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Thread: Bitorrent Never Really Lets Go

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  1. #1
    the other day i was trying to organize my naruto avi's which includes renaming ane moving in some cases. to my surprise -- i was not able to move or rename some of them. it said they were "in use by another application or person".

    first off -- i was really pissed... because i hadn't had bittorent up for nearly a week... but i had noticed that things seemed r e a l s l o w l a t e l y.

    i unplugged my network cable and within a few seconds i was able to rename my files w/o a problem.

    so? what gives? does bittorent just pretend to close the connection? how can i be sure that i'm truly not being "used" at any given time. i think i actually even rebooted since the last BT session -- so it is as if it starts up on its own <?>

    please advise.

  2. #2
    What client do you use?

    I use ABC and have not had any problems with moving or renaming. When you are done d/l leave it open for a while (30mins couple hours or so) then remove the torrent from the list, and move/rename all you want.

  3. #3
    i ususally leave the torrent window open over night (ie i start it in the late evening and turn it off in the morning some time).

    i'm using the "generic" one -- but it is the "beta" version that they had posted.

    what exactly do you mean by "remove the torrent from the list"?

    do you mean - move it from the folder that it was downloaded to? because that is what i tried to do.

    anyway - last night i was trying to download 61 and 63, and when i came back this morning they both were about 75% done -- and it said "connection refused".

    is it time for me to get really paranoid?

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