Anbu Girl, hehe.. I take care of my brothers aaaaaaaaalllllll the time (they're 6 and 9 right now, been caring for em since they were born, especially during summer, that sucked)

Krb, Gai's mom came from Germany, so he's 1/2 German, and Mark's a little more than 1/4rth German (I've got German blood in me too)

migawari, well, I'm lucky b/c I finished hs with such good grades that I got a statewide scholarship, which means that while I'm in school, as long as I take 4 course a year, it'll pay 75% of my tuition, books are another story though... so I managed to get through with borrowing, not having a book, or, if neccesary, buying as few books as i can.