Mon, 12-29-2003, 02:00 AM
ANBU Captain
I hope this is in the right section...
I've just watched Battle Royale 2 after getting it off suprnova...anyone else seen it yet? This is the best new film I've seen in ages!
Anyone who wants to watch it you can get it off suprnova (if you have a good connection - its 700mb), though you have to download the subtitles seperately (also off www.suprnova.org) and install a couple of programs in order to get the subtitles on the screen...
Has anyone else done this and watched the movie yet? Its a really great film, there is much more to it than the original, which in many parts was just blood and guts (though don't get me wrong - theres still plenty of that in BR2)...
I won't ruin the story I was just wondering if any fans of Japanese films might have seen it yet and what their opinion of it was etc etc...
Mon, 12-29-2003, 02:13 AM
ANBU Captain
BR2 out?!? KOOOOL!!! lemme ask you this: is it even sicker than Ichi the Killer? I hope so
Mon, 12-29-2003, 03:50 AM
ANBU Captain
no where fucking near...the violence is on a pretty similar level to the first movie. Theres just a lot more in terms of story now...in fact, the type of violence is probably less extreme than the first one (no-one gets stabbed in the genitals like they did in the first one).
I wonder if anything could ever be sicker than Ichi...the piano wire bits in Audition come relatively close, but the bit with the tongue in Ichi still makes me shudder!
Mon, 12-29-2003, 04:20 AM
ANBU Captain
Ichi getting turned on by killing someone
, that kind of people jack off while checking out www.ogrish.com
Mon, 12-29-2003, 06:37 AM
No I havnt but I love jap film, mainly Kitano that was in that movie. If you like that check out these films all starring Kitano
Violent Cop
Kikojiro (spelling is wrong Sorry)
and my Favourite, Dolls
If you watch these you will be stunned especially Dolls, an amazing film
Mon, 12-29-2003, 07:20 AM
Hehe downloading that right now, but how/where do you get the subs for it, can't seem to find it.
Tue, 12-30-2003, 03:43 AM
ANBU Captain
Just go on the www.suprnova.org site, and on the 'Movies' page, go to Edit on the file menu, click Find (on this page) and put in 'battle' or something like that...there should be about two sub files on the page available to download - one is labelled subs-complete, the other is not complete, but it tells you so you should be able to find the one...
EDIT - here's a link to the actual download thing...should work - it does for me at the moment anyway
i think the following one might have been the one I got
BR Subs '.srt file'
or maybe this one - this is in a rar file
BR Subs Complete (RAR file)
You'll have to change the srt file into an ssa file (at least I did)...
For anyone who wants to know how to get it onto a DVD (which is the way I did it) follow this site for help
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