saying this moment in the storyline is tedious. To say it&#39;s tedious is to have a repeat of something i didn&#39;t like. So far i haven&#39;t minded any of the Naruto episodes, except this one. This is the first i&#39;ve really had anything against.

    The Sasuke and Gaara match was obvious to the plan the first time the guy said to delay the match. Having him say it a second time, and the 4th hokage agree a second time, just gave me total deja vu all over.

  19. #19
    I think the episode was descent. It was thous koreans that animated that ep.
    The original team have to make two episode to wednesday.

    Can&#39;t wait

  20. #20
    &quot;thous koreans&quot; eh? and that means?

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