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Thread: The most anticipated fight

  1. #121
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>you yourself is a kid, judging everything with what you see. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    have you listened to yourself at all Jiyair4?
    you&#39;re throwing the term &#39;kid&#39; around to anyone who even talks to you, i know this must have been an abuse you grew up with constantly hounded by the fact that you were younger then your father and he had to remind you that you were a &#39;kid&#39; but you cant assume anything about people you dont know.
    You have no idea who i am and you start to call me a &#39;kid&#39; and a &#39;hypocrite&#39;
    i dont come on these boards just to flame, i come on them if i have a spare 3-4 minutes to do some posting and gain a wider perspective on the animes i&#39;m watching.

    I dont live on them either, i dont know about you but it only takes a minute at most to reply to a thread

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>WOW you really do have stuff to do</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    your time is really so precious that you constantly keep replying to this, could it be that your post count is so low because you never have anything of use to reply with? i mean its possible that you just sit there and watch the forums for all we know - wondering what might be if you actually knew something decent to post.

    I think you&#39;re mislead as to how long it actually takes to browse these forums over several months and make insightful replies that help you and other people - probably a max of about 3 minutes a day at most.

    Well of course since you&#39;re probably a big exective *cough* or someone whos very old (to be able to call EVERYONE &#39;kid&#39; no matter what age they all are)

    you&#39;re either spending all your time on the stock market and have no time for a pety 3 minutes or all your time trying to hold your bladder - that or you&#39;re sitting there wishing you had something of substance to post for once.

  2. #122
    DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN.......dats gotta hurt...well to be honest im a n000b myself......but dat does actually make sense....n im not just taking sides here....ive read it all n it makes sense......peace

  3. #123
    Jir4iya, I&#39;ll bet your no older than 18 yourself, and here you are calling other people kids. I really feel sorry for you man. If you ever do anything greater than calling someone a kid, I would shoot myself. By the way, I&#39;m 14, call me kid all you want, but your only a &#39;Adult&#39; who acts like a 8 year old. If your gonna insult people with &#39;you live on the forums&#39;, it just proves how low your IQ really is, about 80?, probably even less from what I&#39;ve seen. If you think other people have no life just because we post on forums, you&#39;ve posted just as much as anyone in this particular thread, and while other people are actually trying to talk about their opinion on anime. I&#39;m not a big lee fan, but I see him as a kind-hearted Naruto character who works hard, and has the potential to achieve something in life. Why would you go assuming &#39;Lee is your hero&#33;&#39; when you know nothing of other peoples life. Lee is simply a character in an anime, and if you even have something against people saying Lee is their favourite character in Naruto, you are one little immature fag. If your gonna respond to me by insulting me with &#39;kid&#39; and stuff, save your stength as most people reading this thread have already figured out who&#39;s the real kid. Good Luck with your life, you&#39;ll need alot of it to accomplish anything. I doubt you even passed high school with that kind of attitude. If your gonna insult someone, don&#39;t bother with your insults that even 8 year olds can come up with. You are obviously immature, and so stupid that you can&#39;t come up with a decent arguement. I also understand myself more then you do, I may be 14, but i know im more mature then you, and im sure everyone here knows that too. Insulting people with &#39;kid&#39; and &#39;you crack me up&#39; just proves how sad you really are. If you have nothing better to say, don&#39;t bother you spam the forums, and you waste our time reading your childish insults. GW forums are here so anime fans can come and discuss anime, not so you can insult fictional characters, if your gonna do that, go talk to your mom about, im sure she&#39;ll care alot more then we do, really, alot more. I feel so sorry for you, hopefully you will get a life someday, and no longer be a immature fag.

  4. #124
    Props to Xceleration.

  5. #125
    Iruka vs. Asuma.

  6. #126
    Naruto-Sasuke(round 2)
    Naruto-Rock Lee
    Rock Lee-Neji(hopes Lee chrushs neji)
    Rock Lee-Gaara
    Shino- who ever because i want to see him fight.

  7. #127
    lol...i dont even feel like arguing no more..and i know you guys dont either..but lemme juss say one more thing. Im under 18 and...around where i live KID is a fucking slang u morons. You guys say &quot;yo man&quot; or stuff like that, but the person you are saying it to might not be a man....thats cuz its simply a slang. Same with kid. You got it kid?

