i will do whatever i can to prove dosu's death.
i will do whatever i can to prove dosu's death.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (*kibakun* @ Jan 5 2004, 01:49 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> actually i wanted to tell you that dosu isnt dead. just face it. if you're getting bothered about this post thing why dont u just believe it and ignore us. either me or shino i luv or someone else that has been helping us with this fight will say dosu is alive. so ha </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
DOSU IS DEAD YOU STUPID BAKAS!!!!!! Baki even saw Garra kill Dosu when that thing awokened in him because of the full moon!!!! PLEASE one of the anbu memebers lock this topic there is no point in it anymore![]()
He is DEAD.
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (itachi_ @ Jan 5 2004, 04:37 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> who cares about some experimental sound ninja.. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
i could name quite a few who do. me being one of them, thank you very much.
i agree, though, this is stupid.
wat u don't know is that dosu has a little hot headed brother !
dosette !
dosu's bot dead ! it's his brother !
to avenge his brother he'll get sharingan, collect jutsu and even steal byakugan !
with his ultimate sound taijutsu he'll create 100000000 sound clones that can sing like celine dion and gaara will die in horrible pain![]()
i dont find it stupid i find it fun.
you can if you wish to. i find it stupid you did that because im going to gover ur house adn punch you to a bloody pulp PETER!
your just saying random stuff just to become a genin *kibakun* (that wasn't intended as a flame and I dont expect people to take it that way either) DOSU IS DEAD PLEASE LOCK THIS POST
no actually im not. everythign i say i mean
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (*kibakun* @ Jan 5 2004, 08:12 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> no actually im not. everythign i say i mean </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
me too and i mean DOSU IS DEAD!!!!![]()
actually hes not. ok becuase i know he isnt and thats all that matters. me and others all beleive this. and your the Baka
dead dead dead dosu is dead
ok lol whatever you say.**looks over to neji and hinata and says "hes a spycho"** (not flaming either) hes a freind of mines
GEEZE talk about denial!
A lot of people have been saying a lot of crazy things on this whole character death issue, and I'd like to add my input, with a death list thanks to rEkKaShInObI.
11. Uchiha Itachi:
Alive and well, persuing current ambitions.
12. Uchiha ??? (Father):
With Sasuke's mother.
14. Haku's mom and dad
This was an obvious mistake to make because you couldn't really see it but it's time to see how things add up. In the anime you see a bloody faced haku's father coming in with katana upraised toward haku, next thing you know haku's house is impaled by ice and haku is leaving his home, alone, walking in the snow.
From this information it seems perfectly reasonable to conclude this possibility:
Upon finding out that Haku was of an advanced bloodline, they hatched a plot to form the village of hidden ninja's, but to do so his father had to trick the people hunting him into thinking haku was dead so he would be safe while they hatched their plans. THEREFORE he spread a bit of goatsblood on himself and took a few friends, tearfully he bid goodbye to his beloved son and raised his sword, the signal for Haku to begin his plan and destroy his home so that his father and everyone would seem to have been destroyed.
This is evidenced in part by the lack of blood on the protruding ice-shards that SUPPOSEDLY would have impaled them. Part of the plan was to put goatblood on them too, but i guess things got hurried.
We then see Haku leaving alone in the snow, but don't worry, his parents, after finding Zabuza's ambitions, ask him to take their son in as a weapon towards his ultimate goal to take over hidden mist, in the agreement that he change the name to hidden ninja.
2. Gekkou Hayate:
Another common mistake, He got cut up awfully and then defeated his enemy with a carrion bird summoning jutsu, however the effort of it exhausted him, so he rested for some time with the vultures watching over him while he used a jutsu to begin healing himself. By the time he awoke he was met by Haku's father, who convinced him to change loyalties and join the village of hidden ninja, and to keep the secrets of the coming conflict to himself.
Why else would there be carrion birds circling but not feasting on a body, moreover if they had done so beforethe anbu came their beaks would have been bloodied, yet they were not!
3. Haku and
8. Momochi Zabuza :
Haku and Zabuza were being hunted by hunter nin's, and they needed access to a lot of money to get their ambitions finished. Some might believe that ambition took them too far, and destroyed them.
