Sat, 01-10-2004, 02:04 AM
Several Universities in the US have begun `anti-peer-to-peer` solutions to discourage downloading...In other words, they have software installed to hamper peer to peer file transfers...
This might be your problem...
- Reason -
Sat, 01-10-2004, 02:20 AM
Yes, I fear that might be the reason... they might have blocked me from downloading bittorent files I guess. I guess there's no way to bypass this security system, is there? Or is there any possible ways to download the files directly, without bittorent? that would be a great help!
As for the bittorent version, I had 3.2 before and it did'nt work any better. So I suppose the only explanation so far would be the anti peer-to-peer software...
Well, thanks for your help, both of you. If anyone have another possible solution, please let me know!
Sat, 01-10-2004, 03:58 AM
Hm... this may sound a bit lame of me. But rather than downloading the torrent itself, just take the full torrent name, and make a search with the torrent name. Because it's a torrent and a lot of people download through the system whilst using alternative systems, it's generally found on the P2P world as well after a while. Just means there is a slight delay before you can download yours.
If you have Shareaza, then you should find a lot of alternative sources of the exact torrents through their Gnutella networks. I've relied on that in the past before, and can be pretty useful. Also if you ever do get BitTorrent working again, if you make a search for the filename, download it temp, check the Shareaza code, and edit the torrent to include the shareaza code, then it will download both from the BitTorrent network AND the Gnutella networks at the same time. Increasing both sources, and speeds (well sometimes speeds anyway =P ).
Oh, if you do end up using shareaza, then disable the Edonkey2000 network, or you could just get qued forever.
However, Shareaza isn't the only program that uses the Gnutella network. There are tons more out there if you want to use a different program. Just make a quick search on google or download.com and you're away =P
Also FTP can be an alternative solution. I won't give you the FTP i use due to the limit in users, but i will send you the second best FTP i've found so far. It's:
He has the Naruto stuff, as well as some other licensed anime. But the only problem is, he has a limit in the amount of bandwidth he can use per month, and the amount of dedicated space isn't that supremely large. Thus he has this system in place:
You must be an active poster in the forum, and cannot use the FTP until you've reached a post count of 100.
The days that you can access the network are currently limited to 4 days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday (I think?), but that may be reduced to 2 days soon. Also you have to disconnect for 30mins after.... not sure if it's a limited amount of time on your session or if you download a certain amount of files. Check that up on their website.
Generally though, it's a good FTP. Mainly because not only do you get decent speeds, but they also host licensed anime, which no-one else does. Cowboy Bebop is an example of the licensed anime they host.
Also you can use IRC as your alternative if you want. There are plenty of channels out there with Bots which you can download from. Even Aone/Anbu host some bots i think? anyway, check out all these different ways.
Oh and also, there's newsgroups too. You download a load of chunks, and then the files are combined when you try to unzip the first one. Then you end up with a complete file at the end of it. Your ISP should of supplied you with access to a newsgroup through them, if you don't know how you should check their website on your various configuration/settings, or if you really can't find it, you could possibly ring them up for the address and configuration (as long as you can verify you are the owner of the account.).
Anyway, have fun.
~ Hiroshi
Sat, 01-10-2004, 05:32 AM
you could always download IRC. great download speeds off of bots there, and u can even talk to the staff
Sat, 01-10-2004, 05:47 AM
Wow! thanks a lot! Downloading from that FTP may be something worth trying! I just hope I'll be able too though. Looks like I'll have to do a lot of posting to find out.
And speedbump, I'd like to download IRC, sounds good. Do you know the link for it? I'd like to try every possible solutions, until I find one that works.
I dont have Shareaza, but I'd like to try as well. Well first I'll start posting for the FTP thing, and I'll try IRC. If it does'nt work, I'll try shareaza. If nothing still dont work, then I'm in a jam. lol. I'll let you know if anything works. Thanks for your help guys!
Sat, 01-10-2004, 12:48 PM
Ok! let me explain my situation here. I'm a colege student, and I live in a residence next from it. I'm connected on their high speed internet server and whenever I try to download a bittorent file, it always says:
Download Error
Problem connecting to tracker - HTTP error -1
I tried multiple solutions, such as disabling my firewall, downloading different bittorent versions, trying to download from another group, but to no avail. The weird thing is, that when I'm connected using my very slow speed modem at home, it always connects (of course, it takes like 2 days to download a file) But I'm currently connected on a high-speed network. I was using the same high-speed network connection last year and it was working at incredible speeds! But this year, I just have no luck. I will provide you with the most information possible to hopefully identify the source of the problem 
Current bittorent version:
- 3.3 (the one on www.animesuki.com's main page)
Current location:
- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
The file I'm currently trying to download:
- [ANBU-AonE]_Naruto_65_[0F68C0BE].avi
Here's the information about my high-speed connection:
- NVIDIA nForce MCP Networking Adapter
- Speed = 100.0 Mbps
- Activity (currently) packets sent: 3848, packets received: 4708
- All internet settings, security set to default
my network connection uses the following items:
- Client for microsoft networks
- file and printer sharing for microsoft network
- QoS packet scheduler
- Internet protocol (TCP/IP)
Here's the FULL info about my computer:
- AMD Athlon XP Processor Model 1800 (1.53GHz)
- 256 MB PC2100 DDR Total System Memory Upgradeable to 1GB PC2100 DDR
- 60GB UltraDMA Hard Drive (with 14.4 GB of free memory)
- 16X Max DVD-ROM Drive
- 40X Max CD-RW Drive with Easy CD Creator Software
- Integrated nVidia GeForce2 Graphics with 32MB Allocated as Video Memory
- 56K V.90 Modem (connected via cable, currently)
- Compaq Internet Keyboard, Scroll Mouse (lol, I doubt that's going to help)
- 10/100 Ethernet
- Microsoft Windows XP Home
- Microsoft Works 6.0, Microsoft Money and Norton Security 2002 (just some programs that were initially installed on it).
Now the reason why I have so much Naruto episodes is because one of my friends helped me download them and burned them for me. But I cant always bug him for help every week
If someone can help me out here, I'd be eternally grateful! And if there's some more vital information I forgot to list, please let me know!
thank you for your patience reading all this and your help would be greatly appreciated
Sat, 01-10-2004, 01:53 PM
mm interesting. i go to university and use their wireless network for BT, goes quite nicely. i have some friends in res that have no problems either.
my only insight: i had a few problems downloading BT3.3. you MIGHT have a version clash. if u uninstall all the BT stuff and just install one version, might clear it up.
before i got version 3.3 i had version 3.1, and it worked beautifully home and at university. just a suggestion.
other then that, since u do say ure at a university, perhaps between this year and last year a new firewall was thrown up (niverities are very paranoid). if thats the case, you're in some big trouble...
do you have to apply for IPs at ure university? i know some that ban IPs once they reach a download limit for a while....
Sorry, but thats all i got
Sun, 01-11-2004, 03:47 AM
download the latest version, run it and a tutorial page will pop up.. at least it should... good luck
Sun, 01-11-2004, 10:25 AM
thanks! I downloaded it, now I'm trying to figure out how it work
Sun, 01-11-2004, 12:26 PM
Just so you know, in case you end up trying shareaza it can be located Here.
Sun, 01-18-2004, 02:31 AM
whew, it's been a while. But I one of my friends is letting me use his FTP to download Naruto from him, so as long as he's my friend, I wont need bittorent! lol. Thanks for your help
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