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Thread: Anyone feeling in the mood of makeing a sig?

  1. #1
    as it says in the topic. Can anyone make OR help me make a sig with Shikamaru from ep 64. PLEASE.

  2. #2
    I'd help, but I can't screencap. My screencapping capabilities ran out of time (I used a proggie), and I don't know how to configure ffdshow to allow screencapping.

    Sorry. Someone else might like to help ya out.

  3. #3
    Iv got ffdshow. but i thought it was codecs. What does ffdshow do exept codecs?

  4. #4
    well, its the codecs that disable you from being able to take a Screencap of the shows. I've got to configure them so that I can.. and the person who told me about being able to configure ffdshow is too lazy to help me configure it

  5. #5
    ??? are we talking about the same program?
    There is no way to configure mine all i can do i chose wich codecs to install and its done. Nothing els to do exept press "i agree" and then "close" when its installed.

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