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Thread: anyone agree? sasuke is now officialy gay

  1. #41
    i didnt look that bad when i watched 64 again, the first time i saw it i thought wtf but i spose i'm used to it now

    it wont stay combed for long

  2. #42
    i say the hair loks pretty bad ass. sure sasuke acts like a retard at times but his hair does look bad ass. now the clothes im not sure, mayb they ran put of Clorox or something

  3. #43
    sasuke is not officially gay, save it because he never will be. i just had to disagree with those ppl that tinks hes gay =D

  4. #44

    Compare... Manga Sasuke appearance>>>>>>>Anime one

  5. #45
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (zidane @ Dec 29 2003, 11:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Honestly i think the people calling Sasuke gay have never had sex in their life and wouldnt know a gay if it bit them in the ass. Sasuke is a pimp, and you know it, keeping the ladies off making them want him even more . He doesnt look gay either. The once in here calling him gay probebly wanna buy some clothing like naruto has (wth is that? ) and walk around in that all day in their full cosplaying glory . Also the fact that mangareaders hate him makes no sense either, hell anyone who has ever experienced something in the reall world knows that certain things can only be dealt with by revenge and giving away some or even allot of your innocense. But the holy do gooders in here want everybody to be like lord jesus goku naruto who will never make a bad decision in life. He is the essence of disgusting rightiousness . How exciting . I should come by, rape your whole families, kill them, dance of their graves and see if you wouldnt go mad in your obsesion to get revenge. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    you&#39;re a total fag for even asuming such things, i have had sex in my life I don&#39;t feel like walking around in Naruto&#39;s outfit it isn&#39;t all that good but it&#39;s still better then Sasuke&#39;s new one, i call sasuke gay because if some things can only be dealt with by revenge then he should&#39;ve trained a lot harder he is no where near the level of a person like Lee who has trained very hard for what he believes gay ass Sasuke is just acting like a little bitch who feels sorry for himself because his family died if he was a real man he would&#39;ve trained harder and killed Itachi, he can&#39;t even become a chuunin yet at his age Itachi was already leader of the ANBU. Sasuke is just a sorry piece of shit i hope he&#39;ll become stronger now that he&#39;ll most probably will receive training from orichimaru

  6. #46
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (zidane @ Dec 29 2003, 11:18 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> Honestly i think the people calling Sasuke gay have never had sex in their life and wouldnt know a gay if it bit them in the ass. Sasuke is a pimp, and you know it, keeping the ladies off making them want him even more . He doesnt look gay either. The once in here calling him gay probebly wanna buy some clothing like naruto has (wth is that? ) and walk around in that all day in their full cosplaying glory . Also the fact that mangareaders hate him makes no sense either, hell anyone who has ever experienced something in the reall world knows that certain things can only be dealt with by revenge and giving away some or even allot of your innocense. But the holy do gooders in here want everybody to be like lord jesus goku naruto who will never make a bad decision in life. He is the essence of disgusting rightiousness . How exciting . I should come by, rape your whole families, kill them, dance of their graves and see if you wouldnt go mad in your obsesion to get revenge. </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Could you please use some logic or something to back up yourself? and also try using the &#39;Enter&#39; key, it really helps...

    lets get some facts down on the front, just so we could deal with the rellevent matters...

    I&#39;m 16 and never had sex, which is normal...

    I&#39;m not a fan of the orange coloer, and i certinaly don&#39;t do Cosplay...

    i can list the reasons why i hate Sasuke, and even if you won&#39;t agree with them, you should be able to understand them...

    A. He gets too much focus. i&#39;m now showing it to my small brother (which also never had sex, cuz he&#39;s 10) and he said that they should have named it &#39;Sasuke&#39; and not &#39;Naruto&#39;. God, there are more &#39;i&#39;m cool&#39; scenes from Sasuke than there are &#39;it&#39;s troublesome&#39;,&#39;hell yeah&#33;&#39; and flashbacks scenes combined...

    B. People like him make me sick, in general... i can relate to hardworkers, i can relate to geniesous, i can even relate to failtures... i can&#39;t relate to Sasuke, i feel like closing the media player every time he shows up.

    C. Sasuke has so much more plotlines than anyone else... every evil dude we&#39;ve seen so far had more intrest in Sasuke than in Naruto. I know it&#39;s like point A but still, he has more perssonal enemies than Ranma...

    and about the whole &#39;if it would happen to you&#39; thing... you&#39;re right, Fortunaly, i come from a good family, with everyone alive, and i&#39;ve never wanted to revenge for something, so i can&#39;t make a good point from my perssonal life.

    However, seeing how he isn&#39;t the only one with a tough life story in Naruto, i can say that i can give credit for any other &#39;tragic&#39; guy in Naruto than i give to Sasuke.. hell, i even give Vegita more credit than to Sasuke, just to example.

    Naruto: I can understand why he does the things he does. &#39;nough said.

    Neji: we&#39;ve seen him acting like a jerk enough times, but even so, i can still see why.

    Gaara: Sure, he had killed his fair share of people, but I can still see part of myself in him.

    Haku&#092;Soujiro (kenshin): both have the guilt feeling, both have something to prove to themselves to atone from thier sins, and both do it by helping someone else.

    Vegita (DBZ): the eternal loser, no matter how hard he tries, he never gets to shine, doesn&#39;t everyone feel that way sometimes?

