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Thread: The funniest thing I've ever seen!

  1. #1
    If that's what I think it is (I"m not opening it up; baby sleeping behind me), then that's just a parody written about kikkoman soy sauce.

  2. #2

    Can somebody tell me if this is real? I have a general idea of what he's saying, but I can't figure out why it was made.

    It kept me entertained for a good half hour or so.

  3. #3
    oh jeez... I have a phobia of seeing anything which looks like a guy wearing only a cape and underwear.


  4. #4
    omg, that just turned me gay, hAWT!

  5. #5
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Not really funny but you may laugh anyways

    Insanity Test

    Tv show clip1

    Tv show clip 2

    If you were on the boards before they went down then you may remember these clips

    First one- Naruto in English #1

    Second one- Naruto in English #2

    Third one- Naruto in English #3

    For those who have trouble with viewing the animations in the MS Explorer and those who want to download the clips...Try these links:
    Clip 1 Naruto clip1

    Clip 2 Naruto clip2

    Enjoy. BTW Beware if you have 56k, it says it might take a while to load if you have it. With DSL/Cable, should take about a minute or 2. (maybe less)

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

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