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Thread: Do you think Neji and Choji will die?

  1. #1
    After they were both fataly injured i think they would probably die without medical help. But I think that one girl Shizume is going to find them. I mean how could you not see a 50+ ft Choji.

    I dunno what do you think?

  2. #2
    I could see Chouji being killed off,probably not Neiji.But I do think they will both survive,just like Lee.But will be in rough shape.

  3. #3
    After Chouji revealed what a true badass he was, and Neji showed us that he wasn't really as much an annoying "I'm so sad so im gonna be a dick and cry about it in other forms" hes seems much higher on the tolerable scale to me lately, i doubt either of them will die.

  4. #4
    I doubt the side characters will die. I dont see why Kishimoto would make that happen anyways.

  5. #5
    When it was JUST Chouji, I think it would have been possible for him to die (although I would still refuse to believe it until I was given direct proof). But you can't just kill off TWO characters like that. Plus I think if they were dead we would know by now—the fact that Kishimoto hasn't told his readers offers some hope. No point dragging it out only to have us all find out they're dead ...

  6. #6
    I think that choji will live mabey. But neji is a small chance, since he got punture wounds that are far to great for somebody to live

    But since his bird cage seal didnt lift yet. Mabey he will live?

  7. #7
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    But Chouji took the last red pill, and they clearly said "if you take the last pill, YOU WILL DIE". After saying that, it would be kind of dumb if he lived, but I hope somehow he lives anyway, he's alright.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  8. #8
    In my eyes Choji -Is- dead. Neji i doubt will die at this moment in time, but it is thesible.

    Choji surviving would be like if Lee opened the final gate and survived that, just plain stupid. Besides, the butterfly which lifted off when we saw choji for the last time represents death in japanese culture. bla bla bla.

    Respect the joindate, not the postcount ;P

  9. #9
    I don't think Choji is dead just because Shizume is close by and she's a healer so..

    Also when neji fell he a feather from a bird fell in his hand. I dunno if that means anything or not but just wanted to point that out.

  10. #10
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    if neji dies, the manga becomes crap.

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  11. #11
    Neji definately wont die, Chouji maybe - depends on his fanbase in japan

  12. #12
    people fail to realize that Tsunade made a hasty decision when she woke up, she doesn't even know who sasuke is lols... Why is she gonna send 5 kids straight into orochimaru?? She is new(at her job) so there are things she needs to know first, she's been too busy with all that crap on her desk to make a rational decision in the morning..Shizune will go back to Leaf to obviously tell her that 2 jounins died by the Sound nin that Tsunade sent Shikamaru & co. after....

    They will have probably caught up by now..Every time they faded away from choji and neji, ANBU probably arrived..Plus they have medical assistance now on teams..Something she didn't send with Shikamaru and them.

    It is obvious if you pay attention that Tsunade was making a weird decision and didn't even know much details..She of all people should know Orochimaru and his people are crazy..

    Who knows, maybe they'll take out Sound village =D

    They messed around enough

  13. #13
    even if they die ... they can go get the dragonballs and wish them back. so its really no big deal

  14. #14
    Tsunade may be new at being Hokage, but that certainly doesn't mean that she makes hasty decisions. She new exactly what she was doing when she sent out Shikamaru and co. There was no one else to go on the mission at the time.

    Ehh...I give up. I'm too lazy to argue.

  15. #15
    Where exactly are Orochimaru and co? Are they still in the fire country?

    Also I bet Tsunade sent out Shikamaru knowing that Genma's (I think thats his name) team was already out there. Though I don't think she knew how strong the four sound nins were.

  16. #16
    Orochimaru is chilling at the crib yo lols..In the heart of Sound across the border...

    Dude you can't see the obviousness in the set up for REINFORCEMENTS...

    Tsunade is a legend at losing in gambling and she was an addicted gambler! She is not capable of making hasty decisions on stuff she is not too well informed of after having to stay up a whole night reading all that paper work..Someone woke her up and she had to think fast and make a decision, this doesn't mean she knew the relation of Sasuke and Orochimaru because NOBODY ELSE IN KONOHA DOES, except team 7 and the genin who are confused..Nobody told Naruto about the curse seal...Nor do they know if it that was Sasuke's power or not...Be more keen in observations.

  17. #17
    Yeah that's true man. I guess she didnt really know the importance of getting Sasuke back so she sent Genins, when in reality it should be at the top of her list.

    If im not making any sense sorry.

  18. #18
    that is perfect sense..that is very logical, not a speculation.

  19. #19
    Gaara, your observations are fine but your interpretation is lacking. First you say that she cna't make good decisions because she is a compulsive gambler. Then you say that she planned it all as a diversion so that she can send the reinforcements in to destroy sound. Which is it?

    And this decision wasn't made in the middle of the night, she waited until morning when she had assessed the situation and the personnel available to her. Shikamaru was the only chunnin who could do the job at the moment.

    And Sakura did tell Naruto about the Cursed seal before they left...I think...I don't have the manga on hand, but I'm pretty sure.

  20. #20
    quick question... who is shizume?

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