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Thread: Megatokyo

  1. #1
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    Anyone reading this fantastic webcomic? its made by an american guy named Fred Gallagher. its sort of a croos between Chobits and Love Hina. the main character Piro is almost a direct cross of Hideki and Keitaro. this series is about Piro and Largo 2 gamers from USA piro is also into anime and shoujo manga. the travel to Japan and alot of weird stuff happens.

    heres the adress to the site

    the first volume has been releast as a graphic novel and the second is on its way.

  2. #2
    Not read it for a few weeks i think i will later. I met Fred "Piro" at an anime con in the UK. He signed my flag as did Seraphim, he even drew Junpei on my scottish flag with a black marker.

  3. #3
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    nice, that must have been thier recent eurpoe vacation. seraphim is his girl friend right?

  4. #4
    Genin BurnHavoc's Avatar
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    Chobits came out way after Megatokyo started, how can it be a cross of it o_O

    And no, it's sucked since Largo left the staff. The first about 100 comics were amazing, but then it died for me.

  5. #5
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    ok didnt noe the start of chobits, but still it feels like a cross between chobits and love hina. and i doubt the made that ps2 acsessory up, or maybe she dont come in that early. you should keep reading.

    EDIT: yep im sure of it now. fred got alot of inspariation from chobits. the later part of the series from around late 2001 got inspiration form chobits. i dont think he came up with the life size "girl" ps2 accessory himself. its so much like chii that you can see chii in it.

  6. #6
    I meet him in Toronto.

    He dose get alot of insperation from anime but he dosnt want to be thought of copying anything. you can defintly see the similaties in the erlyer Strips with love hina. but he is pritty orignal.

    I havent noticed any change in the story after Randy(largo) left MT. other then the story got a little more coherant.

    well thats all i can think of saying now. yah. oh yah. the people in the MT IRC are spelling Nazi's

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