I save the anime I download, so that I can share it with others.
Thats why I run my Anime FTP server.
And thats why I'm building a site devoted to people devoted to anime.
I want the anime to spread and the release groups name to spread so that Anime will grow, since anime is more then just watching series, anime is a way of life, a life style.
If you devote yourself to the art of anime and manga there is alot to explore and learn.
That why most dedicated anime watchers are in fact youmg men rather then boys. I saw in a report that the average age of anime lovers is 23 years old.
[this might sound bad but]
Most kids that watch anime has another reason to watch it then what I and many other people devoted to anime.
Kids often watches whows like Evangelion for the action in the battles, but once it reaches episode 20 it gets all complicated and emotional and they dislike the end of it. while me and other find the final episodes the best in the show just for that reason.
Anime often has messages, some you find easy, others are well hidden.
This is why I would rather watch an anime serie then a TV serie with real people acting.