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Thread: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

  1. #61
    this was from the eps when hollywood came to town looking casting parts for radioactive mans little parter

    bart: look out radio active man

    holly wood guys": wut was that say that again

    bart: look out radio active man

    : that was great u would have got the part if u were just a inch taller NEXT

  2. #62
    The ep where Homers Grandma visits

    Wording may not be 100%
    Grandpa: I am the Lindberg Baby! Wah Wah
    Agent: Are you senile or are you trying to stall us?
    Grandpa: A little from column A and a little from column B

    Agent: Do you recognize this woman? (shows a young pic of homers grandma)
    Taxi Driver: No I haven’t seen her.
    Agent: According to out database she would be about 25 years older (shows a computer with the number 25)

    When Burns is outside the Simpson’s house he puts on a tape
    (plays YMCA)
    Smithers: Ohh I must have taped over that side…
    Burn switches tape and it plays flight of the Valkeries
    Funny situation

  3. #63
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Actually it was Homer's mother, not grandmother.

    Homer: Hmmm, what's this? Rusty coat hangers? *gasp* old newspapers? *gasp* expired medicine? *Breathes heavily* Ok Homer, get this stuff inside your house straight away! *Picks stuff up but drops some* Homer, you're not listening!
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  4. #64

    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    I can't remember the episode this is from. It may have been one with some hollywood people, no idea which one.

    Lady: "Don't you care about the environment?"

    Homer: "What kind of mint?"

    I still laugh at that one.

  5. #65

    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    simpsons episode 300

    bart:im also going on the skewed tour
    lisa: talking
    bart:yeah *lifts shirt to expose multiple nipple peircings
    bart:relax there clip ons

  6. #66

    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    haha i dunno if anyone metioned this

    Bart and the Miacheal Jackson wannabe: Lisa it's your birthday happy birthday lisa!

  7. #67

    Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    After the attemtped baptismal episode:

    Homer: HA HA. Old painty can Ned...

    Comic Book Guy has a heart attack episode:

    Bart: It wasn't Dad's fault, the gorilla tricked him.

  8. #68

    Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    "funny city names! walla walla! cucomonga! SEATTLE! ahahah seattle..."

  9. #69

    Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    Insurance Guy: Now before I give you this check, this place "Moe's" you were at just before the accident, is this a business of some sort?

    Homer's Brain: Don't tell him it was a bar. Ah! But what else is open at night?

    Homer: It's a pornography store. I was buying pornography.

    Homer's Brain: Hehe. I would've never thought of that.

    Incidentally, I am the only one who thinks the Simpsons just nosedived after the 10th season? The more recent episodes suck. The only reason people still watch is because it's the Simpsons. If the show had started in the 11th season, it would've been cancelled after a few episodes.

  10. #70

    Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    The more recent ones are definitely not as good...I dunno where it started getting worse but I don't usually watch the new episodes, the one where they went to England was quite good though...

    Personally I love the really early ones - Bart The General and No Disgrace Like Home are probably my favourite episodes (I had them on video when I was like 10 years old)...nostalgia rules...

  11. #71

    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    maybe its cause as we get older the show is losing its appeal

    although i still love the new episodes

    also i wish they would try a new style of drawing like make bart older (15) lisa (older) and maggie older and talking

    maybe that would help

  12. #72
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    It's still a great show, but it's lost the charm it used to have in the earlier seasons. Everything up to about season 8 or 9 was just pure gold.... after that, it starts to go downhill slowly.

    The humour went from being really clever to just relying on silly visual gags, or stuff that doesn't make you think. Homer for instance went from an average American Joe being stupid and funny (I'm not saying all Americans are stupid, btw.) to a full grown man unintentionally acting like a kid to be funny, relying on acting like a baby, singing in a dumb voice, etc.

    So it went from clever, well written humour that made you think, to silly, childish humour with some of the main characters acting dumb all the time. It used to poke fun at things in life, now all it does is create scenarios that most likely wouldn't happen. Maybe they just ran out of ideas, or changed primary writers. Who knows.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll never stop watching it. I just don't have the absolute obsession I used to have in the earlier seasons.

    A lot of series end when they're still on a high note. IMHO, The Simpsons should have ended a while ago, but they've left it too late. They should have ended around season 9 or 10, but now they've got nowhere to go but down. Unless they pick up their act, which they won't. It definitely should be over.
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  13. #73

    Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    Yeah it would be difficult to keep finding jokes after about 15 or 16 seasons...they don't have as good stories as they used to...they've ran out of small family style stories as they've pretty much gone everywhere they could...its much more joke driven which is still funny but not as good...the fact that the older ones had good down to earth stories was the reason why I prefer the Simpsons to other comedy shows like Family Guy (which rocks but while it does have good replay value it doesn't come close to the Simpsons)...

    What annoys me is that Fox cancelled Family Guy and Futurama which were both great shows and were both relatively young with plenty of new ground to explore, and yet they gave the Simpsons extra series despite the fact that that show has kinda been done to death...well at least they're bringing Family Guy back, but theres still no plans to bring back Futurama as far as I know...

  14. #74
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    Depends how well the Futurama dvds sell, seeing as that's what clinched it for Family Guy. Here's hoping!
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  15. #75

    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    Yeah, I hope so, I dunno about how they sell in the US but they seem to sell by the shitload over here (at least on Play anyway...). They should sell even more now seeing as they've dropped the price on loads of comedy box sets to some ridiculously low price (damn them - i had to pay like twice the amount! ah well...I still got them pretty cheap [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])

  16. #76
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    last night's simpsons had a pretty funny part.

    mr. burns: my my young beethoven, you are truly amazing. i will consider all other music obsolete.
    nelson: HA HA HA HA...HA HA HA HA... (in that famous beethoven song's way)


    ok, i guess you had to have seen it or you won't get it. =|

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  17. #77
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...


    Interesting, you only saw that last night? We saw that about 2 weeks ago, how come we see it before it's home country?
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  18. #78

    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    because it was a rerun i saw that one like a few months ago

    the two newest ons are

    the smart is smarter


    the wandering juvie

    those are the newest episodes

  19. #79
    Ciber's Minion Mut's Avatar
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    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    lol yeah, i rarely watch simpsons nowadays, any cartoons for that matter.

    now, i'm just into watching the oc, las vegas, smallville, the last season of friends and real world/road rules.

    and of course, the lakers!!!

    Financial aspect of my life is revealed.

  20. #80

    RE: Great Simpsons Quotes And Moments...

    not to be off topic but i too have almost stopped watching all cartoons

    i still watch static shock, pkmn everonce and a while

    i wish they would bring back

    batman beyond

    i watch
    oc(everyonce and a while)

    and then theres anime

    i like that i can download the simpsons episodes so it works out

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