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Thread: whats the worst anime you've seen?

  1. #81
    Let's just put it this way: Gainax SUCKS at ending 26 episode series (FLCL ended well otherwise i'd say all)
    most of Eva rocked, but once they stopped showing the Evas, it started sucking

  2. #82
    First of all NGE does NOT suck.. ok so shinji is cry-baby... great battles, and one day i'll understand the end.. Lain is great too, but u gotta keep attention otherwise u'll miss the plot.. And .hack//sign is attractive to people who play D&D games like baldur's gate 'n stuff.. anime and fantasy.. ub4r combination..

    Worst anime.. i'd say: Fist of the North Star

    P.s. All people who think naruto sucks are dumbasses (no offence what so ever )

  3. #83
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (migawari @ Jan 8 2004, 07:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Ebichu The Housekeeping Hamster </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    No WAY&#33; Ebichu is great&#33; Fucking hilarious, in fact. You just have to have a perverted, immature sense of humor to really appreciate it.


  4. #84
    Worst Anime? Hmmmm...

    Lunatic Night.

    I know none of you have heard about it, but let&#39;s just say this: be glad you don&#39;t know about it.

  5. #85
    i would have to hate X. ive watched it twice and each time i fell asleep half wayt through it. Ninja Scroll was also kinda pointless. Beyblade has got to be the stupidest show ever, and i remember seen this show on foxbox where food talk. forgot wa that piece of crap was called but i really dont wanna know

  6. #86
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (hahman14 @ Jan 9 2004, 11:15 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Ninja Scroll was also kinda pointless. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    More and more people seem to be looking for a deep plot everywhere they go, yet they still respect comedies. Why can&#39;t they realize that an action movie is there for the really cool action?

    Street Fighter II, Fatal Fury, and Ninja Scroll are all those types of movies. They have great action. They aren&#39;t meant to have a deep plot in addition to that.

    Of course Tekken was just plain bad for any type of anime.

  7. #87
    X tv has got to be the stupidest shit ive ever seen in my life watched the first eps and it was just plain stupid another dumb anime is Big O its just wierd

  8. #88
    Fist of the north star..... ow wait that made me laugh my ass off......

  9. #89
    Golden Boy... or something like that... I have tried to forget the name it was just so bad... [QUOTE]

    dude that anime is hella funny golden boy ahahha

    the worst nime ive seen is dbz... or hamtaru ahahha

  10. #90
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (hachimitsu @ Jan 10 2004, 12:35 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (migawari &#064; Jan 8 2004, 07:56 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Ebichu The Housekeeping Hamster </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    No WAY&#33; Ebichu is great&#33; Fucking hilarious, in fact. You just have to have a perverted, immature sense of humor to really appreciate it.

    chuuuu&#33; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I think I&#39;m gonna like it...

  11. #91
    How can somebody not like Golden Boy? It&#39;s the funniest anime I&#39;ve ever seen. And FOTNS is cool. Even if it was only for the blood and it was one of the first animes I&#39;ve ever seen (I was 6 and back then I thought it was all called manga. I was n00b H. Now I &quot;grew up&quot; and am a 1337 H. w00t)

  12. #92
    the worst anime i saw was yu gi ho

  13. #93
    Not.. liking NGE or Lain?
    You people are crazy~ XD

    Neon Genesis Evangelion&#39;s art and animation are a little out-dated now (of course) - so it&#39;s not as visually appealing as it may have been, but it&#39;s far from the worst series out there. I love the series.
    It&#39;s not your typical watch-and-enjoy series, though. You have to put some work into the series, and think a little bit about it. Hm .. if you didn&#39;t understand the ending of NGE, then I&#39;d say to watch it again and try to understand a little better. Once you get the meanings of everything, you&#39;ll probably like it a lot better ^^.

    Lain .. all I can say is, what a great anime. Deffinitely not for people who want a lot of action, though. It&#39;s slow-paced and you&#39;re going to be left thinking a lot more. It brings about a lot of nice stuff.

    Worst series, though? Uhm .. Gundam. Deffinitely Gundam. I&#39;ve tried to watch it before, and I Just end up falling asleep, even if I&#39;m not tired.

