Sat, 12-27-2003, 10:27 AM
ANBU Captain
How do you guys think Naruto and Kimimarro eventually knock heads?
I think that Naruto, Shikamaru, and Kiba (with Akamaru) will make quick work of Sakon and Tayuya. After all they have Naruto's raw power, Shikamaru's strategy, and Kiba's speed.
I think that in this arc Kimimaro is definetly going to be the one Naruto has to take on.
I think that when Tayuya and Sakon go down, Kimi shows up. Only Naruto has enough Chakra left to fight him so he does.
Kimi has the Gaia seal, and is supposedly an ultra bad ass. I don't think he has a bloodline limit himself, if he did, then Orochimaru would already have used him by now.
Once Naruto and Kimi fight for a while, I think maybe Kabuto will show up and take Sasuke back to Orochimaru.
Lay down some more scenarios
Sun, 12-28-2003, 02:01 AM
ANBU Captain
First off, delete all those other threads with this same topic.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 02:06 AM
^Do as he says.
Also, he does have a bloodline limit, Kabuto said so in chapter 199.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 02:26 AM
he was talkin about sasuke
and what the hell is going on whenever someone posts a topic theres like six of them
Sun, 12-28-2003, 02:29 AM
They are defending the village and doing missions so that nobody notices they are in trouble.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 02:31 AM
Time of Revival is Sasuke coming out, thats why the two sound nins stop. They said "already, this soon" or along those lines...
Sun, 12-28-2003, 02:31 AM
its some error that gotwoot occasionally returns, it happened to me a lot posting a few weeks ago, that says thast something happened and it didnt work, and gives you the option of posting it again, but in reality it did work, so you end up posting too much. then postinf in a thread gotwoot counters itself cause of flood control, but thats not the case when creating a thread.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 02:36 AM
Whose body did Oro took over?
And why didnt Oro took over Kimimaro's?(past expiry date?)
Kimimaro's seems pretty whacked....
Also...I really am impressed by the ability of kabuto having students while also spying for the sound as a genin in the leaf...
I mean wtf...even if he knows kage bunshin...how is that suppose to work!
Sun, 12-28-2003, 03:08 AM
ANBU Captain
didn't it say just above the title for the next episode something like:
"Shikamaru's power" or something like that? I think Shikamaru will fight the homo guy/girl next time, and then they kill keep going. Kiba vs. Girl, and obviously Naruto vs. Kimimaro.
Also I think Kimimaro is sick or something and that is one of the reasons why Orochimaru didn't take him, maybe Oro tried to use his body before but his jutsu failed or something and left Kimimaro in that state. Apparently Kimimaro is going to die soon so he is not a good choice to be Oro's container. I think Kimimaro can probably beat the crap out of Naruto but then randomly his disease/whatever will kick in and he will die or something. What do you think?
Sun, 12-28-2003, 05:56 AM
Somehow, I doubt Kabuto would appear, but all this are just assumptions.
What I do think would happen is that Kimmimaro would probably kick Naruto's ass (Naruto's form tend to be inconsistent), and Sasuke would finally come into the picture and kick kimmimaro's ass. However he would still follow the path towards the dark(sound)side unless one of the baddies accidentally spill out that Sasuke's body is going to be possessed.
MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

Sun, 12-28-2003, 06:02 AM
I think Kimimmarro(gawd I can't get his name right) will fight Naruto and Naruto will nearly lose, then Sasuke will show up in his new form or whatever, kill Kimmmyiaroo than reveals that he has no interest in returning to the Leaf, and says that he hopes to fight Naruto on a fair playing field next time they meet.
Well, ok it won't sound that nice but that's the general idea.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 06:03 AM
i think that if they beat the two remaining sound nins then they have no chance against Kimmimaro, think about it, there has to be a limit as to how good Naruto is.
He'll fight but he wont win
Sun, 12-28-2003, 06:06 AM
I think that after the big fight, the only able to stand is Naruto. Also the title of the next chapter (Time of Revival) might make you think it is finally time to heal Choji and Neji. After that, it is going to be a Naruto versus Kimimarro. With the same old, same old. Naruto loses, summons Kyubi. Beats Kimimarro to pulp. But after that, they fool the Genins to believe Sasuke won't survive if he doesn't see Orochimaru.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 06:57 AM
you have to know that Naruto isnt THAT strong, geez
Time for revival means that Sasuke is about to come out.
