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Thread: Your own dream team, killing machine.

  1. #21
    Hunter Nin Stoopider's Avatar
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    Aug 2003
    Melbourne Australia
    I just realised Shika is the most important team member of all, turn a individually crappy team (Ino,Shika,Chouji) into a chunnin winner team, but they begin to fallout after the individual battle stages.

    My favorite team would be shikamaru, Sasuke and Hyuga Neji. They all are more or less to do their job without hestitation (Kill people, unlike Naruto). And they are effecient at it and can be team players (More or less, except Sasuke might be a frag hogger) If not, Shikamaru, Chouji (Or Sasuke) and Hyuga Neji.

    The team has brains,traps (Shika) and unstoppable when nightfalls, nuff said

    Hit power (Chouji.. don't underestimate him) or Sasuke (Counter and copy every possible move, effecient and deadly killer)

    and Hyuga Neji (Ultimate close range and he'll murder without hestitation when you need him to, unlike Rock Lee or Naruto who has pro-life ethics).

    I wouldn't pick Gaara in my team, too unstable, might end up killing everybody even his own teammates and he's not really a team player. I wouldn't mind Ten Ten in the team though, she can mass attack with weapons

    Another very very strong team, which already was an existing is the Ino, CHouji and Shika team. Individually they may be the worst amongst all, but together they are very dangerous, their abilities are complimentary to each other.
    MmmMmm. Ooiiishiii

  2. #22
    naruto , because .... he's just awesome, it's the best trump card ...
    then sasuke ... just because he's the one that can bring naruto to his real power ...
    then neji ....and shikamaru .

    mentor : Jiraya :>

    versus ....

    itachi ....kabuto ....and gaara .... and the worst smelling of all : orochimaru (hebiyaro)

  3. #23
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Stoopider &#064; Dec 27 2003, 02:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> I just realised Shika is the most important team member of all, turn a individually crappy team (Ino,Shika,Chouji) into a chunnin winner team, but they begin to fallout after the individual battle stages.

    My favorite team would be shikamaru, Sasuke and Hyuga Neji. They all are more or less to do their job without hestitation (Kill people, unlike Naruto). And they are effecient at it and can be team players (More or less, except Sasuke might be a frag hogger) If not, Shikamaru, Chouji (Or Sasuke) and Hyuga Neji.

    The team has brains,traps (Shika) and unstoppable when nightfalls, nuff said

    Hit power (Chouji.. don&#39;t underestimate him) or Sasuke (Counter and copy every possible move, effecient and deadly killer)

    and Hyuga Neji (Ultimate close range and he&#39;ll murder without hestitation when you need him to, unlike Rock Lee or Naruto who has pro-life ethics).

    I wouldn&#39;t pick Gaara in my team, too unstable, might end up killing everybody even his own teammates and he&#39;s not really a team player. I wouldn&#39;t mind Ten Ten in the team though, she can mass attack with weapons

    Another very very strong team, which already was an existing is the Ino, CHouji and Shika team. Individually they may be the worst amongst all, but together they are very dangerous, their abilities are complimentary to each other. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    good examination of each character. i stand by with Kakashi, Itachi, and Sasuke though because they own&#33;&#33; 5 sharingans @ work here. you got the crazy unstopable Itachi, the copy ninja Kakashi, and the avenger Sasuke. i think they can beat any team that stands before them. since theres no restriction jounins and above can make my list as a killing machine.

  4. #24
    Hyuuga Hiashi, Jiraiya, Shika&#39;s father VS... Itachi, Sasuke, Kakashi

    Hmm let me see here... well the battle seems unfair because Both Hyuuga Hiashi and Shika&#39;s father outclass Sasuke and Kakashi. While Jiraiya shouldn&#39;t even be compared to them

    But, then theres Itachi.

    We havn&#39;t seen much of Itachi, but this match really depends on Shika&#39;s father&#39;s ability. If he can get off a Shadow Neck Bind no Jutsu, then Hiashi can man it up with 64 palms. If Itachi is able to instantly copy the shadow neck bind no jutsu, then Hiashi and Jiraiya would both charge at Itachi and if Sasuke or Kakashi tried to get in their way... well lets just say Hiashi only needs to tap Kakashi on the head and that sends him flying ...

  5. #25
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Thermonuclear &#064; Dec 27 2003, 03:09 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Hyuuga Hiashi, Jiraiya, Shika&#39;s father VS... Itachi, Sasuke, Kakashi

    Hmm let me see here... well the battle seems unfair because Both Hyuuga Hiashi and Shika&#39;s father outclass Sasuke and Kakashi. While Jiraiya shouldn&#39;t even be compared to them

    But, then theres Itachi.