  8. #128
    will this ever end..............

    Anyways, I guess we&#39;re gonna see kimimaro fight so i&#39;m content. Another fight I wanna see is Kisame against any Kohona Jounin. I know we got to see him fight, but I want to see him use his chakra draining sword again but this time in a real fight.

  9. #129
    what would really be sweet would be crippled arm orochimaru vs. crippled arm zabuza

  10. #130
    Zabuza would probably get owned in about 3 seconds.

  11. #131
    That would be a cool fight though because it would all be taijutsu.

  12. #132
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    I&#39;d like to see Neji v Haku.
    kaiten against ice mirrors.
    Neji got almost 360 vision w/byakugan and haku&#39;s mirrors could surround completely. I think it would make an interesting fight but may end somewhat fast

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  13. #133
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (VagabondLBD @ Jan 18 2004, 06:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> will this ever end..............

    Anyways, I guess we&#39;re gonna see kimimaro fight so i&#39;m content. Another fight I wanna see is Kisame against any Kohona Jounin. I know we got to see him fight, but I want to see him use his chakra draining sword again but this time in a real fight. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Who is kisame?

  14. #134
    The shark face s-class missing nin accompaniing (spelling?&#33;?) Itachi.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  15. #135
    Oh i forgot about him. That guy was strange how in the hell can he look like a shark.

  16. #136
    WOw Everyone got into a big ass dicussion damn. Imma go back to the original goal of the thead.

    My most anticipated fight is:

    Naruto and sauske

    If Rock lee ever gets healed and become as strong or stronger than he was.

    Rock lee vs Sasuke
    Naruto vs Rock Lee

    choji as strong as he was when he ate the third pill Vs Naruto
    Shikamaru vs kabuto

    kakashi vs gai
    I think kakashi is alot stronger now. And he know taijutsu

    I have alot more but not right now.

  17. #137
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hakeem_21 @ Jan 19 2004, 08:13 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Oh i forgot about him. That guy was strange how in the hell can he look like a shark. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    How can Naruto have &quot;whiskers&quot;? Lots of artists make their subjects look like animals that they mimic. Naruto is a trickster, which correlates with the traditional Japanese idea of a fox. I&#39;m assuming, until some story arc tells differently, that Kisame has a vicious personality.

    There have been several interesting (non-flame) topics on this thread. One of them is the sealing jutsu, and whether anyone knows the jutsu to seal kyuubi again, or is powerful enough to do it. I would say that it is not a well-known jutsu, and only people who had access to the forbidden-jutsu scroll (at least, of those in Konoha village) would possibly know it. Kakashi knew &quot;forbidden&quot; sealing jutsus, and so did Orochimaru, so there&#39;s a possibility that a lot more do. These things have to get passed down somehow. With a jutsu that ends in your death as a requisite, it&#39;s not like you can practice it, so it&#39;s required that the ideas are written down at least. Now, I&#39;m highly doubtful that, if Orochimaru knew the jutsu, he give up his life for Konoha, so... that rules out one high-end nin. Most likely some of the special jounins could.

    Just speculation&#33;

    I think my biggest &quot;request&quot; for fighting is more coordinated fights. Most of the fights up to this point have had little depth, and as someone earlier said, the fights went downhill once Zabuza and Haku bit the dust. Kishimoto is like a bad crack dealer: get you hooked with the free crack and then starve you on the presumption it&#39;ll feel like it did in the beginning. GIVE US THE GOOD SHIT MAN&#33;


  18. #138
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (xtort @ Jan 19 2004, 10:58 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
    How can Naruto have &quot;whiskers&quot;? Lots of artists make their subjects look like animals that they mimic. Naruto is a trickster, which correlates with the traditional Japanese idea of a fox. I&#39;m assuming, until some story arc tells differently, that Kisame has a vicious personality.

