<span style='color:red'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Times'>Do you Think Temari is a good sand Ninja with the skill of the fan. Do you also think that She will fall in love with one of the Anbu Finalist. Ino is also a weak fighter. I don&#39;t think that she will make it as a real Anbu ninja. Who knows but I want something really sweet but crazy to happen Between Temari &amp; Shikamaru. She knows that she had lose that battle between SHikamaru and herself. But She also realize that she want going up against a person that was smarter than any other fighter than she fought. I also notice that when she had so place to go but to give up, He had in mind that Shikamaru was a strategist and a person with and IQ over 200. Remeber he told her that he thought about over 200 possible moves. That is when she was blown away on his ability to think like a super genius with an IQ over 200. To make this as simply, She knew she lost. She knew that Shikamaru did not want to really fight and give up. Temari should learn from this and understand the mind well before she attacks. </span></span></span>