However, let's see. Zabuza and Haku faced off with Kakashi the copy-ninja. This is where they realized, thanks to a patsy such as him, that they could advance the plans of the village of hidden ninja even more than was expected. First they had to ensure that Kakashi survived long enough to bring their battle in front of an audience, so he gave a half hearted effort in fighting Kakashi and slipped away thanks to Haku, knowing Kakashi wasn't alert enough to realize the truth of the matter but also knowing it wouldn't matter when they revealed themselves later. Haku watched Kakashi's team and the people they protect while in safe seclusion and realized their weakness. They, dramatize, EVERYTHING. Bringing that information back to Zabuza they forged a clever plan. Zabuza met them, hammed it up something awful on the bridge to get Kakashi's team over-emotional and incapable of thinking straight, while he had Haku incapacitate the young konoha genins to protect them from themselves so they wouldn't be harmed. This however was foiled when the unexpected Kyuubi revealed itself after, you guessed it, one of the ninja's got over emotional. Haku was in a tight spot, and after having his advanced bloodline technique defeated he knew he had to rely on his ace-in-the-hole. He revealed himself as the person naruto met a few days ago, expecting that the one short meeting they had would be enough to make naruto emotional enough to lose his fighting spirit even though they only shared a few words. It worked, but without his advanced jutsu he wasn't able to incapacitate the rest of the team, he had to change the plan and he didn't have time to tell Zabuza. So quickly, he hammed up another story so that Naruto would be distracted with him while he thought. When he was finished he realized what he had to do, he teleported over to Zabuza and took Kakashi's hit, using careful control over his body to make himself appear dead. Zabuza quickly caught on, and started hamming it up again, realizing that instead of incapacitating the Konoha nins and killing his former boss, he would have to kill his former boss and pretend to die. He knew if he was going to that he would have to save a lot of energy and chakra, which means he would hardly be fighting Kakashi at all, but he figured Kakashi would have so much fun thinking he was winning that he wouldn't notice. He was right. So after biding his time, sure enough, his employer game. And sure enough, he came mid battle expecting to kill them both. Nervously hoping that Sakura and Naruto would be able to handle the untrained rabble for Kakashi if he wasn't able to scare them off with his astounding display of demonic rage, he happily slaughtered his former employer, taking wounds from them all the while to increase their terror when he still succeeded in killing the man. As he dropped to his knees and pretended to collapse, he hammed it up with Kakashi a bit more, asking to move near Haku so they could be at eachothers backs if their trick was seen through. Zabuza signalled for the 'dead' Haku to call the snow with his advanced bloodline and to shed a tear. It made no sense if he was supposed to be dead that he could channel chakra and cry, but Zabuza needed to know if they were so overemotional at that point that they weren't even thinking rationally. And apparently they weren't. So with their true target dead in front of an audience they were able to seize his assets, thanks to Haku's mother, who was posing as a tax collector, and funnel those funds into their group. They just had to carefully control their bodies so that their liveliness wouldn't become noticable to the four emotional ninja, let themselves be buried, and then dig their way out and fill in the graves, sneaking by everyone when everyone in their entire village had their backs turned watching the four emotional ninja walk away down the bridge.
How else, after all, could a dead man summon up snow, or shed tears? How else could Sasuke have been cold and appeared dead, as Sakura said? Unless he wasn't trying to kill him, simply put ihim into a death-like state, much like he did for Zabuza in the first phase of their plan.
4. Hokage the first
5. Hokage the second
6. Hokage the forth:
Well of course they're dead, don't be silly!We don't need to have everything spelled out for us you know!
7. Hyuuga Hizashi:
Everything his brother believed was a falsehood, after being contacted by Haku's father he agreed to join the village of hidden ninja and used the demand their secret allies made to konoha to slip him away safely after receiving his supposedly dead body, which was actually just shipped while he lay still thanks to the ministrations of hidden ninja village spies working within the Hyuuga clan.
9. Sigure:
It seemed that Sigure, Kage of the hidden ninja, was killed by Gaara.
In truth this man, a bit obviously too old to be a genin, and his men confronted Gaara with a meticulously made Sigure doll. The blood, however, was a carefully crafted poison made to make the demon inside Gaara to become unstable, and a less reliable weapon for their potential enemies, the followers of the Kazekage.
After his mission was successful he went home and took his rightful seat, as kage of the village of hidden ninja.![]()
10. Sinobi Gashir
I'd heard things about him, but I don't want to go spreading wild rumors...
P.S.- No, not really.![]()
P.P.S- Then Zabuza and Haku joined in one cybernetic superbody and they are now known as "Hakuza"
P.P.P.S-It could happen!![]()
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (*kibakun* @ Jan 5 2004, 08:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> ok lol whatever you say.**looks over to neji and hinata and says "hes a spycho"** (not flaming either) hes a freind of mines </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
really i wonder what a spycho is? and btw DOSU IS DEAD!!!
I swear, some of you guys are idiots. *shakes head*![]()
Closed, for obvious reasons.
I think I know precisely what I mean
when I say it's a schpadoinkle day
very very interesting... caught my attention.
p.s. dosu is dead, never gonna see him again.
why is this topic still going![]()