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Thread: Best Upload/Download setting

  1. #1
    Ok. I need serious help here. I've been messing with my bandwidth dedication, due to the fact that my connection is being overrun with uploads, which is stopping me from downloading at all. So i decided i wanted my connection to be a little more efficient, by averaging out the ratio. I'm hoping to dedicate my 1mbit connection to:

    50% Upload
    50% Download

    Ok. So what setting would i need to do this? How much should i dedicate in Kbit to the upload, and how much should i dedicate to download? Also, how many ppl should i allow to que on each network type of my connection? (The more i que up, the more bandwidth is taken to ping them, to move their places around in the que). [I currently support edonkey, Gnutella1, Gnutella2, and of course Bittorrent.]

    Here it is at the moment:

    Number of Downloads set to:
    Maximum Files - 25
    Maximum Transfers - 1024 (Default for 1mbit conn..)
    Transfers per File - 10

    Download limits:
    Total Download Bandwidth - Max b/s
    Maximum Que Length - 0

    Bandwidth - 250 Kb/s
    Mode - Average (Other option is Max)

    Name | Criteria | Bandwidth | Transfers |
    eDonkey Core | ED2K | 50Kb/s+ | 1 - 5 |
    Partial Files | HTTP, Partial | 125 Kb/s | 1 - 5
    Small Files | HTTP, <=1.00 MB | 25 Kb/s | 1 - 5
    Medium Files | HTTP, >=1.00 MB, <=10.00 MB | 25 Kb/s | 1 - 5
    Large Files | HTTP, >=10.00 MB | 25 Kb/s | 1 - 5

    Limit per Unique Host: 2

    Edonkey Core Settings
    Minimum Number of Transfers - 1
    Maximum Number of Transfers - 5
    Maximum Number Waiting in Que - 50

    Saturated Bandwidth - 20.00% (20/100)
    Upload Bandwidth for Que - 50 Kb/s
    Rotate after N Seconds - 600 Seconds

    Partial File Settings
    Minimum Number of Transfers - 1
    Maximum Number of Transfers - 5
    Maximum Number Waiting in Que - 20

    Saturated Bandwidth - 50.00% (50/100)
    Upload Bandwidth for Que - 125 Kb/s
    Rotate after N Seconds - 300 Seconds

    Small File Settings
    Minimum Number of Transfers - 1
    Maximum Number of Transfers - 5
    Maximum Number Waiting in Que - 10

    Saturated Bandwidth - 10.00% (10/100)
    Upload Bandwidth for Que - 25 Kb/s
    Rotate after N Seconds - Disabled

    Medium File Settings
    Minimum Number of Transfers - 1
    Maximum Number of Transfers - 5
    Maximum Number Waiting in Que - 20

    Saturated Bandwidth - 10.00% (25/100)
    Upload Bandwidth for Que - 25 Kb/s
    Rotate after N Seconds - Disabled

    Large File Settings
    Minimum Number of Transfers - 1
    Maximum Number of Transfers - 5
    Maximum Number Waiting in Que - 10

    Saturated Bandwidth - 10.00% (10/100)
    Upload Bandwidth for Que - 25 Kb/s
    Rotate after N Seconds - 3,600 Seconds

    Hub Election:
    Allow this Node to become a Hub - Enabled
    Force this Node to become a Hub - Disabled
    Allow this Node to become a Leaf - Enabled
    Allow only Hub Connections - Disabled

    Link Compression:
    Hub to Leaf - Enabled
    Leaf to Hub - Disabled
    Hub to Hub - Enabled

    Gnutella-G2 settings:
    Leaf to Hub - 2
    Hub to Leaf - 300
    Hub to Hub - 6

    Gnutella-G1 settings:
    Leaf to Hub - 5
    Hub to Leaf - 5
    Hub to Hub - 4

    Edonkey2000 settings
    Global Searching:
    Search known remote servers in the server cache - Enabled
    Stop searching after 500 search results

    Client link connections:
    Connect to no more than 200 other Edonkey clients

    Could someone please advise me as to the best settings, as i am unsure. Take in mind i want as close to 50/50 as possible.

    Note: Shareaza encourages sharing by using your upload capability to download faster. The more you cap your uploads, the slower your downloads could become. Thus giving you the ultimate reason to share your files equally and upload as much as you download. That is why i want a 50/50 share ratio, it would be much faster for me at times, and also much faster for others at other times. It's a great system.

  2. #2
    Use Azureus, the best bittorrent client. You can set it so it will stop uploading when your download is finished and you have a share ratio of at least 1:1 ul:dl (1.001:1 actually )

  3. #3
    Meh, yeah but Shareaza uses 3 other networks on top of the bittorrent network. Which means it will never run out of sources, as it will simply acquire more sources from the other networks if it runs out on the bittorrent. Thus it's also a lot faster than a normal bittorrent client.

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