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Thread: Devoted or just a fan boy/girl?

  1. #1
    I save the anime I download, so that I can share it with others.
    Thats why I run my Anime FTP server.
    And thats why I'm building a site devoted to people devoted to anime.
    I want the anime to spread and the release groups name to spread so that Anime will grow, since anime is more then just watching series, anime is a way of life, a life style.

    If you devote yourself to the art of anime and manga there is alot to explore and learn.

    That why most dedicated anime watchers are in fact youmg men rather then boys. I saw in a report that the average age of anime lovers is 23 years old.

    [this might sound bad but]

    Most kids that watch anime has another reason to watch it then what I and many other people devoted to anime.

    Kids often watches whows like Evangelion for the action in the battles, but once it reaches episode 20 it gets all complicated and emotional and they dislike the end of it. while me and other find the final episodes the best in the show just for that reason.

    Anime often has messages, some you find easy, others are well hidden.
    This is why I would rather watch an anime serie then a TV serie with real people acting.

  2. #2
    Age: 22
    Gender: Male
    Profession: Amateur Otaku

    Been to one con, but didn't do much more than walk in, down to the dealer room, buy a copy of Record of Lodoss War, and walk out. The major events that I was hoping to see had happened on the previous day and not much was left for my enjoyment.

    Despite my limited time with other anime lovers, I would call myself devoted. I download and watch 2-5 series at a time, and still have time to visit my local anime rental place. I buy wall scrolls and figurines as well as DVD's of the series that I really enjoy, so I can share them with my friends.

    The quality of Japanese animation is usually above that of American shows. Only American cartoon I ever really enjoyed past childhood was Batman, I wish they'd release that series on DVD. In addition, Japanese anime will usually have values represented that have long fled American television, animated or otherwise. Plot is good, action is good, comedy is good. A good anime has everything that I'd want in a show, and usually a bit more that I wasn't expecting.

  3. #3
    Missing Nin joker-kun's Avatar
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    I love anime, but i wouldnt really think of it as a lifestyle,I do more stuff then watch anime, but dont get me wrong i do like it, thinking bout going to anime north (con), I also love a complex story, but i still enjoy action

    oh yeah im 14

    [21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot

  4. #4
    lol i was 14 or 15 when i watched evangelion and i got pretty much the whole concept of the show lol and let me tell you that every episode is complex in evangelion even if the seem not complex compared to above eps 20 they alot of hidden plot in them

    as for anime wise ive always been obsessed with anime lol only computer was a gateway that turned it out of control lol i think that the older animes had greater plots and storys compared to now a days

  5. #5
    way to brag
    personally i like getting involved in deep stories and not just look at the flashy effects but i wouldnt say i'm devoted or a fanboy, i get involved in the stories if i think they're interesting and learn all aspects of it just for the fact of knowing it

  6. #6
    Wow, this thread dies quick

  7. #7
    I like anime, I like it a lot. (21 yrs old) But not just anime really. I like animation, and illustration. I like the art style of anime. But I wouldn't say I was devoted to it. I don't live and breathe anime. I don't go to the expos/cons and get into the cosplay or anything like that. Though I have a few friends who does. The person who told me about Naruto, and a whole bunch of other great shows.

  8. #8
    *looks around the room*
    4 anime wallscrolls
    *looks at comp*
    197432104717412074912 anime episodes
    *looks at personal site*
    8271372140217412094 anime uploaded
    *looks at the shelf above my computer*
    anime anime anime!
    *looks around the room again*
    burned cds of anime everywhere!
    *looks at the calendar*
    im going to turn 17 @ the 15th

  9. #9
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Legato 2057 @ Jan 5 2004, 12:50 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Anime is just like any other medium out there. Be it American animation, Korean Live action films, British TV shows, etc. There are hits and misses for all mediums.


    This is not ot say that I don&#39;t watch ton&#39;s of anime, I do, but to say that anime is the only medium which warrants your attention is rediculous. You should expand your horizons and watch other stuff too. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    I don&#39;t think anyone considers anime the only medium that can entertain them, but it may be one that they are drawn to more than others. Its definetly not the only type of show that I&#39;ve downloaded. I&#39;ve also gotten Scubs, Family Guy, Futurama, and the British series Coupling.

    Anime is something special though. Its partially to do with the advantages of the medium itself, the ability to do in depth plot and character development while keeping a very strong fantasy theme in most shows. Love Hina is one that people may not see the fantasy in, but try to imagine them doing half that stuff in real life. Although American cartoons allow similar imagery and storytelling abilities, they are rarely taken seriously, and are rarely intended to be so.

