Can someone help me out. Just a Sasuke one wit my name. Thanks
if not its fine Thanks
Can someone help me out. Just a Sasuke one wit my name. Thanks
if not its fine Thanks
I'll try and make one soon
Thanks for considering
Here ya go... not really my best, maybe i'll make a better one for you later if you give me more of an idea of what you want and a good pic.
Wow, I was gonna offer but.... I prolly couldnt top that one not spon made, but if u still want one I will try
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
Thank you its really good ill try and find a pic until then. Thank you
can som 1 make me an itachi sig, or help me put up one of my sigs?
once again, I'll try if u want
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
u sure got alot of them
sorry for posting twice, but i kinda lost contact with the guy tht was helping me put up a banner, cuz i gots no webspace, and ne 1 can make me a banenr, ne takes, lol