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Thread: Scryed..Awesome series.

  1. #21

    Scryed..Awesome series.

    It is just one of those open ended animes. I did enjoy the fight though. Most animes don't give you that rematch that you would like to see between main characters. Heck this is the only one that they did where the main characters had a rematch that I have seen.

  2. #22
    Missing Nin
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    Scryed..Awesome series.

    Originally posted by: outtawack
    I just finished this series so i figured i would bring back the topic.

    I got the whole thing and it was good. The ending just sucked...anyone care to explain what the hell was up with that ending???

    I don't get it, they didn't resolve anything....if anyone has an explanation of what happened and has a resolution to this i would like to hear it.
    The series really ends at episode 25.


    26 or 25 as I can't remember the exact number of episodes is more relevant to how the Manga ended with Kazuma a Ryuhou being so powerful that they just kick each others arse in space. The diffence is the manga then shows a fleet of approaching ships that were basically those from Tenchi Muyo. Which instead they choose to go stop the invasion of earth and attack those which is where the series ends. Note the manga is only 5 volumes.

  3. #23

    Scryed..Awesome series.

    I watched s.cry.ed like... 2 years ago. I thought it was great.

    Alot more people need to recognize s.cry.ed's greatness =]

  4. #24
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Scryed..Awesome series.

    for those who said the ending sucked: personally, i liked the s.cry.ed ending in the anime than the one in the manga. it was one of those rare instances where the anime actually improved the source material. but then again, the anime didn't get into what s.cry.ed actually meant.

  5. #25

    Scryed..Awesome series.

    I just kinda wished they would have at least solved the mainland problem. Maybe they coulda talked about what the mainland was planning (when they said they were gonna learn from kazuma and Ryuho) and what they were gonna do with it. I didn;t mind that it was open ended as much as that it left EVERYTHING that had to do with the main conflict open.

  6. #26
    Missing Nin
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    Scryed..Awesome series.

    Originally posted by: outtawack
    I just kinda wished they would have at least solved the mainland problem. Maybe they coulda talked about what the mainland was planning (when they said they were gonna learn from kazuma and Ryuho) and what they were gonna do with it. I didn;t mind that it was open ended as much as that it left EVERYTHING that had to do with the main conflict open.
    It was stated that the Mainland was attempting to open a gate to the other side to utalize it for military purposes. The ending basically left it at Kazuma and Ryuhou being so powerful that the mainland had no chance of influencing the area again. So the story basically ends with them being able to start over without the mainlands influence.

  7. #27

    Scryed..Awesome series.

    Originally posted by: Honoko
    for those who said the ending sucked: personally, i liked the s.cry.ed ending in the anime than the one in the manga. it was one of those rare instances where the anime actually improved the source material. but then again, the anime didn't get into what s.cry.ed actually meant.
    Did the manga explain what s.cry.ed actually meant? If so, can you tell me...

  8. #28
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Scryed..Awesome series.

    it's been a while since i read the manga so i can't give the exact explanation. the ending of it was totally different and they had characters in it that never showed up in the anime. but in any case, the manga tried to explain how the alter powers were part of some evolutionary change within the humans and S.CRY.ED indicated the completion of that particular change. like, ultimate power or something =P they had it where kazuma can yell "s.cry.ed" and was able to time travel or something. it was crazy, but yet.. lame. he ended up defeating the villain (in the anime, the commander dude of Holy who died) by taking him back into prehistoric era and blowing him up. i dunno, i thought it was lame. no one else read the manga?? help me out here hahah

    anyways, if u happen to live in the US, any Barnes and Noble has the s.cry.ed manga series (short, 5 volumes or so) in their manga section if you want to check it out.

  9. #29

    Scryed..Awesome series.

    forgive me if this thread is long past dead, but i recently joined the forums and also recently started watching this series and think its pretty cool. there was a post about downloading it from boxtorrent but i went there and it was a bit confusing as i wasnt able to navigate the site at all... any other sites where i can find the entire series?

  10. #30
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Scryed..Awesome series.

    Heh, I've been watching this on Adult Swim. It's not too bad.

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