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Thread: Going to murder Sasuke..

  1. #41
    I refuse to believe that Chouji and Neji are dead!

    And if they are, I hope Sasuke lives the rest of his life with guilt

  2. #42
    Eh, it's only a matter of time before Naruto will reach his limit and will have to fight at the risk of the Nine Tails consuming him completely. Maybe when Neji's and Chouji's dead bodies are presented in front of him while fighting Oru he'll get his panties in a twirl. I mean, he barely controlled the Nine Tails the first time... the first time even caused him to transform a bit. At that point you won't have to worry about the naruto fanboys because the sasuke fanboys will wipe the floor with them once sasuke saves the day.

  3. #43
    I don't know if some of this has been said. But here goes.

    I've liked, and disliked Sasuke throughout the series, off and on. At the beginning he was a jerk, then he lightened up a little to his team mates. Disappeared for a long time, showed up with a bang, disappeared some more, came back as a supreme jackass.

    Its easy to say, that he is just so bent on revenge it clouds his mind. That may be true, but he's a genius, and he should know, being the powerful "weapon" that he is, and what he posseses, that RUNNING STRAIGHT INTO THE ENEMIES HANDS AT A TIME OF WAR WITH SAID ENEMY, is not the smartest thing to do.

    Once he becomes Oro's puppet, then what? Does he think he'll just get his revenge and then say "Okay, I'm done! THANKS! BYE!" NOOOOOOOOO.

    He'll turn on just like Itachi, slaying a village of people he may or may not care about.

    I think I may have stumbled on what may be the fate of our anti-hero...

    *shuts up*

  4. #44
    i think that all goes without saying

    but also with Sasuke learning Lees fighting style and Lees injury i think its obvious that hes only in the series now as a 'aww poor him' instead of a 'wow hes awesome' Hes been used and replaced for his fighting purpose already

  5. #45
    Sasuke's goddess - You freakin' rule.

    I think it is pretty lame that Sasuke became all fast and shit, with only a month of practice, whereas, it took Rock Lee all those years. Genius or not, you're muscles aren't any better than the next. So, him getting that kind of speed with only a month is pretty lame. Sharingan can't copy speed. You can only gain speed through constant training. That's it. Now, in Lee's favor, is that he can maintain high amounts of speed, without losing stamina - he's got a one up there.

    Now, for the people who think Rock Lee is down and out for the count. You're all idiots. How are you people so sure? You make it sound like you know fully well, Kishimoto's intentions. Funny, I thought this was only a fan-based board. I hadn't realized such reputable people were here. Heh. Seriously, though. Rock Lee represents a type and class of a fighter, that nobody else can. Taijutsu only and combined effort. In the series, he's like a symbol for "drop-outs". Everything he represents, is belief in bettering oneself and HARD WORK. He's cool, even if he is crippled, because he's got way more heart than anybody else. He's cool, because he has no special gimmick (Sharingan, Kyuubi, Byakugan...nin/genjutsu in general)

    Now, I noticed that a lot of you look down at Sasuke.. Why? Do you really have the right to? Hey, how would you feel, if I slaughtered your family? Would you persist as Sasuke does, for vengeance? Yeah, I bet you all would. Since the beginning, he admitted to being an "avenger" through any and all means. Even other people acknowledge his dream of killing Itachi. Now, stay with me here, Naruto fanboys. The long-awaited meeting between Itachi and Sasuke finally happen. He's been waiting for this day, forever now. Surprisingly, Sasuke loses. His brother is mountains more powerful than him, even after all of his new abilities. Wow, what a way to shatter your confidence! But wait! There's more. HIS OWN BROTHER, FLESH AND BLOOD, tells him that he's nothing, and wants somebody else. Gee, how would you all feel, if you were in his shoes? Does it add to the fact, that his brother practically encourages him to become stronger to kill him? I don't think so. You people are all so busy, judging Sasuke for the things you knew were inevitable, that you fail to try to look at everything from his point of view.

    I'm not a Sasuke fanboy or anything. (I do like Lee better) However, when people make bonehead remarks like some of you all are, I'll defend him.

  6. #46
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>I think it is pretty lame that Sasuke became all fast and shit, with only a month of practice, whereas, it took Rock Lee all those years. Genius or not, you&#39;re muscles aren&#39;t any better than the next. So, him getting that kind of speed with only a month is pretty lame. Sharingan can&#39;t copy speed. You can only gain speed through constant training. That&#39;s it.</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    EXACTLY what I was thinking...Speed is to do with the nervous system/muscle twitch your either born with, or develop through hard and constant training. Now Sasuke, who was nothing special in speed before, probabaly just over the average...suddenly is as fast as Lee with weights on? and in one month. Yeah, right...

