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Thread: page download speed

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  1. #1
    Im not amazing at computers so i have a question. i have a cable modem but when i go to a site, for example when i try to browse the manga on the internet browser it takes forever (or atleast a long time compared to other things, im not pateint)

    is there anythjing i can change settings wise to be quicker on uploading the image?

    please and thank u.

  2. #2
    Don't you mean download the image? o_o?

    Anyway, this is probably an pretty obvious and stupid question to ask. But i'm gonna ask anyway. o_O;

    Do you have a P2P app open? Like a Torrent application, or something else that downloads/uploads multimedia like that?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    i mean how do increase page uploading speeds online, i like to read the manga online but takes foreveer to upload the entire image and have to wait a little too long

  5. #5
    To upload is to have the image or file on your computer already, and send it to another location other than your own computer.

    To download is to take a given image or file from a different location, into your computer for viewing or using.

    However, what i said earlier about your P2P app affects both your uploading and your downloading speeds. Dosn't matter what it is, if you have a P2P app, it will slow down the internet for you. Images are also naturally bigger than normal webpages, so again it will take naturally longer than an average webpage which just has text on, or say a webpage you visit regulary which has all the images pre-cached into your temporary internet file for faster loading.

  6. #6
    ok thanks i turn off steam and it works bit faster

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