    Another thing is the community that revolves around anime. Watching a good show is great, but watching it with friends often makes it more than twice enjoyable. Anime&#39;s strong following allows you to find people just about anywhere that you can enjoy the shows with, and find people online that you can discuss the shows with.

  10. #10
    Wellt hat would make you more to a devoted anime viewer then a fan boy insomniac.

    It&#39;s not that I live and breath anime, but it takes up alot of time in my life

  11. #11
    Junior Sexfiend PSJ's Avatar
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    i agree with you that anime is a lifestyle. this is what im saying and writing alot &quot;Anime, A Way of Life&quot; this is what i really think but my age prevents me from doing that much work for the sake of anime. im only 15 years old and lives in sweden which are vey bad condisions too do anything at all. i cant even use the familes comp freely which limits my anime loving to downloading, watching and burning to cds. but i will do work for he sake of anime in the future you can count on that.

  12. #12
    i really love anime too. i first became obsessed in the 8th grade (now in 11th, so i&#39;m still kinda &quot;fresh&quot. I like it alot more than american cartoons because anime has a more in depth plot/story, and the animation is beautiful. Plus it sometimes deals with stuff that actually happens in real life. i&#39;m guessing i&#39;m just a fan

  13. #13
    Anime is just like any other medium out there. Be it American animation, Korean Live action films, British TV shows, etc. There are hits and misses for all mediums.

    Family Guy and South Park are two of the funniest animated shows ever, but they have nothing to do with anime (well Family Guy was animated in Korea but so are a lot of anime). I&#39;m not going to give a miss here as we all have our opinions.

    Neil Gaiman&#39;s Neverwhere and Monty Python&#39;s Flying Circus are both great TV series with one being a fantasy mini-series and the other being one of the most influential comedy series EVER. I love the British sens of Humor, can&#39;t say I&#39;ve seen something i hate

    Shiri is an excellent action film on par with many Hong Kong action films and broke box office records (in Korea when it came out). Bichumoo on the other hand, was a very disapointing marial arts film that might have been considered good ten years ago. (although I think it also hit number 1 soley becauseit was the first Korean film of it&#39;s kind).

    This is not ot say that I don&#39;t watch ton&#39;s of anime, I do, but to say that anime is the only medium which warrants your attention is rediculous. You should expand your horizons and watch other stuff too.

  14. #14
    ANBU hiddenpookie's Avatar
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    ya back in the day&#39;s watching the gurl scouts ahh those were the uhhh horrible days well am makeing all my friends watch adultswim so the can start likeing anime...who else lives in niehboorhood that ur like the only one who watch&#39;s anime? sux huh?&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;am in the same situation

  15. #15
    where do u live that they play evangelion on tv?

  16. #16
    aus played it on SBS for awhile

  17. #17
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (hiddenpookie @ Jan 6 2004, 02:03 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> ya back in the day&#39;s watching the gurl scouts ahh those were the uhhh horrible days well am makeing all my friends watch adultswim so the can start likeing anime...who else lives in niehboorhood that ur like the only one who watch&#39;s anime? sux huh?&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;am in the same situation </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    hahaha im a reallie devoted to anime and i lyke not jus action of it but the very content and storyline perhaps its mah way of escaping the real world to live watchin anime lyke all day but its all good ive been watchin anime since i kan remeber it all started wit dragon ball the first n dat started wen i was very very young im currently 16 bein 17 dis yr n yea i also feel u. mah family is lyke da onlie 1 dat watches anime meeh mah bro n sis da rest of the ppl around dun watch anime n it does sux but all mah friends do so its koo

  18. #18
    Compared to my friend... I am devoted to my anime. I think of every anime and when i watch it... i like to analyze it. Unlike me, my friend just watches a couple anime and if there is enough action he likes it. He doesnt think of the plot or anything else and everytime he asks me to borrow some anime which i decline because my other friend says he doesnt handle it with care. Although he is a friend, I sometimes find him to be weird.

  19. #19
    Although I like to analyze a good anime, I&#39;d have to side with your friends approach (aside from the mishandling of borrowed anime). If you begin watching anime with a critical eye, and not just for enjoyment, then what&#39;s the purpose? Its entertainment, you shouldn&#39;t need to work to understand it.

  20. #20
    True... but...

    But i never said that i didnt enjoy it so there really is a purpose. And maybe you think that you shouldnt think work to enjoy it I find that it is more interesting trying to analyze characters personalities and whatnot.

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