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Thread: Reasons to like ya favorite character!!!

  1. #1
    Ex. shino-cute, love-able, adorable, can kick ass, and is fun to annoy! go ahead you try now!!

  2. #2
    kiba cute, has akamaru(which is also cute) beat minicry, and is a puppy head, also is very loving and caring for others, and kicks ass(or gets ass kiccked) either one i still love him

  3. #3
    Hinata is cute, she's got great power inside her, she's a strong person, and she stands up for what she believes in. And she's cute. Did I mention how cute she is?

  4. #4
    hmmm, I like Lee becoz he is a hard working, hard working, hard working person. Someone who works hard for everything. He is like on steriod or something.

    Other reasons,

    Include.....when char kick some bad ass.

    When char pulls something out of their ***, especially spy char like kabuto.

    When naruto summons a tadpole....and being slow when it comes to learning theories.

    and many more.

  5. #5

    Because he seems so fucking dumb ALL the time and then suddenly he does something sooooo briljant, u'd start wondering if he isnt faking being dumb.
    oh yeah ..and going berserk is really goooooooooood.

  6. #6
    shikamaru i like the fact that he's a genious and when he thinks he does that thinkin position.. thats the coolest thing ever

  7. #7
    Haku has a mongo jumbo great personality and like Vash from trigun he doesn't like killing.. Why did Haku had to die

  8. #8
    .. lol i thought this was the manga forum so i was about to post the guy i like best in the manga ... in the anime i like jirayia because, he is fun, he is cool, he can summon frog.. so i guess he is also strong.

  9. #9
    lee Powerful,cool to watch,has a painful past (too),has a handsome face etc.

  10. #10
    Kakashi! Why? Cause he looks cool, acts cool and his jutsus rocks.

  11. #11
    dedication, determination, and interesting character that can apply well to modern day life.

  12. #12
    Naruto, strong, kind, never let his comrades down, smart and learn very fast !

  13. #13
    To add to the list of Lee-traits that this thread has collected:

    He's funny, he's so sweet to Sakura, he's brave ... he's the most adorable character in the series (I SAY SO), he manages to be/act cheerful in spite of his bad situation, he has a great smile, he's kinda clueless (? i dunno, like before his Gaara-match when he was discussing with Gai) ... and everything else already mentioned like hard work/dedication/strength ^ˆ^

  14. #14
    Kakashi: lazy, cool, secret, incredible haircut and style
    + he kicks donkey's ass...lightning edge makes me drool

  15. #15
    got many fav's but 1st is Gaara..

    why well he's cool, he starts to get more flashback time and he just get's cooler and if he says he's gonna do something he will no bullshit. And he as of now have a nice backstory to "justify" or give us an idea of why he seems to be so damn evil/angry at everything.

    He doesnt have any flashy jutsu's that sounds cooler than they are the Graveyard well it kills simple as that no husch husch.. And he can look so extreemly psycho at times I like that, when he goes all psychotic..

    And as well as with Naruto, and Neji, Sasuke and all the others with a not so happy past you can feel sorry for him.

  16. #16
    well my favourite character is Orochimaru !

    he's evil , incredibly strong , very cool , has cool eyes , creepy and scary and even kakashi got scared of him !

    but my 2nd favourite character is Kakashi because of his hair , his attitude , his supreme most pwnage jutsu Lightning Edge and because the fact he is always late even though he is the sensei , hehe

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