    There have been several interesting (non-flame) topics on this thread. One of them is the sealing jutsu, and whether anyone knows the jutsu to seal kyuubi again, or is powerful enough to do it. I would say that it is not a well-known jutsu, and only people who had access to the forbidden-jutsu scroll (at least, of those in Konoha village) would possibly know it. Kakashi knew &quot;forbidden&quot; sealing jutsus, and so did Orochimaru, so there&#39;s a possibility that a lot more do. These things have to get passed down somehow. With a jutsu that ends in your death as a requisite, it&#39;s not like you can practice it, so it&#39;s required that the ideas are written down at least. Now, I&#39;m highly doubtful that, if Orochimaru knew the jutsu, he give up his life for Konoha, so... that rules out one high-end nin. Most likely some of the special jounins could.

    Just speculation&#33;

    I think my biggest &quot;request&quot; for fighting is more coordinated fights. Most of the fights up to this point have had little depth, and as someone earlier said, the fights went downhill once Zabuza and Haku bit the dust. Kishimoto is like a bad crack dealer: get you hooked with the free crack and then starve you on the presumption it&#39;ll feel like it did in the beginning. GIVE US THE GOOD SHIT MAN&#33;

    xtortout </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    A. to start with, Naruto used to be a fox, in the pilot chapter, he was the cub of the nine tails demon. we already seen that kisame is cruel and kinda stupid, i think he suffers from the &#39;IQ is reveasrly porposinal to the sword length&#39; symtopme...

    B. how can anyone seal the kyubi again? he&#39;s already inside naruto, all that Orochimaru did was to put an extra layer over the original seal, to mess up the chackra leakege, and jirya just removed it, none of them messed with the original seal. and even if oro did know what to do with those seals, why would he use them? it&#39;ll just kill him...

    C. That&#39;s right, the Zabuza&#092;Haku fights were the best, the only ones that come close are the shikamaru vs temari and Neji vs Kidunamaru...

    D. Crack is a bad addiction, Anime is a cheaper addiction...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  19. #139
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Jan 19 2004, 01:25 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> D. Crack is a bad addiction, Anime is a cheaper addiction... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>A. to start with, Naruto used to be a fox, in the pilot chapter, he was the cub of the nine tails demon...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Naruto was never a fox. He was a baby (and there is a really high chance of likelihood that he was the 4th&#39;s baby), who the 4th used to seal Kyuubi in. And while the pun was well intentioned , I&#39;m fairly certain that Kyuubi is supposed to be very intelligent, if evil.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>B. how can anyone seal the kyubi again? he&#39;s already inside naruto, all that Orochimaru did was to put an extra layer over the original seal...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Some people were talking about Kyuubi breaking out completely. That&#39;d probably kill Naruto, so it won&#39;t happen, but still... conjecture is conjecture&#33; Orochimaru wanted to seal Kyuubi&#39;s chakra away so that Naruto wouldn&#39;t be a problem for him in the future (knowing Akatsuki&#39;s plans).

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>C. That&#39;s right, the Zabuza&#092;Haku fights were the best, the only ones that come close are the shikamaru vs temari and Neji vs Kidunamaru...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Agreed, to a large extent. Some fights have been good, and fun to watch, but none had the intensity that the Zabuza/Haku fights did. Would be nice for Kishimoto to give that back to us.


  20. #140
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (xtort @ Jan 19 2004, 12:54 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>A. to start with, Naruto used to be a fox, in the pilot chapter, he was the cub of the nine tails demon...</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    Naruto was never a fox. He was a baby (and there is a really high chance of likelihood that he was the 4th&#39;s baby), who the 4th used to seal Kyuubi in. And while the pun was well intentioned , I&#39;m fairly certain that Kyuubi is supposed to be very intelligent, if evil.
    </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    i said pilot chapter... you can get it at TW (toriyama world, dunno know the web site), it was what kishimonto sent to shonen magazine to show them what&#39;s naruto about...
    in that chapter, Naruto WAS the demon fox... i know that he isn&#39;t one in the current manga (altough i&#39;ve seen some nice theories), but he was intended to be.

    the Kyubi is evil at the same way an earthquake or a typhoon are evil, it&#39;s some random destruction that occures in nature once a while, it sucks, but there isn&#39;t anything to do about it.

    and seeing that Shukaku (the closest thing we know of to a true demon), has some brains, I guess Kyubi is also intellgent.

    Oro wasn&#39;t counting on that seal to stop Naruto permenatly, he might&#39;ve even had plans with Naruto at some point, but at that moment, he was interested in Naruto.

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

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