    We havn&#39;t seen much of Itachi, but this match really depends on Shika&#39;s father&#39;s ability. If he can get off a Shadow Neck Bind no Jutsu, then Hiashi can man it up with 64 palms. If Itachi is able to instantly copy the shadow neck bind no jutsu, then Hiashi and Jiraiya would both charge at Itachi and if Sasuke or Kakashi tried to get in their way... well lets just say Hiashi only needs to tap Kakashi on the head and that sends him flying ... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    your team vs mines? i wanna see some action about this. unless the shadow bind can move fast, i dont think its gonna catch anyone off gaurd. kakashi aint a kid, he can do some damage, sasuke is any ordinary kid either. if anything happens to kakashi or sasuke, itachi can fill in for them because he is even crazier then orochimaru. since naruto hogged the frog boss, whats the frog hermit gonna summon? Hyuuga&#39;s byakugan can see almost 360 degree&#39;s, but it doesnt mean he&#39;s godlike. i wanna c these 6 go at it someday.

    the sharingan user&#39;s will learn lots of good things by fighting them =D

  6. #26
    Konohamaru, The Turtle from Rock Lee, and The Dog from ending scene

    1st Konohamaru becomes really annoyin and annoys everyonem with his annoying usage of the same annoying word to annoy everyone

    2nd The turtle can lecture the enemy how to fight properly, which attacks to use, be all strtegic and talk and talk and talk...

    3rd When the enemy is about to attack the team, the dog teleports all of the KonoTurtDog Team to another spot

    Rinse and repeat&#33;

  7. #27
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    my killing team would be...

    Gaara: first striker, and defensive shield.

    Kabuto: Strategic force, medic jutsus..

    Naruto: seconed strike, uses the cover of gaara&#39;s sand to suprise and deal out Kage bunshins...

    this team is strong even without pulling out any big cannons, and when they do use thier hidden powers... people will die...

    the only team that can rival this one would have to be the 3 sennins or the Itachi + gang...

    this is, without a doubt, the most powerfull genin team..

    BTW: too bad i couldn&#39;t put Hinata in... but the 3 men teams are only for practise, there can be 5 men teams or any other number..

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  8. #28
    i thought up a new team.

    kabuto: insanly strong as strong as kakashi or maybe even stroneger

    jirayai: he isnt called a sannin or sennin for nothing (he is called both)

    itachi: well he killed an entire clan and one of the strongest clans in the village


    we could use

    jiraya, orochimaru, and tsunade

    u will see y they are so great together as is (must

    also the parents of the genis would be great because they are even stronger than their kids by like 50 fold.

  9. #29

    Mostly all the strong people I need...


    hmm...maybe the senseis?

  10. #30
    Gai, Kakashi, Hyuuga Hiashi, jirayai, and jesus.

  11. #31
    Dream team killing machine eh...

    Gaara &amp;
    Rock Lee &amp;

  12. #32
    Best team:


    Lee (DA COOLEST), Gaara (nice shield for all ) and Temari (some long range ownage and she is hot too).


    Gai (DA COOLEST ), Kakashi (his Sharingan can copy many useful techs) and Kurenai (she is just hot).

  13. #33
    The Uchiha brothers. thats the team, dont need a third person.

  14. #34
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (rEkKaShInObI @ Dec 27 2003, 12:19 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> The Uchiha brothers. thats the team, dont need a third person. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    well u can always add kakashi.....3 sharingans are better then 2

  15. #35
    For Gennins:
    Shikamaru(brilliant strategist who can lead and deal with people who have ego problems)
    Neji(more ruthless than Naruto, and while not as strong, he&#39;s smarter and has more moves)
    Tenten(long range attacker, and she can put up with Neji. On and off the job )

    Overall, ignoring relations between charactersI left out characters who haven&#39;t really shown anything in the anime yet power wise, since I don&#39;t know what they&#39;re true potential is)

  16. #36
    Gaara - Defense
    Naruto - Offense
    Shikimaru - Tactics

    Neji, Sasuke, and Rock Lee are all fine replacments for Naruto.

    As for an Uber Uber Team

    The 3rd Hokage
    Gai or Kakashi

  17. #37
    the 4th
    the 3rd


    or just

    Naruto (sasuke would be nice replacement)

    if someone wonders why i dont say garaa is: Is he good in teamwork? answer is: NO, he would more likely try to kill his team than help em.

  18. #38
    hmm i&#39;d choose shikamaru, sasuke, and neji

    i have a question . i dont knoe if its a spoiler or not but is shika&#39;s dad a super genious too or no?

  19. #39
    Naruto: Because he&#39;s strong,

    And Yoh, HoroHoro, Manta, Ryu, and Dr. Faust.... Cuz they can use ghosts and spirits to scare the snot outta whoever Naruto&#39;s fighting and give him an edge.

  20. #40
    Itachi Uchiha teamed up with Haku/Zabuza, and oro, jiraya, tsunande.

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