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Thread: who is the coolest

  1. #1
    i think kakashi is the coolest lol

  2. #2

  3. #3
    there is already another thread about the same topic

  4. #4
    lol i just wanted to try it out i never get to go on the computer so i never get to go to gotwoot.....

  5. #5
    sorry, but i get really pissed of every time a see a "who is the coolest" tread. and believe me, ive seen alot of those.

    here is an idea. why dont we make this tread stickey and keep it here forever so nobody will ever make a new topic about something like that.

    like the way TW did it. they got a sticky named: MY FAVORITE NARUTO CHARACTER IS... . i think it would work here too.

  6. #6
    Awesome user with default custom title Jman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2003

    this will definitely be locked

    Formerly known as 'Animemaster'

  7. #7
    who is the coolest?
    Definitely not you
    Drum roll, and here comes the big fat lock for this topic(well i guess it should arrive soon enough )

  8. #8
    Definitely Kakashi, just look below

  9. #9
    WTF why thA hell issent shikamaru on the list. Hes much more cool then all of these ppl named on the list damit!
    Shikamaru = OWNAGE

  10. #10
    even thouhg this will be locked soon, i still thkn shikamaru is the best kick ass mofo

    but bye bye

  11. #11
    In my opinion Gaara's the coolest! I mean his attacks...The fact that he lives only to kill...His outfit...The hair...It's just... I mean c'mon!! He's obivously the best. ^^ Shikamaru next. I adore them!

  12. #12

  13. #13
    what's wrong with you people sasuke is definitly the cooles person, right now I can't wait for him to fight with the new look (kinda...) probably beiing able to use the sharinghan (spelled that wrong but hey..) to the fullest and hopefully beiing capable to use those cute ninja dogs naruto is kinda cool to but... sasuke is cooler

  14. #14
    I've been here since fall, and man have i seen a lot of these threads. I wonder how many of these threads there are under a whole year.

    Edit: Oh, Naruto is the coolest and will always be because he is Naruto and he has Kyubi.

  15. #15
    Man the coolest Character has got to be the bowl haircutted, thick eyebrowed hero Rock Lee! Hes got style and mad speed

  16. #16
    And he's such a nice guy too!! He got my vote for sure!

  17. #17
    Shikamaru for president! ( Maybe its too troublesome for him to be the president )

  18. #18
    Well I pick myself because I do carry the sharingan, byakugan, and haku's advanced bloodline and plus I'm so cool, gorgeous, fast, and talented. God why am I blessed with such good things...I pity anyone who isn't me...

  19. #19
    sasuke all the way

  20. #20
    hey pody i put OTHER on it too

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