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Thread: gaara vs sound nin

  1. #1
    Gaara doesn't think,he just relies on that sand shield.The 4 sound are above Kakash(seems like Kakashi is the benchmark for strength),Gaara is strong,but doesn't think at all.

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    wow, am i the only one who believes Gaara will totally rape them?

    maybe if they gang on him they'll stand a chance, but one on one, or two on one? he'll kill them faster than you say 'bad childhood flashback'...

    from what they said, i find it hard to believe any of them is above kakashi's level, or even Kabuto's level (seeing how he's the right hand man, and not them), and Gaara's super demon seems to be only below Naruto's kyubi...

    it's easy to diss Gaara and say he's demon is all, but we also know he's sneaky (altough it can be explained with the sand too) and he invented the desert graveyard all by himself.

    Gaara is the most ownish guy around, too bad he didn't get a chance to kill Sasuke...

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    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  3. #3
    The four sound-nins could defeat gaara easliy

  4. #4
    do u think if gaara was to fight the 4 sound nin of orochimaru, do u thnk he could defeat them all. he is far superior to many ninjas and naruto only won because he has the strongest demon on earth indside of him. plus i think gaara is amazingly defended and ithink he could defeat the 4 sound nin if he wanted to.

    so what do U think?

  5. #5
    what are you smoking?
    the 4 sound nins are all stronger and faster then lee

    Gaara has no chance by himself
    also if Gaara went into demon mode they could just seal him up - that barrier was enough to hold the Hokage down, do you really think that Gaara has a chance?

    Level 2 sound nins defeated 2 jounins as a team, they would waste Gaara

  6. #6
    ok u might be right. but what if gaara fought them one a at a time so they couldnt seal him like they did the hokage. plus neji couldnt defeat gaara but maybe gaara could transform into that badger demon and own the 4 sound nin.

    so what would the sound nin do then if gaara transforms into the badger demon?

    i think i would win then

  7. #7
    the sound nins could do the 4 layer seal on the badger, its powerful and eventually it would run out of steam

    that or the nins wouldnt give him a chance to start transforming seeing as how fast they are and its four versus one

    Only one of them needs to see that they need to wake up Gaara then hit him and the demons all gone, its so one sided its not really worth mentioning

    its like putting Kohohamaru vs Kidomaru

  8. #8
    u cant make gaara seem like he isnt smart. i think he could defeat them if he figured stategy to like encase himself inside the dome of sand and then start the transformation, like the fight agains sasuke. the ninjas from the would have to keep putting in chakra but gaara would last longer so i think he could wear them down until he could like eat them or something.

    taths what i think.

    go gaara

  9. #9
    you said Gaara vs the 4 sound nins, not 2

    against the 4 sound nins basically no one stands a chance alone, thats the way it is.
    they're an effiecient team

    which is why the author didnt make it the full genin team vs the full sound team, theres no way they could have won as a group vs the sound, thats why they made it split up one at a time fight, makes it more believable

    also if you'd notice there is a point in which Gaara becomes useless, thats when his opponent is too fast for him, even in demon form.
    all of the sound nins are faster then Lee/Sasuke and thats in their normal forms, at level 2 Gaara stands no chance

  10. #10
    by 4 sound nin i mean the group who is known as the "4 sound nin" acatully there is one more sound nin kiimamro (cant wait till he fights.)

  11. #11
    yeah i know, thats who i was refering to.
    Gaara doesnt stand a chance in his normal form because they're all faster them him by a long shot AND if he goes into demon form then it ISNT Gaara, its his demon.
    His demon is only concerned on killing, he doesnt have any strats or anything, hes not rational which is why he'd lose easily.

    The four would just have to see that Gaara is still on the demons body and concerntrate on knocking him off, then the demons gone and Gaaras absolutely owned without barely any damage to the sound nins (sand would be too slow to hurt them and the demon is too big/slow)

    Gaara may be a step above the genins but hes at a huge disadvantage against jounins, every single jounin would be fast enough to avoid his sand and also calculate a way of stopping him when hes a demon

    its not really an even fight, just need to look at the facts that Gaara may be strong but hes got huge flaws

  12. #12
    well i think Kakashi is stronger than the 4 sounds..... and the 2 Jounins they beat were only minor leaf jounins. Put Gai and Kakashi in that situation and it would have turned out WAAAAAAAY different. As far as Gaara vs the 4 Sound nins Gaara would loose but the 4 sound nins wouldnt walk away with name "The 4 Sounds" it would be more like "2 Sounds". The sounds would win the war but would suffer loses in the battle.

  13. #13
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Gaara may be powerful, but he's still only a genin. For example, remember in the prelims how he did the desert coffin on Lee, and Gai stepped in and easily nullified it? Gaara just wouldn't be able to compete in a Jounin battle, he's powerful for his level but he's not that good.

    He'd be dead in 5 seconds against the sound 4. He wouldn't stand a chance.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  14. #14
    i still think if gaara fought them he could defeat them. it would be an obvious win if he fights them one at a time likie in the movie "golden pagoda" (bruce lee, not rock lee :lol ) but if haara would fight two at a time i still think he could win.

    he is smart (as seen while fighting rock lee and cushoioning his fall with the sand) also it does say the sand works without his will but that doesnt mean he cant control it as well and so he could proabbly find some way to trap his enemy in the sand and use desert graveyard.

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