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Thread: Gaara is so boring...

  1. #41
    Like Karasu said, the reason why Gaara hasn't pulled any über-cool moves is because no one so far has been good enough to force him to do anything but stand around. That's not to say that I think Gaara's Shield of Sand or Desert Graveyeard are uncool - in fact, I think they are the coolest moves in the series. You people shouldn't think for a second that Gaara is a birdboned little nothing, because he isn't. If an opponent is worth it, he will probably pull off some amazingly cool jutsus. Just because Lee couldn't force him into doing so doesn't mean he can't do it at all. >_>

  2. #42
    Gaara IS cool, but not the coolest.

  3. #43
    Gaara is my favorite character in the series (followed by Shikamaru and Naruto). He has so much to him that he's hard to push aside and forget about right away. His sand attacks are interesting (I never knew you could do that with sand! kinda way), and he himself is pretty cool, even if he's a little bit odd (he has reasons why I think.) . Variety is the spice of life, y'know. *hugs Gaara*

  4. #44
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (saruichi @ Jan 15 2004, 07:14 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Gaara is my favorite character in the series (followed by Shikamaru and Naruto). He has so much to him that he&#39;s hard to push aside and forget about right away. His sand attacks are interesting (I never knew you could do that with sand&#33; kinda way), and he himself is pretty cool, even if he&#39;s a little bit odd (he has reasons why I think.) . Variety is the spice of life, y&#39;know. *hugs Gaara* </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    hey, Gaara IS loved... now he can stop killing everyone...

  5. #45
    I agree with you ComeComeParadise. In the preliminary matches, he just stands there and after Lee did the Lotus on him, his eyes get veiny and he gets excited.

  6. #46
    I am not sure what to say about Gaara being boring....but have anyone notice that almost everythime you see Gaara&#39;s face it looks like he is looking a a spoon or curved mirror.

  7. #47
    gaara is just there to stall for time and end the episode.

  8. #48
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Ontario, Canada
    I agree gaara is a goof, you all complain about DBZ, at least once they were done looking as though they need to shit, they would have an amazing fight, now gaara looks as though he needs to take a shit all the time, i cant stand him...

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  9. #49
    garra kicks ass with his sand cause the only thing he doesnt do is the sand defence. but the sand skin shield and the attacking &quot;with&quot; the sand is all his doing.

  10. #50
    I dunno I thought the Lee vs Gaara and Sasuke vs Gaara fights were cool. I mean those 2 fights probably rates as 2 of the coolest fights in the series so I don&#39;t see how he is a boring character. Most people are right though he doesn&#39;t really have any sort of ninja skill or intelligence in his battles, but Lee didn&#39;t really have any either. Leave that sort of thing to people like Shika and Shino.

    I still think Zabuza was the coolest bad guy in the series by far though. I thought his character design was great, as well as his motives, his jutsus, his intelligence and skill. I mean he figured out the trick to the sharingan, I think that takes a lot of intelligence. Opps but I&#39;m getting sidetracked...

  11. #51
    yea gaara was kinda boring but the thing that i hate most in this eps is that they give sasuke to much fuking credit i mean he trains for only a month and now he just as fast as lee i mean wtf man they give him to much credit

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