    Also: Noir rocks~ The first 6 episodes or so are pretty slow (and hard to watch, because of that) - but once you get to Chloe&#39;s introduction, I think the series really takes off.
    Oh, and Gunslinger Girl. Go back and check out some more. A lot of people don&#39;t like the openning (I love it) - but the actual series is great. It&#39;s really kind of sad, though, so be prepared. T=T

  14. #94
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Tenkei @ Jan 10 2004, 08:00 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Worst series, though? Uhm .. Gundam. Deffinitely Gundam. I&#39;ve tried to watch it before, and I Just end up falling asleep, even if I&#39;m not tired. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Which gundam series? From what I&#39;ve seen, they go at different speeds and the tone or mood of each one is unique. I&#39;ve got to say that Gundam Wing annoyed me to no end with its pacifist who will kill hundred, and its endless recapping.

  15. #95
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    Watch NGE, Lain and Hack sign again? why should i do that to myself?

    NGE was ok, it had good funny parts and some deep issues, but i got the feeling the creator wasn&#39;t sure about what he wanted, which made it turn out so messed out.

    Hack Sign was plain boring, i&#39;ve loved Baldures gate (BOO is the minature giant space Hamster&#33 and there was a point i was pretty obsessed about it, but it has absloutly no connection to hacki sign. that anime was plain boring, it had about 4 plot lines, which none of them came to conclusion or close to that, the only thing i did understand from it was that the cat was his (her) mother, or something like that.

    Lain wasn&#39;t boring, it was pure suffering, from the 13 episodes i only enjoyed two or three, the rest were times i looked at the screen and wished it would end already...

    Noir isn&#39;t bad, i&#39;m just at ep 6 but i&#39;m really intersted, the first episode was partly boring, i just hope i could figure out what&#39;s stopping my computer from playing the next episodes and get on with this anime.

    X wasn&#39;t that bad, the movie was awful but the series was nice at most points, besides the times they started chanting the word &quot;KOKAI&quot; every damn sentence (&quot; i can&#39;t break to the kokai, what will happen to the kokai, behold my kokai&#33;&quot, Geez, that was so annoying.

    Ninja Scroll and Wrath of the ninja weren&#39;t that bad, the point of watching them is to stop them 10 mintues before the end, that way you won&#39;t have to watch the pathetic ending scenes, when i think about it, it works good with every anime movie&#33;

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  16. #96
    Easy one, Tekken the movie, the story and the characters just totally were horrible then the dubbing omg&#33; I wanted to cry.

    This tends to follow most fighting game animes, usually none of the animes can handle telling a good story with out making one character weaker then the others causing fans disproval

  17. #97
    Worst series, eh?...

    Hm, that&#39;s a tough one. I mean surely we could all raise our hands together and say &quot;DragonBallZ&quot; or &quot;Hamataro&quot; or something so blatantly obvious. But sometimes we need to give special attention to the ones that truely suck; a Hallmark moment if you will.

    I propose 3 choices for you to gander at. Take a look at my explanation for each one and see why:

    1) Special Agent Aika -- Wow. Plotline and panty shots? Gee sounds good to me...that is if you&#39;re a real panty freak. I can&#39;t stand sexual innuendos in an anime as frequent as this little series showed. Mini-skirt agents and topless cyberdolls? Puhlease. If anything this would be labeled under &quot;S&quot; for &quot;Sucks.&quot;

    2) Chobits -- Ok, don&#39;t throw your empty boxes of Pocky at me now (heh...jez kiddin. Love that shit ). Chobits however did not excite me at all with its plotline. I can only think of another thing that strikes me as boring of this series: the metaphors. I. Hate. Metaphors.

    3) Golgo 13: Queen Bee -- I know there are a few old school fans out there who like the Golgo series, but I can clearly say &#39;This is shit&#39; when war-veterans start hacking each other because of hypnotic piano songs. Don&#39;t waste your time on this...though surely it&#39;s not on the shelves either...

  18. #98

    That has to be the worest anime for me... just blah. I hated it.

  19. #99
    i recently heard of something that will definately rank as one of the worst to come, marvel vs capcom.. THE ANIME

    yes thats right, the good fighting game loses all that makes it good and turns to its craptastic storyline

    just imagine it

  20. #100
    Noir... Just a horrible anime...

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