    And Sasuke? he&#39;s just &#39;Revenge, Revenge, Revenge&#33;&#39; i swear.. if it would have continued like the first 30 eps i would have stoped watching Naruto...

    And by the way, i don&#39;t expect Naruto to do everything the right way, i fulley want him to rush things head on sometimes and fail, i want to see humans in the anime, not just emotionless guys run around and fight..

    BTW: if you&#39;re going to say something in the lines of &quot;you&#39;re so gay&#33; i bet you suck dicks all day&#33;&quot;, then spare us all the trouble, and just don&#39;t....

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  7. #47
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Death BOO Z @ Dec 29 2003, 04:38 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> A. He gets too much focus. i&#39;m now showing it to my small brother (which also never had sex, cuz he&#39;s 10) and he said that they should have named it &#39;Sasuke&#39; and not &#39;Naruto&#39;. God, there are more &#39;i&#39;m cool&#39; scenes from Sasuke than there are &#39;it&#39;s troublesome&#39;,&#39;hell yeah&#33;&#39; and flashbacks scenes combined...

    C. Sasuke has so much more plotlines than anyone else... every evil dude we&#39;ve seen so far had more intrest in Sasuke than in Naruto. I know it&#39;s like point A but still, he has more perssonal enemies than Ranma... </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    the problem with this is...
    these are not reasons to hate sasuke&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
    these are resons to hate kishimoto
    sasuke didnt go to kishimoto or sum camera-guy and go &quot;yo ill pay you &#036;50 to follow me around all day and dont film anything naruto-related&quot;
    and he didnt go to every character and say &quot;yo, see this &#036;20, ill give u it if u become my rival and ignore naruto, ya just focus on me&quot;

    he didnt ask for the attention from the camera and storyline, hes just there..he doesnt even no there is a storyline...

    mr camera guy, i feel like the series naruto needs alot more of my &quot;im cool&quot; scenes, can we do about 200 takes? plz?


  8. #48
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    Jul 2003
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (pavi @ Dec 29 2003, 05:01 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> sasuke didnt go to kishimoto or sum camera-guy and go &quot;yo ill pay you &#036;50 to follow me around all day and dont film anything naruto-related&quot;

    he didnt ask for the attention from the camera and storyline, hes just there..he doesnt even no there is a storyline...

    mr camera guy, i feel like the series naruto needs alot more of my &quot;im cool&quot; scenes, can we do about 200 takes? plz?

    cmon&#33; </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    How do we know he didn&#39;t? don&#39;t you think he has too much of those scripted like sentences and poses?

    lets go through them

    the Demon brothers thing, &quot;mr sceardy cat&quot;, the &quot;i&#39;m ready to kill myself&quot; thing with Kakashi, &quot;let&#39;s do the ninja password&#33;&quot;, &quot;if i can&#39;t fight here, what will i do against my brother?&quot;, &quot;you&#39;re so proud of your arms ha?&quot;... and the list goes on and on... and those are only a few from the first episodes...

    I&#39;m telling you, Sasuke just uses the Uchiha family forune to pay the editors to cut off all the Naruto stuff, so all that he has left is crap like &quot;are you really Sasuke&quot; suck-up things and copies of sasuke&#39;s old stuff...

    sig made by Itachi-y2k5, thanks, dude!
    Currently Watching: probably a show directed at 9 years old girls, lets be honest.

    You know the important distinction between Batman and me? Batman is fictional. In real life, there isn't always an alternative.

  9. #49
    Sasuke is Kishimoto&#39;s favourite character, if you&#39;re going to hate anyone you&#39;ll have to hate the creator of Naruto.

  10. #50
    I dunno man, check out that smirk on his face in the animation...
    doesn&#39;t look right... does tilt to the gay side
    Manga looks much better

  11. #51
    Honestly i think the people calling Sasuke gay have never had sex in their life and wouldnt know a gay if it bit them in the ass. Sasuke is a pimp, and you know it, keeping the ladies off making them want him even more . He doesnt look gay either. The once in here calling him gay probebly wanna buy some clothing like naruto has (wth is that? ) and walk around in that all day in their full cosplaying glory . Also the fact that mangareaders hate him makes no sense either, hell anyone who has ever experienced something in the reall world knows that certain things can only be dealt with by revenge and giving away some or even allot of your innocense. But the holy do gooders in here want everybody to be like lord jesus goku naruto who will never make a bad decision in life. He is the essence of disgusting rightiousness . How exciting . I should come by, rape your whole families, kill them, dance of their graves and see if you wouldnt go mad in your obsesion to get revenge.

  12. #52
    There are kids in here that aren&#39;t legal to have sex

    Oooh, just saw the one piece outfit... I dunno, the arm thing looks good, but one piece suit

  13. #53
    Yea, youre probebly right about being minors although being a minor in this time of age doesn&#39;t guarentee not having sex yet at all though . But still, the one piece suit is a training and fighting outfit. So i guess all the athletes out there that wear tight outfits like the bike races, the sprinters, etc.. They are all really gay right?
    Untill i see Sasuke flirting with guys he will be hetero in my eyes , and probeble in kishimoto&#39;s eyes as well . And hes the only one that really knows since hes the creator. Especialy since he had to train to increase his speed dramaticly , it just makes sense.

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