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Thread: whos kimimaro???

  1. #1
    umm yeah...... i read 198 and that guys mentioned kimimaro, and i remmembered kimimaro's name mentioned before by someone else...... so plz tell me all you know about this guy =X

  2. #2
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    from what we can tell, it's not a person, it's the name of the 'kill the rest' battle royal thing Oro does to choose his henchman...

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  3. #3
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    Agree with the above. Kimimaro is not a person, defintely... most likely a battle to death between a lot of guys, the last one standing receives Orochimaru's favor, becomes one of his personal henchmen...

    Now, whether they receive the seal (and the 2nd level upgrade) before of after the battle would be my question...

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  4. #4
    i think kimamro is a battle royal, but then i think the winner is then put some time cursed seal or some type of mark on the winner.

    at first when i heard of kimamro i was thinking of kidamarou (the spider guy sp?)

    hopefully we get to find out what kimmamrou means soon

  5. #5
    i can`t wait till chapter 199 so we can find out. but yea i think its a battle royal and the last one alive wins.

  6. #6
    It can't just be a battle royale. I've re-read chapter 178 and the statement made with Sasuke dangling after being trashed was, "Kimimaro had much more potential than this one."

    It wouldn't make much sense if it was just a name for a battle. Perhaps that's the name given to the winner or something to that extent. But, looking at that line again, it implies that that they have seen what Kimimaro's work before (implying that to be the same person.)

  7. #7
    Yeah, I was about to say that. I think Kimmaro is the name of the guy that Kabuto said had more potential than Sasuke...

  8. #8

    It's not the Battle's the guy whose body Orochimaru would possess, if he wasn't so interested in the Sharingan. The 4 Sound Nin's said he was stronger than Sasuke, and Kidoumaru said that he hadn't been beaten up so badly since he fought against Kimimaro.

    He is a bad ass, who Naruto is probably going to fight at the climax of this arc.

  9. #9
    i think i remember him being refered to when Orochimaru fights the 3rd... i think hes the body that Orochimaru occupies at the moment?

  10. #10
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    I really think it's just the name of the tournament. In 178 when Sasuke was dangling they said "even Kimimaro had more potential than this" I think they were meaning that the participants and the winner of the tournament and the skill that the tournament contained had more potential than Sasuke, not a specific person.

    And spiderman said that he hasn't been this close to defeat since kimimaro, probably meaning that he won the tournament, but came very close to losing.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  11. #11
    whats the name of Orochimarus current possessed body?
    i remember it started with a K
    it was mentioned when he was fighting the 3rd

  12. #12
    someone should put up scans of the pages when kimaro is stated, i am too lazy to go get it and i think others would like to see it as well


  13. #13
    well kimimaro is not a battle royale there is refrence to him in i think volume 20 chapter 178 pg 18 there is refrence to him the four sound nin speak about him as a person rather then a thing they state that even kimimaro had more potential then him

  14. #14
    </div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sangai sakusei @ Dec 25 2003, 01:07 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> well kimimaro is not a battle royale there is refrence to him in i think volume 20 chapter 178 pg 18 there is refrence to him the four sound nin speak about him as a person rather then a thing they state that even kimimaro had more potential then him </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'>
    Yeah that was the chapter I was refering to, not 182 (screwed it up). Thanks for posting that.

  15. #15
    eh, whatever i just hope we dont have to watch the battle royal, i dont want this mission drasgged out longer than it has to be

  16. #16
    Don&#39;t have the scans, but you can download 199 raw and see him for yourself

  17. #17
    Kimimaro from wat i think has 2 meanings...

    1st. Battle royal where the everyone fights each other until the last person is standing/alive.

    2. a human or monster since in chapter 178 the &quot;do re me&quot; girl said &quot;kimimaro has more potential tha this one&quot;.

  18. #18
    we just found out in chap 199

    also thats not a girl, its a guy

  19. #19
    geez,Haku is a boy though he has a female voice and a female body,so does Orochimaru when they met him in the forest of death. And so on...

  20. #20
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    i wonder what the point of having a the gaia seal on kimimaro instead of the heaven seal that sasuke and anko had
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

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