If you expect Naruto to fight the two sound nins at level 2 and Sasuke, and Kimmimaro then seriously you're making a huge assumption.
Kimmimaro was Orochimarus old body, far stronger then any of the sound nins.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 07:04 AM
ANBU Captain
Damn I was surpised to see this thread was even posted. I kept getting errors, oh well.
I don't think that Kimimaro is Orochimaru's old body. It seemed like he is Orochimaru's second choice besides Sasuke. I am not sure why he didn't take Kimimaro's body instead of the winner of the Battle Royale. I guess because he figures Kimimarro could still be useful to him as a lackey and could keep an eye on Sasuke until (Sasuke) matures and Oro can take over his body.
I will be interested to see the info on these types of Cursed Seals, as well as on what the hell they had Kimimaro hooked up too. It looked like both medical stuff and their were some seals on his bed or something.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 07:14 AM
obviously Orochimaru thought that the guy who won the battle royal was far stronger (i mean he didnt really even break a sweat)
He probably doesnt need Kimimaro anyone as a body because Sasukes ability with the Sharigan is stronger, so theres no point in using his body.
If Naruto does beat Kimimaro then the entire plot gets gayer, Naruto isnt so insanely strong that he can beat on everyone he faces - thats just stupid.
Sasuke has to goto Orochimaru this time, they've made it that Sasuke wont get taken over by Orochimaru for a few years so he'll reside in sound for those years and train (learn his snake jutsu/summoning).
Naruto will barely beat the sound nins then Kimimaro will show up and make short work of them and take Sasuke back
Sun, 12-28-2003, 09:08 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Insomniac @ Dec 28 2003, 05:56 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> If you expect Naruto to fight the two sound nins at level 2 and Sasuke, and Kimmimaro then seriously you're making a huge assumption.
Kimmimaro was Orochimarus old body, far stronger then any of the sound nins. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
I expect to work together to beat the 2 Sound nin. I only said Naruto would be the only one to get out of it without being exhausted. After that, I think he can handle Kimimarro with the Kyubi. If Kidimarou wasn't beaten so hard since Kimimarro and it is the same Kimimarro that is going to pick up Sasuke, Neji is about as strong as him. If Neji and Naruto trained equally hard, Naruto would be stronger than Kimimarro with a small fraction of the Kyubi chakra. It is a good time to show off the Ransengan once again.
Sun, 12-28-2003, 01:32 PM
Hmm, how about this.
Hyuga Hisashi or Hizashi, Gia, Kakashi, Akamachi daddy, Shikamaru's dad and Bugger daddy comes help.
And big time own, all the sound's ass. Come on, we know that the leaf is strong, why are they not sending out their most powerful shit to do the job.
Unless they really think that sound is crap.
Mon, 12-29-2003, 03:16 AM
</div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Uchuu no Recca @ Dec 28 2003, 12:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Hmm, how about this.
Hyuga Hisashi or Hizashi, Gia, Kakashi, Akamachi daddy, Shikamaru's dad and Bugger daddy comes help.
And big time own, all the sound's ass. Come on, we know that the leaf is strong, why are they not sending out their most powerful shit to do the job.
Unless they really think that sound is crap. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
That sollution is a bit odd and i doubt that will happen. Naruto will probavly fight that girl (cant remember her name) and will be kicked at the first moment and then he sais : "I cant lose here, i have to become hokage" or "I wont take back my words". Then u see a special attack from naruto which in the ends kicks her ass. Then Naruto wins.
Thats always wats happing in the naruto fights... (with naruto in it)
Tue, 12-30-2003, 02:22 AM
he didnt say he was as strong, he said he hadnt been this close to losing since Kimimaro, doesnt say much though because Kimimaro was one of the '5' sound nins with spidey and could have been taking it easy
Gaia seal means Kimimaro has an earth seal, which rivals the Heaven seal that Sasuke has - there may be a 'hell' seal or something later on that we'll encounter (heaven, earth, hell) but probably not for a long time
as for Kimimaro vs Naruto you cant honestly think that Naruto will come out of this completely winning? Sasuke has to get to Orochimaru, and now that hes given a few years that will happen
they'll beat the sound nins and Kimimaro will show up, make short work of everyone but leave them alive then speed off with Sasuke, then probably try to kill Sasuke but Sasuke will kill him
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