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Hey, how would you feel, if I slaughtered your family?</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    lmao, I know this was supposed to create a serious effect, but it kinda made me nearly burst out laughing, dunno why. Me and my evil sense of humour 0-o...guess its cuz of how bluntly you put it, heh. But yeah, point made.

    The fact that Sasuke copied and used Lee`s taijutsu, really..its just obviously dumb, and annoying. Thats really the only reason why I dislike him, hes been an alright kinda character so far for me, I just dont like how hes made nearly invulnerable. And another thing...Gai says hes about the same speed as Lee with his weights on. But, when Lee had his weights on, he couldnt break through the sand sheild? so how did Sasuke do it at that speed? bit wierd. but anyway...good points made by pro-sasuke people. Except for the idiot a while back.

  7. #47
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Hotsuma @ Jan 2 2004, 09:11 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Sad to say, but you&#39;re gonna have to get used to it. This board is infested with Naruto fanboys, who cock-ride the overhyped Kyuubi form, and ride off any new idea of innovation that Kishimoto might apply to Narutos fights.

    Can&#39;t beat them? Use Kyuubi, I say&#33; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    OMG are we still discussing comic characters here?&#33;
    on the whole &quot;sasgay&quot; thing I can empathize. To be honest its hard to avoid it these days. I find my self using that term as a put down on occasion because it just slips out. Guess its one of those pop culture things sadly.
    Hopefully it&#39;ll go away with time

  8. #48
    this has gone totally off topic

    it was about someone whinging about Sasuke getting better then Lee in such a small amount of time, now we&#39;re talking about naruto, orochimaru and the kyuubi?

  9. #49
    I`ve revised my opinion on Sasuke after reading further on in manga and getting into the Itachi saga. Cant really blame the kid for how he turned out, tho he IS acting very annoying now..and he hasnt used Lee`s taijutsu again, whee.

    *on a sidenote, hope Lee survives this surgery &gt;_&gt;

  10. #50
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (dazzz @ Jan 2 2004, 05:47 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
    i believe goku&#39;s tail was cut off by his guardian (the old man who took care of him) when goku turned ape. i don&#39;t think he made his &#39;weakness vanish.&#39; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    not really, goku lost his tail a few times, I was talking about the part at the 22nd tournament, when Goku went up against Krillin. When Krillin grabed his tail Goku said he he trained it and now it isn&#39;t his weakness anymore.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Sad to say, but you&#39;re gonna have to get used to it. This board is infested with Naruto fanboys, who cock-ride the overhyped Kyuubi form, and ride off any new idea of innovation that Kishimoto might apply to Narutos fights.

    Can&#39;t beat them? Use Kyuubi, I say&#33; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    yeah, We are the Naruto fanboys&#33; fear our evil flames towards those who diss Naruto&#33;
    i hope we won&#39;t see Naruto kicking too much ass now, and i really hope he&#39;ll seriously fail this mission, and won&#39;t even beat Kimimanaro...
    oh, and by the way, the last time Naruto won because of the Kyubi was in the fight against Gaara, if i&#39;m not mistaken...

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Then Itachi jumps and says

    &quot;Even after that pill and level 2 curse seal,your still a weak piece of crap&quot;

    then he uses mange sharingan

    Sasuke falls,Itachi wipes the floor with Sasuke again and again and again.The he owns the Sound nins for fun,only to wipe the floor with Sasuke again because he is still a sissy.

    Conclusion,Itachi owns Sasuke.Sasuke needs to get his ass kicked by Itachi a 3rd time</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    I like your way of thinking&#33;

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  11. #51
    and what does any of the that have to do with Sasuke learning Lees moves?

  12. #52
    Nothing.Absolutely nothing.

  13. #53
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    My opinion on this matter: I feel that Sasuke&#39;s Goddess and Hotsuma are both 100% correct (something I see happening more and more on these forums in various topics). I could reiterate but why bother, I&#39;d only be repeating what they&#39;ve already said.

    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Well, I&#39;ve avoided this long enough. I am actually going to defend Sasuke. Just because I&#39;m sick of all this &#39;Sasgay&#39; stuff. (Which by the way is VERY offensive. What the hell is wrong with being gay exactly. It has two meanings; To be happy, or liking the same sex. Explain to me why you use this term for a character you don&#39;t like.)</td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>

    FINALLY someone else has said this as well as me. What the hell is wrong with being gay&#33; Bah, the ignorance of some people just floors me sometimes. I&#39;ll never understand why people use the word as a derogatory adjective.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  14. #54
    Then Itachi jumps and says

    &quot;Even after that pill and level 2 curse seal,your still a weak piece of crap&quot;

    then he uses mange sharingan

    Sasuke falls,Itachi wipes the floor with Sasuke again and again and again.The he owns the Sound nins for fun,only to wipe the floor with Sasuke again because he is still a sissy.

    Conclusion,Itachi owns Sasuke.Sasuke needs to get his ass kicked by Itachi a 3rd time.

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