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Thread: gunbound

  1. #1
    does any one play gunbound here cuz i do my id is mxkataro will i just wanted to know if yea people did and if u know REAL i said REAL hacks for it well i know this is not about naruto but still just wanted to post it here

  2. #2
    Lock this, mods. Or move it.

  3. #3
    kill the topic

  4. #4
    Lol talk about vigillante mob mentality... lock it, kill it, burn it.....

    MXKataroShadow see the Games section of the forum there is a thread there about Gunbound.

  5. #5
    are u seriously asking for hacks.... omg I hate hacks ..hate hacks..hate....hacks..blergh

  6. #6
    aaaargh..hacks! well,this thread wont be up for a special long time..

  7. #7
    lol hacks... jezus... what a waste of time

  8. #8
    well i play gunbound , my name there is jettzzZ.

    BUT , i dont use hacks! , man hacks is bad , its like cheatin

    If u use hacks then ur a sore loser who cant play fair and should be banned from all servers!

  9. #9
    Hell Yeah, i Play.

    I go by the name Madox2, and am usually on a noob server.

    Since when did the Naruto channel turn into a general discussion?

  10. #10
    OMG, seriously weak, dude

  11. #11
    whoaw.. crazy dude

  12. #12
    Oh come ON dude! This the NARUTO section~~ mods, please do SOMETHING!HACK? YOU WANT SOME HACKS TOO? oh jeez.

  13. #13
    i love how everyone just yells at people for making threads like thsi. funny funnty

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